HSK5汉字B Flashcards
zhēn: treasure
珍: 珍惜 [HSK 5], 珍珠 [HSK 6], 珍稀 [HSK 6]
chè: thorough; penetrating
彻: 彻底 [HSK 5], 贯彻 [HSK 6]
fàn: float
泛: 广泛 [HSK 5], 泛滥 [HSK 6]
zhěn: examine (a patient)
诊: 诊断 [HSK 5], 门诊 [HSK 6]
huáng: grand; magnificent
皇: 皇后 [HSK 5], 皇帝 [HSK 5]
héng: the graduated arm of a steelyard
衡: 平衡 [HSK 5], 权衡 [HSK 6]
zǐ: purple; violet
juǎn: roll upjuàn: books
卷: 试卷 [HSK 5]
héng: horizontal; transversehèng: harsh and unreasonable; perverse
横: 纵横 [HSK 6]
dì: hand over; pass; give; hand
递: 传递 [HSK 5], 递增 [HSK 6]
chí: pool; pond
池: 池子 [HSK 5], 电池 [HSK 5], 池塘 [HSK 6]
xián: not busy; idle; unoccupied
闲: 休闲 [HSK 5], 空闲 [HSK 5], 闲话 [HSK 6]
dàn: thin; light; fresh; pale
淡: 清淡 [HSK 5], 冷淡 [HSK 6], 淡季 [HSK 6]
dòng: hole; cavity
洞: 洞穴 [HSK 6], 空洞 [HSK 6]
wěi: tail
尾: 尾巴 [HSK 5]
zhèn: shake; flap
振: 振动 [HSK 5], 振兴 [HSK 6], 振奋 [HSK 6]
liàn: love (one of the opposite sex)
恋: 恋爱 [HSK 5], 留恋 [HSK 6]
zōng: ancestor
宗: 宗教 [HSK 5], 宗旨 [HSK 6]
kuàng: ore (or mineral) deposit
矿: 矿泉水 [HSK 5], 铜矿 [HSK 6]
shī: poetry; verse; poem; v.
jiāo: suburbs; outskirts
郊: 郊区 [HSK 5]
zhàng: account; accounts
账: 结账 [HSK 5], 账户 [HSK 5]
jí: book; record
籍: 国籍 [HSK 5], 书籍 [HSK 6], 籍贯 [HSK 6]
yáo: shake; wave; rock; turn; wag
摇: 摇摆 [HSK 6], 摇晃 [HSK 6], 摇滚 [HSK 6]
fǔ: rotten; putrid; stale; corroded
腐: 豆腐 [HSK 5], 腐朽 [HSK 6], 腐烂 [HSK 6]
dùn: shield
盾: 矛盾 [HSK 5]
bēi: sad; sorrowful; melancholy
悲: 悲观 [HSK 5], 悲哀 [HSK 6], 悲惨 [HSK 6]
fèi: give up; abandon; abolish; abrogate
废: 废话 [HSK 5], 作废 [HSK 6], 半途而废 [HSK 6]
cí: diction; phraseology
辞: 推辞 [HSK 5], 辞职 [HSK 5], 告辞 [HSK 6]
méi: coal
煤: 煤炭 [HSK 5]
sú: custom; convention
俗: 风俗 [HSK 5], 习俗 [HSK 6], 俗话 [HSK 6]
jìng: respect
敬: 尊敬 [HSK 5], 敬爱 [HSK 5], 崇敬 [HSK 6]
guì: cupboard; cabinet
柜: 柜台 [HSK 5]
miè: (of a light, fire, etc.) go out
灭: 消灭 [HSK 5], 毁灭 [HSK 6], 灭亡 [HSK 6]
sù: lodge for the night; stay overnightxiǔ: used for counting nights
宿: 宿舍 [HSK 5]
dí: enemy; foe
敌: 敌人 [HSK 5], 敌视 [HSK 6]
hóng: rainbow
虹: 彩虹 [HSK 5]
miǎo: second (=1 / 60 of a minute); sec.,sec
jiān: difficult; hard
艰: 艰巨 [HSK 5], 艰苦 [HSK 5], 艰难 [HSK 6]
nóng: dense; thick; concentrated
浓: 浓厚 [HSK 6]
pèi: an ornament worn as a pendant at the waist in ancient times
佩: 佩服 [HSK 5], 钦佩 [HSK 6]
miáo: trace; copy
描: 描写 [HSK 5], 描绘 [HSK 6]
dòu: pod-bearing plant or its seeds; bean
豆: 土豆 [HSK 5], 豆腐 [HSK 5]
rěn: bear; endure; tolerate; put up with
忍: 忍不住 [HSK 5], 容忍 [HSK 6], 忍受 [HSK 6]
shòu: long life; old age
寿: 寿命 [HSK 5]
dì: the Supreme Being; god
帝: 皇帝 [HSK 5]
fēn: atmosphere
氛: 气氛 [HSK 5]
lí: glass
璃: 玻璃 [HSK 5]
niáng: ma; mum; mother
娘: 姑娘 [HSK 5], 新娘 [HSK 6]
huì: intelligent; bright
慧: 智慧 [HSK 5]
bō: glass
玻: 玻璃 [HSK 5] 玻利维亚 (Bōlìwéiyà)
jiàn: trample; tread
践: 实践 [HSK 5], 践踏 [HSK 6]
xù: the beginning of a matter
绪: 情绪 [HSK 5], 思绪 [HSK 6]
yù: reside; live
寓: 公寓 [HSK 5], 寓言 [HSK 6]
yòu: young; under age
幼: 幼儿园 [HSK 5], 幼稚 [HSK 6]
dǎng: keep off; ward off; block
挡: 遮挡 [HSK 6]
dūn: ton (t.)
fǎng: imitate; copy
仿: 仿佛 [HSK 5], 模仿 [HSK 5]
rào: wind; coil; roll
绕: 围绕 [HSK 5], 缠绕 [HSK 6]
báo: thin; flimsy; slimbó: slight; meagre; smallbò
薄: 薄弱 [HSK 6] 薄荷 (bòhe)
miào: wonderful; excellent; fine
妙: 巧妙 [HSK 5], 奇妙 [HSK 6], 美妙 [HSK 6]
ài: hinder; obstruct; be in the way of
碍: 妨碍 [HSK 5], 阻碍 [HSK 6], 障碍 [HSK 6]
jùn: handsome; pretty
俊: 英俊 [HSK 5]
wéi: only; alonewěi: yea
唯: 唯一 [HSK 5], 唯独 [HSK 6]
liàn: chain
链: 项链 [HSK 5]
pèng: touch; bump
碰: 碰见 [HSK 5]
qín: diligent; industrious; hardworking
勤: 勤劳 [HSK 5], 勤奋 [HSK 5], 勤俭 [HSK 6]
tóng: copper (Cu); brass
铜: 铜矿 [HSK 6]
yīn: marriage
姻: 婚姻 [HSK 5]
máo: lance; pike; spear
矛: 矛盾 [HSK 5]
duī: pile up; heap up; stack
堆: 堆积 [HSK 6]
róu: soft; supple; flexible
柔: 温柔 [HSK 5], 柔和 [HSK 6]
chén: dust; dirt
尘: 灰尘 [HSK 5]
pī: drape over one’s shoulders; wrap around
zàng: internal organs of the body, usually referring to the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys; viscerazāng: dirty; filthy
脏: 心脏 [HSK 5]
bì: wall
壁: 隔壁 [HSK 5], 悬崖峭壁 [HSK 6]
jǐ: squeeze; press; squash; crush
挤: 拥挤 [HSK 5]
bài: do obeisance
拜: 礼拜天 [HSK 5], 崇拜 [HSK 6], 拜年 [HSK 6]
huī: ash
灰: 灰尘 [HSK 5], 灰心 [HSK 5]
biàn: argue; dispute; debate
辩: 辩论 [HSK 5], 答辩 [HSK 6], 辩护 [HSK 6]
mō: feel; stroke; touch
摸: 摸索 [HSK 6]
shèn: careful; cautious
慎: 谨慎 [HSK 5], 慎重 [HSK 6]
gòng: tribute
贡: 贡献 [HSK 5]
xié: the side of the human body from the armpit to the waist
胁: 威胁 [HSK 5]
bǐ: that; those; the other; another
彼: 彼此 [HSK 5]
qiāoqiǎo: silent or low-voiced
悄: 悄悄 [HSK 5] 悄悄 (qiāoqiāo)
quán: fist
拳: 太极拳 [HSK 5], 拳头 [HSK 6]
dǎn: gallbladder
胆: 胆小鬼 [HSK 5], 胆怯 [HSK 6]
liè: bad; inferior; of low quality
劣: 恶劣 [HSK 5], 优胜劣汰 [HSK 6]
fǔ: assist; complement; supplement
辅: 辅导 [HSK 5], 相辅相成 [HSK 6], 辅助 [HSK 6]
chā: stick in; insert
jiàn: recommend
荐: 推荐 [HSK 5]
lòu: leak
漏: 走漏 [HSK 6]
gū: father’s sister; aunt
姑: 姑姑 [HSK 5], 姑娘 [HSK 5], 姑且 [HSK 6]
hǎn: shout; cry out; yell
yóu: just as; like
犹: 犹豫 [HSK 5], 犹如 [HSK 6]
qiàn: yawn
liáng: grain; food; provisions
粮: 粮食 [HSK 5]
pǐ: be equal to; be a match for
pēn: spurt; spout; gush pèn
喷: 打喷嚏 [HSK 5] 喷红 (pènhóng)
tú: spread on; apply; smear
涂: 糊涂 [HSK 5], 涂抹 [HSK 6]
nài: what; how; but
奈: 无奈 [HSK 5], 无可奈何 [HSK 6]
wò: lie
卧: 卧室 [HSK 5]
pí: tired; weary; exhausted
疲: 疲劳 [HSK 5], 疲倦 [HSK 6], 疲惫 [HSK 6]
shǎn: dodge; get out of the way
闪: 闪电 [HSK 5], 闪烁 [HSK 6]
shēn: stretch; extend; poke
伸: 延伸 [HSK 6]
jiāo: glue; gum
胶: 胶水 [HSK 5]
zhú: bamboo
竹: 竹子 [HSK 5], 烟花爆竹 [HSK 6]
guō: pot, pan, boiler, cauldron, etc.
锅: 涮火锅 [HSK 6]
sù: respectful
肃: 严肃 [HSK 5]
gǔn: roll; trundle
滚: 摇滚 [HSK 6]
bèi: people of a certain kind; the like
辈: 一辈子 [HSK 5], 长辈 [HSK 6]
yàn: gorgeous; colourful; gaudy
艳: 鲜艳 [HSK 5]
zhāi: pick; pluck; take off
摘: 摘要 [HSK 6]
zhēngzhèng: struggle to get free; try to throw off
挣: 挣钱 [HSK 5], 挣扎 [HSK 6] 挣扎 (zhēngzhá)
pào: big gun; cannon; artillery piece bāo: quick-fry; sauté páo: prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching (in a pan)
炮: 鞭炮 [HSK 5]
jiān: point; tip; top
尖: 尖锐 [HSK 5], 尖端 [HSK 6]
jiè: guard against
戒: 戒指 [HSK 5], 戒烟 [HSK 5], 戒备 [HSK 6]
fēng: mad; insane; crazy; lunatic
疯: 疯狂 [HSK 5]
fú: support with the hand; place a hand on somebody or something for support
suì: break to pieces; smash
碎: 粉碎 [HSK 6]
qiān: lead along (by holding the hand, the halter, etc.); pull
牵: 牵制 [HSK 6], 牵扯 [HSK 6]
xún: a period of ten days
旬: 中旬 [HSK 5]
miáo: young plant; seedling
苗: 苗条 [HSK 5], 拔苗助长 [HSK 6]
shǔ: mouse; rat
鼠: 老鼠 [HSK 5], 鼠标 [HSK 5]
xiōng: elder brother
兄: 兄弟 [HSK 5]
sì: temple
寺: 寺庙 [HSK 5]
nù: anger; rage; fury
怒: 愤怒 [HSK 5]
wèi: console; comfort
慰: 安慰 [HSK 5], 慰问 [HSK 6], 欣慰 [HSK 6]
hàn: regret
憾: 遗憾 [HSK 5]
dāi: slow-witted; dull
呆: 发呆 [HSK 6]
kē: usu. for anything small and roundish
颗: 颗粒 [HSK 6]
yāo: waist; the small of the back
chuī: blow; puff; sweep
吹: 吹捧 [HSK 6], 吹牛 [HSK 6]
huàn: unreal; imaginary; illusory
幻: 幻想 [HSK 5]
mèi: evil spirit; demon
魅: 魅力 [HSK 5]
jǐn: careful; cautious; circumspect
谨: 谨慎 [HSK 5]
fèn: indignation; anger; resentment
愤: 愤怒 [HSK 5]
dòng: freeze
冻: 冻结 [HSK 6]
miào: temple; shrine
庙: 寺庙 [HSK 5]
hú: stick with paste; pastehū: plasterhù: paste
糊: 模糊 [HSK 5], 糊涂 [HSK 5], 含糊 [HSK 6]
lí: centi-
厘: 厘米 [HSK 5]
zhì: order
秩: 秩序 [HSK 5]
chàng: initiate; advocate
倡: 提倡 [HSK 5], 倡导 [HSK 6], 倡议 [HSK 6]
ruì: sharp; keen; acute
锐: 尖锐 [HSK 5], 敏锐 [HSK 6]
làn: soft; mashed; pappy
烂: 灿烂 [HSK 6], 腐烂 [HSK 6]
chǐ: chi, a traditional unit of length
尺: 尺子 [HSK 5]
jiān: shoulder
肩: 肩膀 [HSK 5]
táo: peach
chǒng: dote on; bestow favour on
宠: 宠物 [HSK 5]
xiōng: thorax; chest; breast; bosom
胸: 胸怀 [HSK 6], 胸膛 [HSK 6]
cè: lavatory; toilet; washroom; W.C.
厕: 厕所 [HSK 5]
piāo: wave to and fro; float (in the air); flutter
飘: 飘扬 [HSK 6]
yǐ: the second of the ten Heavenly Stems (天干)
zūn: abide by; obey; observe; follow
遵: 遵守 [HSK 5], 遵循 [HSK 6]
zī: looks; appearance
姿: 姿势 [HSK 5], 姿态 [HSK 6]
zhé: wise; sagacious
哲: 哲学 [HSK 5]
cí: magnetism
磁: 磁带 [HSK 5]
mò: desert
漠: 沙漠 [HSK 5]
wān: curved; tortuous; crooked
弯: 拐弯 [HSK 5]
wù: fog; cloud
pǔ: simple; plainpò: Chinese hackberry (Celtis sinensis)
朴: 朴素 [HSK 5], 朴实 [HSK 6]
xī: sunset
夕: 除夕 [HSK 5], 夕阳 [HSK 6]
cuì: fragile; brittle; crunchy
脆: 干脆 [HSK 5], 脆弱 [HSK 6]
gù: hire; employ
雇: 雇佣 [HSK 5], 解雇 [HSK 6]
pàn: hope for; long for; expect
盼: 盼望 [HSK 5]
mián: sleep
眠: 失眠 [HSK 5]
mà: verbally abuse; curse; swear; call names
bàng: stick; club; cudgel
棒: 棍棒 [HSK 6]
chuǎng: rush; dash; charge
cōng: hastily; hurriedly
匆: 匆忙 [HSK 5]
quàn: advise; urge; try to persuade
jiā: press from both sides; place in between; tuckjiá: double-layered; linedgā
夹: 夹子 [HSK 5], 夹杂 [HSK 6] 夹肢窝 (gāzhiwō)
hèn: hate
恨: 恨不得 [HSK 6], 悔恨 [HSK 6]
qiǎn: shallow; flat
qū: bend; bow; crook
屈: 委屈 [HSK 5], 屈服 [HSK 6]
chǒu: ugly; unsightly; hideous
丑: 丑恶 [HSK 6]
guǐ: ghost; spirit; apparition
鬼: 胆小鬼 [HSK 5], 魔鬼 [HSK 6]
tǔ: spittù: vomit; throw up
吐: 呕吐 [HSK 6]
líng: bell
gāng: the headrope of a fishing net
纲: 提纲 [HSK 5], 纲领 [HSK 6]
jī: muscle; flesh
肌: 肌肉 [HSK 5]
shé: snake; serpent
蛇: 画蛇添足 [HSK 6]
mò: a path between fields (running east and west)
陌: 陌生 [HSK 5]
láng: wolf
狼: 狼狈 [HSK 6]
duǒ: hide (oneself)
躲: 躲藏 [HSK 5]
xià: frighten; scare; intimidatehè: threaten; intimidate; startle
吓: 恐吓 [HSK 6]
mián: general name for cotton and kapok
棉: 棉花 [HSK 5]
xiāng: wing (usually of a one-storeyed house); wing-room
厢: 车厢 [HSK 5]
shū: vegetables
蔬: 蔬菜 [HSK 5]
lì: grain; granule; pellet
粒: 颗粒 [HSK 6]
tān: beach; sands
滩: 沙滩 [HSK 5]
pén: basin; tub; pot; bowl
盆: 盆地 [HSK 6]
méi: eyebrow; brow
眉: 眉毛 [HSK 5]
jiǎn: scissors; shears; clippers; snip
剪: 剪刀 [HSK 5], 剪彩 [HSK 6]
yōu: long-drawn-out; remote in time or space
悠: 悠久 [HSK 5]
yā: duck
鸭: 烤鸭
xié: oblique; slanting; inclined; tilted; sloping; diagonal
斜: 倾斜 [HSK 6]
kuā: exaggerate; overstate; boast
fēng: bee; honeybee
蜂: 蜜蜂 [HSK 5]
chái: firewood
柴: 火柴 [HSK 5], 柴油 [HSK 6]
wèi: stomach
胃: 胃口 [HSK 6]
shuāi: fall; tumble; lose one’s balance
shéng: rope; cord; string
绳: 绳子 [HSK 5]
lán: bar; block; hold back
拦: 阻拦 [HSK 6]
jià: (of a woman) marry
jì: quiet; still; silent
寂: 寂寞 [HSK 5], 寂静 [HSK 6]
zuì: drunk; intoxicated; tipsy; high
醉: 麻醉 [HSK 6]
yǎo: bite; snap at; strike; chew; nip
咬: 咬牙切齿 [HSK 6]
chòu: smelly; foul; stinkingxiù: odour; smell
huāng: flurried; flustered; confused
慌: 慌张 [HSK 5], 慌忙 [HSK 6]
fáng: hinder; hamper; impede; obstruct
妨: 妨碍 [HSK 5], 不妨 [HSK 6]
dī: drip
guǎi: turn
拐: 拐弯 [HSK 5], 拐杖 [HSK 6]
bǎng: upper arm; armpáng
膀: 翅膀 [HSK 5], 肩膀 [HSK 5] 膀胱 (pángguāng)
yù: To comfort, to ease.
豫: 犹豫 [HSK 5]
kǎo: bake; roast; toast; grill; broil
烤: 烤鸭 [HSK 5]
fèi: lung
guàn: jar; pot; tin; cyclinder; can; canister
罐: 罐头 [HSK 5]
kǎn: cut; chop; hack
luó: patrol
逻: 逻辑 [HSK 5], 巡逻 [HSK 6]
yàn: entertain at a banquet; fête
宴: 宴会 [HSK 5]
sǎ: sprinkle; spray; spill; shed
chā: forkchǎ: part so as to form a fork; fork
叉: 叉子 [HSK 5], 交叉 [HSK 6]
tàn: charcoal
炭: 煤炭 [HSK 5]
xù: talk; chat
叙: 叙述 [HSK 5]
nèn: tender; delicate
chāo: copy; transcribe
shǎ: stupid; muddleheaded; daft; potty; dumb
cuī: urge; hurry; press
chèn: take advantage of (time, opportunity, etc.); avail oneself of
mí: riddle; conundrum
谜: 谜语 [HSK 5]
xiē: have a rest
tàng: for a round triptāng: ford; wade
mì: honey
蜜: 蜜蜂 [HSK 5]
liú: (of water) clear; limpid
浏: 浏览 [HSK 5]
zhòu: (of a horse) trot
骤: 步骤 [HSK 5]
chóu: worry; be anxious
愁: 发愁 [HSK 5]
zhān: glue; stick; paste
粘: 粘贴 [HSK 5]
shài: (of the sun) shine upon
wěn: lips
jǔ: carpenter’s square; square
矩: 规矩 [HSK 5]
lí: pear
dié: butterfly
蝶: 蝴蝶 [HSK 5]
zāo: distillers’ grains; grains
糟: 糟糕 [HSK 5], 糟蹋 [HSK 6]
cǎi: step on; trample
zhòu: time (conceived as past, present and future)
宙: 宇宙 [HSK 5]
yōng: hire (a labourer)yòng: commission
佣: 雇佣 [HSK 5]
yì: descendants; posterity
裔: 华裔 [HSK 5]
jiǎn: pick up; collect; gather
yūn: dizzy; giddy; faintyùn: dizzy; giddy; faint
晕 (limited to use in 头晕, 晕头晕脑, 晕头转向, etc.)
jiàng: a thick sauce made from soya beans, flour, etc.
酱: 酱油 [HSK 5]
bàng: be close to (in distance); draw near
傍: 傍晚 [HSK 5]
méi: mould; mildew; fungus
霉: 倒霉 [HSK 5]
shé: tongue (of a human being or animal)
舌: 舌头 [HSK 5]
tǎn: blanket; rug; carpet
毯: 地毯 [HSK 5]
zhǔ: enjoin; advise; urge
嘱: 嘱咐 [HSK 5], 叮嘱 [HSK 6]
姥: 姥姥 [HSK 5] 姥姥 (lǎolao)
mò: lonely; deserted
寞: 寂寞 [HSK 5]
wāi: askew; crooked; inclined; slanting
歪: 歪曲 [HSK 6]
zhēng: open (the eyes)
wèi: fear
畏: 畏惧 [HSK 6]
guǒ: bind; wrap
裹: 包裹 [HSK 5]
qiáo: look; see
sī: tear; rip
lián: flag as a shop sign
帘: 窗帘 [HSK 5]
shuǎi: move backward and forward; swing
kuì: ashamed; conscience-stricken
愧: 惭愧 [HSK 5], 不愧 [HSK 6]
dǒu: tremble; shiver; quiver
抖: 发抖 [HSK 5], 颤抖 [HSK 6]
chì: wing
翅: 翅膀 [HSK 5]
zhǔ: boil; cook; brew
biān: whip; lash
鞭: 鞭炮 [HSK 5], 鞭策 [HSK 6]
qiān: modest
谦: 谦虚 [HSK 5], 谦逊 [HSK 6]
tàng: scald; burn
chóu: silk fabric; silk
绸: 丝绸 [HSK 5]
dān: delay
耽: 耽误 [HSK 5]
guāi: (of a child) well-behaved; good
diào: fish with a hook and line; angle
tù: hare; rabbit
兔: 兔子 [HSK 5]
bó: neck
脖: 脖子 [HSK 5]
jiāo: pour liquid on; sprinkle water on
là: wax
蜡: 蜡烛 [HSK 5]
máo: The short hair hanging over the forehead of a child; a child.
髦: 时髦 [HSK 5]
dòu: tease; play with; have on
sǎng: throat; larynx
嗓: 嗓子 [HSK 5]
gē: pigeon; dove
鸽: 鸽子 [HSK 5]
hú: kettle; pot; jug
dūn: squat on the heels; crouch
yún: even
匀: 均匀 [HSK 5]
kěn: earnestly; sincerely
恳: 诚恳 [HSK 5], 勤恳 [HSK 6], 恳切 [HSK 6]
xiàng: oak
橡: 橡皮 [HSK 5]
jiāo: any of several hot spice plants
椒: 辣椒 [HSK 5]
shān: delete; leave out
删: 删除 [HSK 5]
zhěn: pillow
枕: 枕头 [HSK 5]
fěng: satirize; mock
讽: 讽刺 [HSK 5]
shū: comb
梳: 梳子 [HSK 5]
zhú: candle
烛: 蜡烛 [HSK 5]
yǎng: itch; tickle
jiù: mother’s brother; uncle
舅: 舅舅 [HSK 5]
bó: arm
膊: 胳膊 [HSK 5]
蝴: 蝴蝶 [HSK 5] 蝴蝶 (húdié)
qǔ: marry (a woman)
cù: vinegar
xiā: blind
胳: 胳膊 [HSK 5] 胳臂 (gēbei)
rǎng: shout; yell; make an uproarrāng
嚷 嚷嚷 (rāngrang)
bǐng: the third of the ten Heavenly Stems (天干)
sháo: spoon; ladle
勺: 勺子 [HSK 5]
jiān: fry in shallow oil without stirring
jiǎo: crafty; foxy; cunning
狡: 狡猾 [HSK 5]
zào: black
皂: 肥皂 [HSK 5]
咐: 嘱咐 [HSK 5], 吩咐 [HSK 6] 吩咐 (fēnfù)
āi: expressing sadness, weariness, regret or disappointmentài: a sigh of sadness or regret
tì: a food steamer with several trays; steamer tray
屉: 抽屉 [HSK 5]
huá: cunning; crafty; sly
猾: 狡猾 [HSK 5]
馒: 馒头 [HSK 5] 馒头 (mántou)
jú: a popular form for 橘jié: See
桔: 桔子 [HSK 5] 桔梗 (jiégěng)
cán: feel ashamed
惭: 惭愧 [HSK 5]
嚏: 打喷嚏 [HSK 5] 嚏喷 (tìpen)
jiē: step; rank
阶: 台阶 [HSK 5], 阶段 [HSK 5], 阶层 [HSK 6]