HSK - Vocabulary 2 Flashcards
隻 (只)
[zhī] - (measure word for one of a pair) (m)
四 (四)
[sì] - four (num)
睡 (睡)
[shuì] - sleep; go to bed (v)
鐘頭 (钟头)
[zhōngtóu] - hour (mainly used in oral Chinese) (n)
五 (五)
[wǔ] - five (num)
問題 (问题)
[wèntí] - question; problem; issue; trouble (n)
意義 (意义)
[yìyì] - meaning; sense; significance (n)
一點兒 (一点儿)
[yīdiǎnr] - a bit; a few; a little (n)
小(小李) (小(小李))
[xiǎo] - small; little; petty; minor; young (adj)
民族 (民族)
[mínzú] - nation; nationality (n)
習慣 (习惯)
[xíguàn] - be used to; usual practice; habit (n)
一 (一)
[yī] - one; once; as soon as (num)
支 (支)
[zhī] - (measure word for stick-like things) (m)
問好 (问好)
[wèn hǎo] - send one’s regards to ()
一切 (一切)
[yīqiè] - all; every; everything (adj)
小時 (小时)
[xiǎoshí] - hour (n)
增加 (增加)
[zēngjiā] - increase; raise; add (v)
跳舞 (跳舞)
[tiào wǔ] - dance ()
謝謝 (谢谢)
[xièxie] - thank (v)
像 (像)
[xiàng] - be like; resemble; picture; such as (v)
呢 (呢)
[ne] - (modal particle ending a question) (part)
水 (水)
[shuǐ] - water (n)
瓶 (瓶)
[píng] - (measure word for bottles) (n)
往 (往)
[wǎng] - go (v)
魚 (鱼)
[yú] - fish (n)
天 (天)
[tiān] - sky; heaven; weather (n)
門口 (门口)
[ménkǒu] - entrance; doorway (n)
特別 (特别)
[tèbié] - special; particular; especially (adj)
語法 (语法)
[yǔfǎ] - grammar (n)
要求 (要求)
[yāoqiú] - demand; require; claim; ask (v)
雪 (雪)
[xuě] - snow (n)
相信 (相信)
[xiāngxìn] - believe in; have faith in (v)
這些 (这些)
[zhèxiē] - these (pron)
上 (上)
[shàng] - upper; up; upward; preceding (n)
哪裡(哪兒) (哪里(哪儿))
[nǎli(nǎr)] - where; wherever (pron)
掌握 (掌握)
[zhǎngwò] - grasp; master; control; have in hand (v)
只 (只)
[zhǐ] - only; merely (adv)
夏 (夏)
[xià] - summer (n)
意思 (意思)
[yìsi] - meaning; idea; wish; appreciation (n)
怎麼 (怎么)
[zěnme] - how; why; however (pron)
樹 (树)
[shù] - tree (n)
一會兒 (一会儿)
[yīhuìr] - a little while; a moment (adv)
認真 (认真)
[rènzhēn] - conscientious; earnest; serious (adj)
什麼 (什么)
[shénme] - what; whatever; why; something (pron)
脫 (脱)
[tuō] - take off; cast off; strip (v)
向 (向)
[xiàng] - towards; to; face; be partial to (prep)
中午 (中午)
[zhōngwǔ] - noon; midday (n)
真 (真)
[zhēn] - true; real; genuine; clearly; really (adv)
思想 (思想)
[sīxiǎng] - thought; thinking; idea; ideology (n)
汽水 (汽水)
[qìshuǐ] - aerated water; soda; soft drink (n)
有 (有)
[yǒu] - have; possess; exist; there be (v)
午飯 (午饭)
[wǔfàn] - midday meal; lunch (n)
時間 (时间)
[shíjiān] - when (n)
喂 (喂)
[wèi] - hello (interj)
政治 (政治)
[zhèngzhì] - politics; political affairs; political (n)
市 (市)
[shì] - city; municipality; market (n)
襪子 (袜子)
[wàzi] - socks; stockings; hose (n)
學 (学)
[xué] - study; learn; imitate; mimic (v)
游泳 (游泳)
[yóu yǒng] - swim ()
說 (说)
[shuō] - speak; talk; say; scold (v)
全 (全)
[quán] - complete; whole; entire; full; total (adj)
十 (十)
[shí] - ten (num)
正確 (正确)
[zhèngquè] - correct; right; proper (adj)
實踐 (实践)
[shíjiàn] - live up to; carry out; practice (v)
退 (退)
[tuì] - return; give back; withdraw; fade (v)
肉 (肉)
[ròu] - flesh; meat (n)
以後 (以后)
[yǐhòu] - after; afterwards; later (n)
全部 (全部)
[quánbù] - all; without exception; complete (n)
雨 (雨)
[yǔ] - rain (n)
聽說 (听说)
[tīng shuō] - be told; hear of; hear about ()
外國 (外国)
[wàiguó] - foreign country (n)
中間 (中间)
[zhōngjiān] - center; middle; among; between (n)
呀 (呀)
[ya] - ah (part)
便宜 (便宜)
[piányi] - cheap; inexpensive; small gains (adj)
生日 (生日)
[shēngrì] - birthday (n)
一…就… (一…就…)
[yī … jiù …] - as soon as; once ()
應該 (应该)
[yīnggāi] - ought to; should; must (aux)
因為 (因为)
[yīnwèi] - because; on account of; because of (conj)
有些 (有些)
[yǒuxiē] - some; some of (pron)
同志 (同志)
[tóngzhì] - comrade (n)
這樣 (这样)
[zhèyàng] - so; such; like this; this way (pron)
音樂 (音乐)
[yīnyuè] - music (n)
排球 (排球)
[páiqiú] - volleyball (n)
碗 (碗)
[wǎn] - bowl (n)
眼睛 (眼睛)
[yǎnjing] - eye (n)
呀 (呀)
[yā] - ah; oh; creak (interj)
想 (想)
[xiǎng] - think; suppose; recall; want to; miss (v)
位 (位)
[wèi] - (measure word for people of status) (m)
人民 (人民)
[rénmín] - the people (n)
寫 (写)
[xiě] - write; compose; describe (v)
中 (中)
[zhōng] - center; middle; in; among; China (n)
起床 (起床)
[qǐ chuáng] - get up ()
用 (用)
[yòng] - use; employ; apply; by means of (v)
展覽 (展览)
[zhǎnlǎn] - put on display; exhibit; show (v)
也許 (也许)
[yěxǔ] - perhaps; probably; maybe (adv)
食堂 (食堂)
[shítáng] - dining room; canteen; cafeteria (n)
下來 (下来)
[xià lái] - come down ()
喜歡 (喜欢)
[xǐhuan] - love; like; be keen to; be fond of (v)
演出 (演出)
[yǎnchū] - perform; put on a show; performance (v)
一定 (一定)
[yīdìng] - fixed; definite; given; necessarily (adj)
踢 (踢)
[tī] - kick (v)
念 (念)
[niàn] - read aloud, study, attend school (v)
七 (七)
[qī] - seven (num)
也 (也)
[yě] - also; too; either (adv)
問 (问)
[wèn] - ask; inquire (v)
是 (是)
[shì] - be (v)
他們 (他们)
[tāmen] - they; them (for males and females) (pron)
辛苦 (辛苦)
[xīnkǔ] - hard; toilsome; laborious; tire (adj)
贏 (赢)
[yíng] - win; beat; gain (v)
這個 (这个)
[zhège] - this one; this (pron)
內容 (内容)
[nèiróng] - content; substance (n)
文學 (文学)
[wénxué] - literature (n)
水平 (水平)
[shuǐpíng] - standard; level; horizontal (n)
醫生 (医生)
[yīshēng] - doctor (n)
沒 (没)
[méi] - not have; there is not; not (adv)
早 (早)
[zǎo] - early; for a long time; as early as (adj)
永遠 (永远)
[yǒngyuǎn] - for good; forever; ever; always (adv)
死 (死)
[sǐ] - die; pass away; dead; inflexible (v)
旁邊 (旁边)
[pángbiān] - side (n)
送 (送)
[sòng] - send; give; deliver; carry; escort (v)
那麼 (那么)
[nàme] - like that; in that way (pron)
西邊 (西边)
[xībian] - west (often used in oral Chinese) (n)
完成 (完成)
[wánchéng] - accomplish; complete; fulfill (v)
全體 (全体)
[quántǐ] - all; whole; entire (n)
晴 (晴)
[qíng] - clear; sunny (adj)
人 (人)
[rén] - person; man; people (n)
上邊 (上边)
[shàngbian] - above; over; the higher authorities (n)
同學 (同学)
[tóngxué] - fellow student; schoolmate (n)
一直 (一直)
[yīzhí] - always; all along; straight (adv)
能夠 (能够)
[nénggòu] - can; be able to; be capable of (aux)
生詞 (生词)
[shēngcí] - new word (n)
確實 (确实)
[quèshí] - true; reliable (adj)
圓 (圆)
[yuán] - round; circular; circle (adj)
新 (新)
[xīn] - new; fresh; up-to-date; newly (adj)
錢 (钱)
[qián] - money; fund; sum (n)
下課 (下课)
[xià kè] - finish class; get out of class ()
日子 (日子)
[rìzi] - days; date; time; life; livelihood (n)
上午 (上午)
[shàngwǔ] - forenoon; morning (n)
物理 (物理)
[wùlǐ] - physics (n)
試 (试)
[shì] - try; test; attempt (v)
再 (再)
[zài] - again; not … until; then and only then (adv)
睡覺 (睡觉)
[shuì jiào] - sleep; go to bed ()
中文 (中文)
[zhōngwén] - Chinese (language) (n)
聽寫 (听写)
[tīngxiě] - dictate; dictation (v)
能 (能)
[néng] - can; be able to; be capable of (aux)
長 (长)
[zhǎng] - grow; develop; acquire; increase (v)
青年 (青年)
[qīngnián] - young person; youth (n)
輸 (输)
[shū] - transport; convey; lose; be beaten (v)
水果 (水果)
[shuǐguǒ] - fruit (n)
世界 (世界)
[shìjiè] - world (n)
完全 (完全)
[wánquán] - complete; whole; full; at all (adj)
太陽 (太阳)
[tàiyáng] - the sun (n)
數學 (数学)
[shùxué] - mathematics (n)
郵局 (邮局)
[yóujú] - post office (n)
晚 (晚)
[wǎn] - late (adj)
三 (三)
[sān] - three (num)
們(朋友們) (们(朋友们))
[men (péngyoumen)] - (particle forming a plural pronoun) (suf)
難 (难)
[nán] - difficult (adj)
汽車 (汽车)
[qìchē] - automobile; motor vehicle; car (n)
忙 (忙)
[máng] - busy; fully occupied (adj)
年級 (年级)
[niánjí] - grade; year (n)
有的 (有的)
[yǒude] - some; some of (pron)
樣子 (样子)
[yàngzi] - shape; appearance; manner; model (n)
椅子 (椅子)
[yǐzi] - chair (n)
一起 (一起)
[yīqǐ] - the same place; together (adv)
停 (停)
[tíng] - stop; cease; be parked (v)
任何 (任何)
[rènhé] - any; whichever; whatever (pron)
英語(英文) (英语(英文))
[yīngyǔ(yīngwén)] - English (language) (n)
運動 (运动)
[yùndòng] - be in motion; move about; sport (v)
取得 (取得)
[qǔdé] - gain; acquire; obtain (v)
一共 (一共)
[yīgòng] - in all; altogether; in total (adv)
預習 (预习)
[yùxí] - preview; prepare lessons (v)
鐘 (钟)
[zhōng] - bell; clock (n)
玩兒 (玩儿)
[wánr] - play; have fun; employ; resort to (v)
年輕 (年轻)
[niánqīng] - young (adj)
哪 (哪)
[nǎ/něi] - which; (used for rhetorical questions) (pron)
髒 (脏)
[zāng] - dirty; filthy (adj)
熟 (熟)
[shú] - ripe; cooked; done; familiar (adj)
文學家 (文学家)
[wénxuéjiā] - literatus; writer (n)
剩 (剩)
[shèng] - surplus; remnant; leave (over) (v)
沒關係 (没关系)
[méi guānxi] - never mind; it doesn’t matter ()
外語(外文) (外语(外文))
[wàiyǔ(wàiwén)] - foreign language (n)
羊 (羊)
[yáng] - sheep; goat (n)
事情 (事情)
[shìqing] - matter; affair; thing; business (n)
農民 (农民)
[nóngmín] - peasant (n)
原諒 (原谅)
[yuánliàng] - excuse; forgive; pardon (v)
您 (您)
[nín] - you (in respectful form) (pron)
門 (门)
[mén] - entrance; door; gate (n)
聲音 (声音)
[shēngyīn] - sound; voice (n)
那個 (那个)
[nàge] - that (pron)
跳 (跳)
[tiào] - jump; leap; spring; beat (v)
態度 (态度)
[tàidu] - manner; bearing; attitude (n)
以前 (以前)
[yǐqián] - before; formerly (n)
聲 (声)
[shēng] - (measure word for sound); sound (n)
躺 (躺)
[tǎng] - lie; recline (v)
起 (起)
[qǐ] - remove; pull; appear; rise; raise (v)
米飯 (米饭)
[mǐfàn] - (cooked) rice (n)
日 (日)
[rì] - sun; day time; a day of the month (n)
一邊…一邊… (一边…一边…)
[yībiān … yībiān] - at the same time; simultaneously ()
需要 (需要)
[xūyào] - need; want; require; demand (v)
跑步 (跑步)
[pǎo bù] - run ()
他 (他)
[tā] - he (pron)
前 (前)
[qián] - front; forward; before; preceding (n)
文藝 (文艺)
[wényì] - literature and art (n)
晚上 (晚上)
[wǎnshang] - evening; night (n)
真正 (真正)
[zhēnzhèng] - genuine; real; true (adj)
右 (右)
[yòu] - the right (n)
藝術 (艺术)
[yìshù] - art; skill; craft (n)
誰 (谁)
[sheí/shuí] - who (pron)
圖書館 (图书馆)
[túshūguǎn] - library (n)
友誼 (友谊)
[yǒuyì] - friendship (n)
請假 (请假)
[qǐng jià] - ask for leave ()
月 (月)
[yuè] - month (n)
體育 (体育)
[tǐyù] - physical training; physical culture (n)
明天 (明天)
[míngtiān] - tomorrow (n)
站 (站)
[zhàn] - stand; be on one’s feet; stop; halt (v)
請 (请)
[qǐng] - please; request; ask; invite; engage (v)
上去 (上去)
[shàng qu] - go up ()
小孩兒 (小孩儿)
[xiǎoháir] - child (n)
討論 (讨论)
[tǎolùn] - discuss; discussion (v)
先生 (先生)
[xiānsheng] - teacher; mister; Mr.; sir; gentleman (n)
吶 (呐)
[na] - (modal particle ending a sentence) (part)
挺 (挺)
[tǐng] - straighten up; stick out; very; rather (adv)
手表 (手表)
[shǒubiǎo] - wrist watch (n)
先 (先)
[xiān] - earlier; before; first; temporarily (adv)
沒有 (没有)
[méiyǒu] - not have; there is not; not (adv)
糖 (糖)
[táng] - sugar; candy; sweets (n)
心 (心)
[xīn] - the heart; heart; mind; feeling (n)
屋子 (屋子)
[wūzi] - room (n)
散步 (散步)
[sàn bù] - take a walk ()
請問 (请问)
[qǐng wèn] - Excuse me; May I ask ()
每 (每)
[měi] - every; each; per; every time (pron)
實現 (实现)
[shíxiàn] - realize; achieve; bring about (v)
啤酒 (啤酒)
[píjiǔ] - beer (n)
咱 (咱)
[zán] - we; us; our; I; me; my (pron)
晚會 (晚会)
[wǎnhuì] - evening party; social evening (n)
現代 (现代)
[xiàndài] - modern times; the contemporary age (n)
它 (它)
[tā] - it (pron)
同意 (同意)
[tóngyì] - agree; consent; approve (v)
這裡(這兒) (这里(这儿))
[zhèlǐ(zhèr)] - here (pron)
她 (她)
[tā] - she (pron)
在 (在)
[zài] - exist; be living; at; on; in (prep)
通 (通)
[tōng] - open up; lead to; understand (v)
為 (为)
[wèi] - (indicating the cause or purpose) (prep)
所有 (所有)
[suǒyǒu] - all (adj)
十分 (十分)
[shífēn] - very; fully; utterly; extremely (adv)
照顧 (照顾)
[zhàogù] - look after; give consideration to (v)
星期 (星期)
[xīngqī] - week (n)
下 (下)
[xià] - below; down; under; next; second (n)
鉛筆 (铅笔)
[qiānbǐ] - pencil (n)
淺 (浅)
[qiǎn] - shallow; simple; superficial; light (adj)
著急 (着急)
[zháojí] - worry; anxious (adj)
怕 (怕)
[pà] - fear; be afraid of; perhaps (v)
完 (完)
[wán] - use up; be over; finish; complete (v)
學生 (学生)
[xuésheng] - student; schoolboy; schoolgirl (n)
太 (太)
[tài] - too (adv)
紙 (纸)
[zhǐ] - paper (n)
南邊 (南边)
[nánbian] - south (n)
占 (占)
[zhàn] - occupy; seize; take; constitute (v)
怎樣 (怎样)
[zěnyàng] - how (pron)
…之間 (…之间)
[… zhījiān] - between ()
那 (那)
[nà] - then; in that case (conj)
母親 (母亲)
[mǔqīn] - mother (used in written Chinese) (n)
有時候 (有时候)
[yǒu shíhou] - sometimes ()
學習 (学习)
[xuéxí] - study; learn; emulate (v)
認識 (认识)
[rènshi] - recognize; understand; cognition (v)
為了 (为了)
[wèile] - for; for the sake of; in order to (prep)
那麼 (那么)
[nàme] - then; in that case (conj)
偉大 (伟大)
[wěidà] - great; mighty (adj)
有意思 (有意思)
[yǒu yìsi] - interesting; enjoyable ()
學院 (学院)
[xuéyuàn] - college; institute; academy (n)
女 (女)
[nǚ] - female (adj)
星期日(星期天) (星期日(星期天))
[xīngqīrì(xīngqītiān)] - Sunday (n)
站 (站)
[zhàn] - station; stop; service center (n)
語言 (语言)
[yǔyán] - language (n)
提高 (提高)
[tígāo] - raise; heighten; enhance; increase (v)
社會 (社会)
[shèhuì] - society (n)
身體 (身体)
[shēntǐ] - body; health (n)
生活 (生活)
[shēnghuó] - life; livelihood; live; exist (n)
手 (手)
[shǒu] - hand (n)
所以 (所以)
[suǒyǐ] - so; therefore; as a result (conj)
人們 (人们)
[rénmen] - persons; people; the public (n)
條件 (条件)
[tiáojiàn] - condition; qualification; requirement (n)
早飯 (早饭)
[zǎofàn] - breakfast (n)
正在 (正在)
[zhèngzài] - in process of; in course of (adv)
一些 (一些)
[yīxiē] - a number of; certain; a few; a little (m)
認為 (认为)
[rènwéi] - think; consider (v)
條 (条)
[tiáo] - strip (measure word for long things) (m)
再見 (再见)
[zàijiàn] - good-bye; see you again (v)
你 (你)
[nǐ] - you (the singular form) (pron)
酸 (酸)
[suān] - sour; sick at heart; tingle; acid (adj)
那 (那)
[nà] - that (pron)
信 (信)
[xìn] - believe; trust; profess faith in; letter (n)
陰 (阴)
[yīn] - cloudy; overcast; sinister (adj)
整齊 (整齐)
[zhěngqí] - in good order; neat; tidy (adj)
男 (男)
[nán] - male (adj)
要是 (要是)
[yàoshi] - in case; if; suppose (conj)
雖然 (虽然)
[suīrán] - though; although (conj)
影響 (影响)
[yǐngxiǎng] - influence; affect; effect (v)
友好 (友好)
[yǒuhǎo] - friendly; amicable; close friend (adj)
要 (要)
[yào] - want to; wish to; must; shall; ask for (aux)
師傅 (师傅)
[shīfu] - master worker; master; teacher (n)
夜 (夜)
[yè] - night; evening (n)
西 (西)
[xī] - west (n)
湯 (汤)
[tāng] - soup; broth (n)
一塊兒 (一块儿)
[yīkuàir] - the same place; together (adv)
提 (提)
[tí] - carry; put forward; draw out; raise (v)
妹妹 (妹妹)
[mèimei] - younger sister (n)
握手 (握手)
[wò shǒu] - shake hands; clasp hands ()
情況 (情况)
[qíngkuàng] - circumstance; situation, condition (n)
勝利 (胜利)
[shènglì] - victory; triumph (v)
票 (票)
[piào] - ticket; ballot (n)
雙 (双)
[shuāng] - pair; twin; dual; double; di-; bi- (m)
照相 (照相)
[zhào xiàng] - take a picture (or photograph) ()
收拾 (收拾)
[shōushi] - put in order; tidy; punish; repair (v)
暖和 (暖和)
[nuǎnhuo] - warm; nice and warm; warm up (adj)
幸福 (幸福)
[xìngfú] - happy; happiness (adj)
聽 (听)
[tīng] - listen; hear; heed; obey (v)
牛 (牛)
[niú] - ox; cow; bull (n)
一樣 (一样)
[yīyàng] - the same; equally; alike; as … as … (adv)
碰 (碰)
[pèng] - touch; bump; meet; run into (v)
事 (事)
[shì] - matter; affair; thing; business (n)
山 (山)
[shān] - mountain; hill (n)
腿 (腿)
[tuǐ] - leg (n)
內 (内)
[nèi] - inside; inner; within (n)
雲 (云)
[yún] - cloud (n)
晚飯 (晚饭)
[wǎnfàn] - dinner; supper (n)
漂亮 (漂亮)
[piàoliang] - pretty; beautiful; remarkable (adj)
清楚 (清楚)
[qīngchu] - clear; distinct; be clear about (adj)
那裡(那兒) (那里(那儿))
[nàli(nàr)] - there (pron)
原來 (原来)
[yuánlái] - original; former (adj)
突然 (突然)
[tūrán] - sudden; abrupt (adj)
拿 (拿)
[ná] - take; hold; seize; capture; with; at (v)
名字 (名字)
[míngzi] - name (n)
為 (为)
[wéi] - do; act; be; become (v)
目前 (目前)
[mùqián] - current time; at present (n)
努力 (努力)
[nǔlì] - try hard; be hard at work or study (adj)
收 (收)
[shōu] - put away; collect; harvest; receive (v)
年紀 (年纪)
[niánjì] - age (n)
痛快 (痛快)
[tòngkuai] - very happy; delighted; forthright (adj)
去 (去)
[qù] - go; leave; send; remove; get rid of (v)
上課 (上课)
[shàng kè] - attend class; give a lesson ()
一下兒 (一下儿)
[yīxià] - one time; once; a little while (m)
抬 (抬)
[tái] - lift up; raise; carry (v)
下邊 (下边)
[xiàbian] - below; under; lower level; next (n)
熱情 (热情)
[rèqíng] - warm; fervent; enthusiasm (adj)
信封 (信封)
[xìnfēng] - envelope (n)
牆 (墙)
[qiáng] - wall (n)
毛 (毛)
[máo] - one tenth of one RMB Yuan (m)
鞋 (鞋)
[xié] - shoe (n)
千 (千)
[qiān] - thousand (num)
拍 (拍)
[pāi] - clap; pat; beat; shoot; send (v)
生產 (生产)
[shēngchǎn] - produce; manufacture; production (v)
首都 (首都)
[shǒudū] - capital (n)
上學 (上学)
[shàng xué] - go to school; attend school ()
說明 (说明)
[shuōmíng] - explain; illustrate; show (v)
歲 (岁)
[suì] - years old (for a person’s age) (m)
藥 (药)
[yào] - medicine; drug; remedy (n)
破 (破)
[pò] - broken; damaged; break; destroy (v)
篇 (篇)
[piān] - (measure word for articles) (m)
聽見 (听见)
[tīngjiàn] - hear (v)
指 (指)
[zhǐ] - point at; point to; point out; refer to (v)
頁 (页)
[yè] - page (m)
洗澡 (洗澡)
[xǐ zǎo] - have a bath; bathe ()
政府 (政府)
[zhèngfǔ] - government (n)
有名 (有名)
[yǒumíng] - famous; well-known (adj)
這 (这)
[zhè] - this; this moment; now (pron)
沒意思 (没意思)
[méi yìsi] - uninteresting; dull ()
香蕉 (香蕉)
[xiāngjiāo] - banana (n)
億 (亿)
[yì] - a hundred million (num)
帽子 (帽子)
[màozi] - hat; cap (n)
那些 (那些)
[nàxiē] - those (pron)
上來 (上来)
[shàng lái] - come up ()
洗 (洗)
[xǐ] - wash; bathe; develop (v)
一般 (一般)
[yībān] - general; ordinary; common (adj)
然後 (然后)
[ránhòu] - then; afterwards; after that (adv)
年 (年)
[nián] - year; New Year (n)
南 (南)
[nán] - south (n)
宴會 (宴会)
[yànhuì] - banquet; feast; dinner party (n)
批評 (批评)
[pīpíng] - criticize; criticism (v)
外 (外)
[wài] - outer; outside; external; foreign (n)
夏天 (夏天)
[xiàtiān] - summer (n)
球 (球)
[qiú] - ball; anything shaped like a ball (n)
月亮 (月亮)
[yuèliang] - the moon (n)
這麼 (这么)
[zhème] - so; such; this way; like this (pron)
萬 (万)
[wàn] - ten thousand; a very great number (num)
上 (上)
[shàng] - get on; go up; go to; submit; fill (v)
中學 (中学)
[zhōngxué] - middle school; high school (n)
聲調 (声调)
[shēngdiào] - tone; the tone of Chinese character (n)
片 (片)
[piàn] - (measure word for pieces of things) (m)
願意 (愿意)
[yuànyì] - be willing; be ready; wish; like; want (aux)
騎 (骑)
[qí] - ride (an animal or bicycle) (v)
香 (香)
[xiāng] - fragrant; savory; be with relish (adj)
愉快 (愉快)
[yúkuài] - happy; cheerful; joyful; delightful (adj)
明年 (明年)
[míngnián] - next year (n)
牛奶 (牛奶)
[niúnǎi] - cow milk (n)
我們 (我们)
[wǒmen] - we; us; our (pron)
又 (又)
[yòu] - again (adv)
正 (正)
[zhèng] - straight; upright; honest; pure; just (adv)
響 (响)
[xiǎng] - make a sound; ring; noisy; loud (adj)
休息 (休息)
[xiūxi] - have a rest; rest (v)
學校 (学校)
[xuéxiào] - school; educational institute (n)
行 (行)
[xíng] - all right; O.K.; capable; competent (v)
只好 (只好)
[zhǐhǎo] - have to; be forced to (adv)
遠 (远)
[yuǎn] - far; remote (adj)
前邊 (前边)
[qiánbian] - in front; ahead (n)
談 (谈)
[tán] - talk; chat; discuss (v)
衣服 (衣服)
[yīfu] - clothes; clothing; garment; coat (n)
麵包 (面包)
[miànbāo] - bread (n)
現在 (现在)
[xiànzài] - now; at present; today (n)
它們 (它们)
[tāmen] - they; them (for things, animals, etc.) (pron)
哪 (哪)
[na] - (modal particle ending a sentence) (part)
去年 (去年)
[qùnián] - last year (n)
意見 (意见)
[yìjiàn] - opinion; view; objection (n)
嗯 (嗯)
[ng] - (interjection expressing what or huh) (interj)
文化 (文化)
[wénhuà] - civilization; culture; education (n)
新聞 (新闻)
[xīnwén] - information; news (n)
起來 (起来)
[qǐ lái] - stand up; sit up; rise to one’s feet ()
團結 (团结)
[tuánjié] - unite; rally (v)
在 (在)
[zài] - (indicating an action in progress) (adv)
蘋果 (苹果)
[píngguǒ] - apple (n)
農業 (农业)
[nóngyè] - agriculture; farming (n)
外邊 (外边)
[wàibian] - out; outside; exterior (n)
忘 (忘)
[wàng] - forget; neglect (v)
朋友 (朋友)
[péngyou] - friend (n)
疼 (疼)
[téng] - ache; pain (v)
跑 (跑)
[pǎo] - run; run away; run about doing sth. (v)
文章 (文章)
[wénzhāng] - essay; article; hidden meaning (n)
醫院 (医院)
[yīyuàn] - hospital (n)
讓 (让)
[ràng] - give way; give ground; invite; let (v)
銀行 (银行)
[yínháng] - bank (n)
小姐 (小姐)
[xiǎojie] - young lady; Miss; miss (n)
危險 (危险)
[wēixiǎn] - dangerous; perilous; danger (adj)
那樣 (那样)
[nàyàng] - of that kind; like that; so; such (pron)
推 (推)
[tuī] - push; shove; turn a mill; grind (v)
容易 (容易)
[róngyì] - easy; easily; apt (adj)
她們 (她们)
[tāmen] - they; them (for females) (pron)
姓 (姓)
[xìng] - be surnamed; family name (n)
你們 (你们)
[nǐmen] - you (the plural form) (pron)
秋天 (秋天)
[qiūtiān] - autumn; fall (n)
同時 (同时)
[tóngshí] - at the same time; simultaneously (n)
為什麼 (为什么)
[wèi shénme] - why; why (or how) is it that … ()
元 (元)
[yuán] - Yuan (used for money) (m)
尤其 (尤其)
[yóuqí] - especially; particularly (adv)
著 (着)
[zhe] - (indicating an action in progress) (part)
郵票 (邮票)
[yóupiào] - stamp (n)
舒服 (舒服)
[shūfu] - comfortable (adj)
爬 (爬)
[pá] - crawl; creep; climb (v)
使用 (使用)
[shǐyòng] - make use of; use; employ; apply (v)
早晨(早上) (早晨(早上))
[zǎochen(zǎoshang)] - (early) morning (n)
深 (深)
[shēn] - deep; difficult; thoroughgoing; dark (adj)
下午 (下午)
[xiàwǔ] - afternoon (n)
橋 (桥)
[qiáo] - bridge (n)
女兒 (女儿)
[nǚ’ér] - daughter (n)
顏色 (颜色)
[yánsè] - color (n)
時候 (时候)
[shíhou] - time; when (n)
輕 (轻)
[qīng] - light; small in number, degree, etc. (adj)
頭 (头)
[tóu] - first; leading (n)
些 (些)
[xiē] - (measure word for unspecified amount) (m)
少 (少)
[shǎo] - few; little; less; lack; lose; reduce (adj)
下 (下)
[xià] - descend; fall; issue; go to; put in (v)
通知 (通知)
[tōngzhī] - notify; give notice; notice; circular (v)
咱們 (咱们)
[zánmen] - we; us; our (pron)
下 (下)
[xià] - (measure word for times of an action) (m)
消息 (消息)
[xiāoxi] - news; information; message (n)
麵條兒 (面条儿)
[miàntiáor] - noodles (n)
笑 (笑)
[xiào] - smile (at); laugh (at); ridicule (v)
米(公尺) (米(公尺))
[mǐ(gōngchǐ)] - meter (measure word for lengths) (m)
找 (找)
[zhǎo] - look for; return the balance of money (v)
希望 (希望)
[xīwàng] - hope; wish; expect (v)
下去 (下去)
[xià qu] - go down; descend ()
怎麼樣 (怎么样)
[zěnmeyàng] - how; (a polite formula) (pron)
我 (我)
[wǒ] - I; me; our; ourselves (pron)
宿舍 (宿舍)
[sùshè] - hostel; living quarters; dormitory (n)
通過 (通过)
[tōngguò] - by way of; through; pass through (v)
以為 (以为)
[yǐwéi] - think; consider; believe (v)
秋 (秋)
[qiū] - autumn; fall (n)
書 (书)
[shū] - book (n)
農村 (农村)
[nóngcūn] - rural area; countryside (n)
往 (往)
[wǎng] - to; toward; in the direction of (prep)
遇到 (遇到)
[yùdào] - meet with; run into; encounter (v)
系 (系)
[xì] - department (in a university) (n)
派 (派)
[pài] - send; appoint (v)
算 (算)
[suàn] - calculate; compute; include; count (v)
知識 (知识)
[zhīshi] - knowledge (n)
張 (张)
[zhāng] - piece (m)
研究 (研究)
[yánjiū] - study; research; consider; discuss (v)
數 (数)
[shǔ] - count; be reckoned as (v)
熱 (热)
[rè] - hot; popular; heat up; warm (adj)
一…也… (一…也…)
[yī…yě…] - an emphatic sentence structure to describe the smallest unit of the subject ()
知道 (知道)
[zhīdào] - know; be aware of; realize (v)
細 (细)
[xì] - thin; fine; thin and soft; meticulous (adj)
商店 (商店)
[shāngdiàn] - shop; store (n)
天氣 (天气)
[tiānqì] - weather (n)
已經 (已经)
[yǐjing] - already (adv)
新年 (新年)
[xīnnián] - New Year (n)
月球 (月球)
[yuèqiú] - the moon (n)
省 (省)
[shěng] - province (n)
日語(日文) (日语(日文))
[rìyǔ(rìwén)] - Japanese (language) (n)
許多 (许多)
[xǔduō] - many; much; a lot of (adj)