htn 1 Flashcards
study bio effect drugs on body
pharmacokinetics (4 components)
what happens to drugs in body
MOA, effects of body
med names
chemical - longest and used in research typicallygeneric - official name, always lower cased ex. acetomedafinetrade- brand name, easier to say, always capitalized
therapeutic effects - desired effectside effects- unintended effects, unavoidable, expectedtoxicities- harmful effectsadverse effects - unexpected and dangerous reactionallergic- unexpected, may be dangerous, immune response
what we need to know about meds
name (generic)classication (drug class)MOAcommon/serious side effectscontraindicationsnursing indications
drug approval
FDApreclinical - animal testingphase 1- healthy volunteer humansphase 2- volunteers with diseasephase 3- vast clinical market, must say side effectsphase 4- continued eval by FDA
controlled subs
schedule 1-5schedule 1 - not approvedschedule 2- narcotics, high potential abusesched 3- less pot abuse (non barb sedatives, nonamphetamines, stimssched 4- some pot abuse (sedatives, anti-anx)sched 5- low pot abuse - cough surrup
OTC meds
consumers must be able to diagnose own condition and monitor effectiveness easily
dietary supps
can only claim affect on body stucture and function, not med conditionadverse interactions- can incr toxicity pres med or cause decrease therapeutic effect
congental malformatiopns dev fetusCat A- safeB- lack studiesC- no studies, animal studies riskD- poss risk fetus, dis with OBX- known risk, not outweigh benefits (Isotretinoin, Acutane)
how genes affect response to drug
cellular adaption
changes body cell go through to permit survival and mx cell function- size/formatrophy- decrease shrink size- physiologic- developmental issue (birth)-pathologic- decrease workload change env conditions - blood supply, hormones++decreased protein synthesis and/or incre protein catabolismhypertrophy- incr size and function, mechanical stimuli- heart and kidneys most prone negative adaptation, hypertension w/ inc BPhyperplasia- incr # cells from incr rate cell division prolong injury++ turns into dysplasia- only cells have ability divide (skin, intestinal, glandular)- physiologic- pregnancy and wound healing-pathologic- cancersdysplasia- abnormal changes of mature cells - atypical hyperplasia- often with neoplastic growths, but NOT MEAN CANCEROUS - inflammation and chronic irritationmetaplasia- reversible replacement 1 type mature cell to another, can predispose to cancerneoplasia- abnormal cell growth, gene mutationanaplasia- cells diff to immature form or embryonic form (cancerous)
neoplasms- tumor
benign- differentiated immarture cells, unable to metastasize, grow slow, encapsulated, not cause severe probsmalignant/cancer - undifferentiated, more anaplastic, rapid growth, metastasize, no capsule
irreversible, sweliing, burst cell, inflamationischemic necrosis- infarctioncan lead to gangrene and breading ground bacterialiquefactive necrosis- tissue w lots of lipids or number inflammatory cells
gangrene - disruption blood supply with bacteria
dry- blackened, dry, line demarcationwet- liquefacation, foul, rapid spread, extensive damage, systemic, no line demarcationgas- destroys connective tissues, gaseous bubbles, found in soil
host take overlocalized- spec placesystemic- spread sev regionscausescommon- virus and bacteriavirus- only DNA/RNA must have host cells, covid, aids, flubacteria - much larger virus, single-celled, 1 strand DNA, reproduce inside/outside cell - strep, tb, utirarefungal - yeast infprotozoa- wet, malariahelminths - hook wormprion- only composed on protein- mad cow
modes transportation
must have reservoir to live and grow- humans, insects, envirdirect- kiss, sex, contact, dropletindirect- airborne- vehicle- food, water, blood - Hep A- vector- misquito- malaria
port entry organisms
oro and nasopharynx- airways, lungs, stomach and GIgenitourinary- sex, catheterskin- biggest barrier and biggest vulnerability if cut or not intacttranslocation- move bacteria across intestinal lining++PEROTINEAL CAVITY, blood streamblood- transfusion, needle sticksmaternal-fetal trans- cross placenta - zeka virus
stages infection
incubation- first get symptomsprodromal- onset nonspecific symptomsacute- get specific S/Sconvalescent- S/s get betterresolution- pathogen elimination
infectious process
injury- short per vasoconstriction - stop bleeding and invasion orgs, then prolonged VASODILATION- allow blood flow, bring immune cells, ++inflammation- warmth, redness, swellingincr permeability- fluid pulled out vascular space (blood vessel) and into place injuryimmigration leukocytes- neutrophils attack area, also eosinophils, NK cells, monocytesphagocytosis- leukocytes arrive and eat invaders - neutrophils and monocytes primaryexudate- leaky stuff from phagocytosis - 4 typessystematic symptoms- if not localized - FEVER- good- helps stim def mx to rid body orgs, slow bacteria virulent and divide, improved our immune syste- better neutrophil and macrophage func, improve antibody and T-cell activation
colonization- spec body site- not cause s/s, not sickinfection- cause s/s, have infection– incr temp, HR, RR–labs- culture and urinalysis
cultures– gram stain- blood, urine, body fluids, gram - more dangerous++culture and sensitivity- 24 hrs basic result, 72 id and pattern- says which antibiotic bacteria sensitive to+++ sputum, urine, blood, - skin contaminationurine- dipstick- pH 5-98 normalnitrates (normal negative)- bacteria change nitrate into nitritesluekocytes- normal negblood- (normal <5)
healthcare infections- nosocomial
MRSA- resistant spec drugCRE- resistant entire class medsMDRO- multi drug resistant org
superinfection- new infection occurs when treating diff infection- kill helpful flora+++ GI tract
– C Diff- extreme diarrhea, id with PCR, do not put on anti diarrhea medstx with Po/iv metronidazole or vancomycin- candidiasis- skin yeast infection, oral/vaginal, thrust when in mouthtx with antifungal