HSC 355 assessment 2 Flashcards
Review the process of conducting a balanced critique
The process of conducting a balanced critique
. Give the readers a sense of the writers overall purpose and intent
. Analyze: how the structure and language of the text to convey its meaning.
interpret the significance and the importance of each part of the text
assess: make the judgement of the article’s worth and value
What should you focus on when writing an article, critique
An article critique involves examining and analyzing the writer’s work to determine the strengths and flaws and do a critical evaluation by providing an intensive analysis and involves giving a brief summary of the article
What are things you would evaluate for when examining the internal validity of the
article? What about for external validity?
Internal validity examines if the conduct and study design and analysis answers the research questions without bias
.evaluate: A study is assessed to be internally valid when the study results differed from the true effect only because of random error.
External validity: where study findings can be generalized into other contextual studies.
evaluate: Analogously, a study would be externally valid if the study results differed from the value that would be obtained in the target population only because of random error
Describe the different study approaches in research (quant, qual, mixed)
Quantitative research uses a structured hypothesis drive approaches to gather data that can be statistically analyzed.
Qualitative research: uses in-depth interviews and focus group discussion and participant observation to understand and identify themes and patterns and formative new theories
mixed method approach: a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and “mixing” both quantitative and qualitative research and methods in a single study to understand a research problem.
Distinguish the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary data collection
Primary data collection: collects new data from individuals
Secondary data: analyzes an existing data set or existing health records
tertiary study: reviews and synthesizes the existing literature on a topic.
Describe when quantitative methods are appropriate
When quantitative methods are appropriate for experimental and descriptive or correlational research
. Descriptive research : you simply seek the summary of your study variables
correlational research: you investigate the relationship with your study variables.
List of common quantitative study designs including key characteristics/features, basic
procedures to collect data, name basic analysis that can be performed and
special/ethical considerations of each quantitative study design (case report, case series,
cross-sectional, ecological, case-control, cohort, experimental
Case Report is a report that describes one patient
Case series: Is a report that describes a group of individuals who have the same disease and disorder.
Experimental- are the gold for assessing causality preventive interventions like vaccines and community trails of public health and environmental intervention
Ecological study - exposure to population level and explores an environmental exposure
Ecological fallacy is the incorrect that individuals follow the trends observed in a population level.
Cross-sectional prevalence study measures the proportion of members of a population who has a particular exposure or disease at a particular in time
Case control, commonly looked at associations looked for the factors and outcomes of a disease
Chort: It is a type of longitudinal study that occurs over time and they require to recruited participants over time
if provided a list of research goals/outcomes, are you able to identify the most
appropriate study design to obtain data on your research outcomes
a study that looks at the association between breast cancer rates and average dietary fat in 39 countries
Structured abstract
Is a research summary that uses subheadings like objective methods and results and conclusion
Unstructured abstract
is a narrative research summary that does not use section titles to divide the content of the paragraph
Graphical abstract
A single visual representation that displays the most important representation that displays the study in the format that can be easily disseminated through social media
Introduction section
Provides critical information a reader must know to understand the methods and results of the article
methods section
. The second section of a scientific report, and it presents the process used for the data collection and analysis
includes both person, place and time
for quantitative studies, the methods provide the measurements used in the surveys
Is the quality of being logical and consistent, and they demonstrate the alignment of the study goals and select methods and featured results
is the quality of being open and clear about the methods and results of the study
Results section
Is typically third in the four section report, and it contains key findings presented in the data via text and figures
Discussion section
Typically the final part of the paper and begins with a new study and compares new finds to ones prior to the literature
End matter
Is the information that some journals list between the end of the main text of the article and the reference
Concise presentation of key findings in a grid
Significant figures
are the number of digits in a number that are known to be accurate
a visual presentation of key findings in the form of a diagram flow chart and map or photograph
Is an illustration of quantitative results such as a scatter plot or a line graph that shows
Experimental study
Assigns the participants to receive a particular exposure
The study of distribution and determinants of health in a student population
observational study
does not intentionally expose any participants to an intervention or ask the participants to change their behavior
Descriptive study
are observational studies that quantify how often various health related exposures and outcomes occur in the population
Analytic study
Studies that seek to identify the risk factors or protective factors for adverse health outcomes or to test the effectiveness of an intervention intended to improve health status
Most popular primary study design is
cross-sectional studies
Cross-sectional studies can establish causation
Ecological studies involve
Population data
cross sectional studies
gives a snapshot of the prevalence of disease in the population
A study that looks at the association between breast cancer rates and the average dietary fat in 39 countries
ecological study
A study that surveys students to identify the number of recent accidents that have occurred among university students. The study will examine their knowledge and attitudes and behaviors related to safe driving
Cross sectional study
A study that conducts a detailed account of a number of different risk factors for a rare disease in a small number of individuals
case series
A study that conducts a detailed account of a number of different risk factors for a rare disease in one individual
case report