HTML vs CSS vs JAVASCRIPT Flashcards
What is HTML?
A language that determines how documents and web pages are displayed in a web browser. The language for the building block of any website.
What does CSS stand for?
Cascading Style Sheets
What is CSS?
A popular style sheet language for that determine how a document created in HTML is styled (colors, font styles, layout, and responsive features)
What is JavaScript?
Allows you to change CSS and HTML elements on your website after the site have been loaded, which gives you the ability to make your site more interactive me and engaging for users.
Name the other common web development languages
Python, PHP, Ruby, SQL
Other languages to learn
- C programming
- Perl
- Assembly
- Bootstrap
What is the purpose of ruby?
Ruby is a scalable and fast programming language that can help you build an extensive website or program in a short period of time.
Purpose of SQL?
Developers can maintain and optimize large database in a much more streamlined manner.
What does the language you use depend on?
It depends on the specific project and business goal.
What does HTML stand for?
Hypertext Markup language