HTN Flashcards
How does NICE define HTN?
- Clinic reading persistently >=140/90 mmHg
- 24 hr BP average >=135/85 mmHg
According to NICE guidance how do you investigate and diagnose HTN in primary care?
- Measure BP in both arms
- If >140/90 repeat
- Use the lower of both readings
- If >=140/90 offer ABPM/HPBM
- Diagnose HTN if average >=135/85
Diagnosing HTN:
1. What do you do if someones BP varies between arms?
2. What is a pathological cause of this?
- If difference >20, repeat. If remains >20, subsequent BP should be recorded from arm with the higher reading
- Supravalvular aortic stenosis
What is accelerated HTN/hypertensive emergency?
Severe HTN (often >220/120) with signs of end organ damage
What clinic and ABPM/HBPM readings indicate
1. Stage 1 HTN
2. Stage 2 HTN
3. Severe HTN
- > = 140/90 and subsequent average >= 135/85
- > = 160/100 and subsequent average >= 150/95
- Clinic systolic >= 180 or diastolic >= 120
What do you do if someones BP in clinic >=180/120?
- If signs of retinal haemorrhage/papilloedema -> admit
- If new onset confusion, chest pain, signs of HF, AKI -> admit
- If none of the above -> arrange urgent investigation for end-organ damage
How do you check for end organ damage?
- Fundoscopy - hypertensive retinopathy
- Urine dip - renal disease
- ECG - LV hypertrophy/IHD
What are signs/symptoms of hypertension?
- Headaches
- Visual disturbances
- Seizures
What is the management of ABPM/HBPM >=135/85?
Offer drug treatment if <80 AND any of…
- Target organ damage
- Establish CVD
- Renal disease
- DM
- QRISK >10%
What is the management of ABPM/HPBM >=150/95?
Offer drug treatment regardless of age
What is the management of HTN in patients <55 or with a background of T2DM? Give the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line treatment options.
- Add CCB
- Add thiazide-like diuretic
What is the management of HTN in patients >=55 or of black African or African-Caribbean origin? Give the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line treatment options.
- Add ACE-In/ARB (ARB if black African or African-Carribean)
- Add thiazide-like diuretic
What are the 4th line treatment options for HTN?
- If K+ <4.5mmol/l add spironolactone
- If K+ >4.5mmol/l add alpha/beta blocker
What thiazide-like diuretic is NOT used to treat HTN?
Side effects of ACE inhibitors?
- Dry cough
- Angioedema
- Hyperkalemia