HRM Flashcards
used much more common
and is simply used descriptively to refer to the
variety of diverse tasks that go into managing
the relationship between an organization and
its employees.
process of acquiring, training, appraising,
and compensating employees and of
attending to their Labor, health and safety, and
fairness concerns.
Human Resource Management
What is the nature of HRM?
The expression “people are our
most valuable asset” has become
widely used but also rather clichéd
and overused.
- Employee skills have not been
a factor in competitive strategy. - Labor has frequently been
viewed as an expense that should
be minimized, especially during
difficult economic times when
downsizing and retrenchment are
But as businesses need to
innovate and grow, they place
more value on their human
resources as a source of
competitive advantage
Deals on employee rights and well-being. (work design, well-being, and ethics)
HRM is fundamentally concerned with overseeing contracts and employment relationships
between people and organizations.
A Human Focus
Employees are the main focus of HRM to improve organizational performance.
This is accomplished by making sure the company hires people who have the competence
and drive to succeed through efficient hiring and selection procedures, and that they enhance their
skills through training, development, and performance management.
A Resource Focus
A more strategic approach with a focus on managing
change, creating organizational cultures, and becoming partners in the business
A Management Focus
This is a necessary quality of HR where High-quality workers deliver a valuable service
performing many critical functions.
People are valuable resources
A necessary quality of HR where it’s difficult to find someone with the required
of expertise.
Human Resources are rare
This is a necessary quality of HR where you would need to identify which
are giving the edge and how to replicate the human
resources of a highperforming company.
Human Resources cannot be imitated
People learn, hone
their skills,
and show concern
for clients when they are welltrained and highly
motivated. Finding another resource that can
match dedicated
and talented personnel is challenging
There is no good substitute for human resources
What are the goals of HR?
• support the organization’s goals by creating and putting into practice human resource
(HR) strategies that are aligned with the company’s business plan (strategic HRM);
• assist in creating a culture of high performance;
• make sure the organization has the talented, knowledgeable, and engaged personnel
It needs
• establish a strong working connection between management and employees,
keeping in mind that for employees to function effectively and efficiently over time,
they must feel trusted, respected, and appreciated;
• guarantee a positive working environment for employees (safety & health, employee
• promote employee well-being as one of the key stakeholders (WLB, benefits,
What are the HRM Standards?
- People working on behalf
of the organization have
intrinsic value, in addition
to their protections under
the law or in regulation,
which needs to be
respected. - Stakeholders and their
interests are integral to the
best interests of the
organization. - Every organization is part
of a wider society and has
a responsibility to respect
its social contract as a
corporate citizen and
operate sustainably. - A commitment to valuing people who work on behalf of the
organization and to meeting the requirements of the
standard is made and supported at the highest level.
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes work analysis, job design, and job descriptions
Analysis and design of work
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes recruiting, job postings, interviewing, testing, coordinating use of temporary labor
Recruitment and selection
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes Orientation; skills training; career
development programs
Training and development
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes Performance measures; preparation
and administration of performance
appraisals; discipline
Performance Management
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes wage and salary administration;
incentive pay; insurance; vacation
leave administration; retirement
plans; profit sharing; stock plans
Compensation and benefits
This is a responsibility of HR departments where it includes attitude surveys; labor relations;
employee handbooks; company
publications; labor law compliance;
relocation and outplacement
Employee relations
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes policy creation and policy communication
Personnel Policies
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes Record keeping; HR information
systems; workforce analytics
Employee Data and Information Systems
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes policies to ensure lawful behavior;
reporting; posting information;
safety inspections; accessibility
Compliance of laws
This is a responsibility of HR department where it includes human resource planning and
forecasting; talent management
Support for strategy
essentially involves understanding and carrying out the
functions of human resource management. These behaviors include using HR technology,
applying policies and procedures, and keeping up-to-date on HR laws.
Human Resource expertise
involves handling the personal interactions necessary for
providing services and supporting the organization’s goals. Behaviors include treating
employees respectfully, building trust, and providing great customer service to those
served by HR functions.
Relationship Management
refers to the ways HR employees guide others in the organization. They do
this through behaviors such as coaching, gathering data to support business decisions,
and especially at a senior level, designing solutions in support of the business strategy.
refer to directing the organization’s processes and programs.
Depending on one’s level in the organization, the necessary behaviors would include
behaving consistently with the organization’s culture, encouraging people to collaborate,
or setting a vision for the HR function or the entire organization.
Leadership and Navigation
involves the skills needed to exchange information with others inside
and outside the organization. Behavior examples include expressing information clearly,
providing constructive feedback, and listening effectively.
means valuing and considering various people’s
perspectives. Behaviors include acquiring knowledge of other cultures, resolving conflicts,
and supporting inclusiveness so that all can contribute to their fullest.
Global and cultural effectiveness
involves applying integrity, accountability, and other core values.
Examples include maintaining confidentiality, rewarding ethical behavior, and responding
to reports of unethical conduct.
Ethical Practice
refers to the interpretation of information needed for making business
decisions. Behaviors include gathering relevant data, applying statistical knowledge to
understand the data, and finding the root causes of problems
Critical evaluation
involves understanding how information can be used to support the
organization’s strategy. Behaviors include gaining and applying knowledge of business
principles and how HR functions are related to business success.
Business Acumen
This is a function of HRM where it includes job analysis, recruitment, selection, and placement. It is also used to get the person for the right job
This is a function of HRM where it includes training and development, performance appraisal, and coping with changing technology. It is also used to get the most from the employee
This is a function of HRM where it includes wage and salary administration, benefits and services, labor management relations, collective bargaining, discipline complaints and grievances. It is also used to retain the best workforce
This is a function of HRM where it includes human resource planning and career development. It is also used to instill loyalty among the employees
refers to the process of
identifying, attracting,
interviewing, selecting,
hiring, and onboarding
is the process by
which candidates for
employment are
distinguished between those
who are suitable for the
position and those who are
What are the two types of recruitment sources
- External/Outside Sources
- Internal Sources
This is an example of external/outside sources where the ad should not include any statements that could
lead to charges of discrimination (e.g., “The ideal
applicant will be between 25 and 30 years old”),
Job Advertisement
This is an example of external/outside sources where the the job seeker initiates the activity by visiting an
organization’s personnel office and requesting to fill
out an application for employment, even though the
company may not have any job vacancies.
This is an example of iternal/outside sources where a company can place notice of a vacancy on its
website or list it on one of the online job or career
Companies find this recruitment format less
costly because it will reduce expenses incurred
for filed record.
Internet recruiting
This is an example of external/outside sources where These are independent organizations that
attempt to find a match between a person and a
job. Their success depends on the willingness of
both the job seeker and the organization to use
their services
Employment Agencies
This is an example of internal sources where it can be notices posted on bulletin boards, ads placed in company
newsletters, announcements made at staff meetings, or notices
circulated through departments.
Internal job postings
This is an example of internal sources where it provide the organization with a known source of labor.
Internal Candidates
This is an example of internal sources where they expect that vacancies will occur through death, illness, retirement,
resignation, or termination
Succession Plans/Replacement Charts Organization
What is the recruitment process?
- Initial Screening
- Completed Application
- Employment Test
- Comprehensive Interview
- Background Examination if required
- Medical/physical examination if required
- Permanent Job Offer
a process of assigning a
specific job to each of the
selected candidates. It
involves assigning a specific
rank and responsibility to an
individual. It implies
matching the requirements
of a job with the
qualifications of the
What is the importance of placement?
1.Reduce employee turnover
2. Reduce accident rates
3. Improve employee morale
4. Reduce absenteeism
5. Avoids misfit
between the
candidate and the job
6. Helps the candidate to work as
per the predetermined
objectives of the organization
cover a host of activities, all of which are directed toward discovering, understanding, and
describing what people do at work.
Job Analysis
a brief written description of
important for communicating
the nature of the job to
someone who doesn’t know
what the job is.
Job Description
the process of
placing one or
more jobs into a
cluster or family of
similar jobs
Job Classification
refer to human
necessary or
desirable for
performing the
Human Resource requirements
refer to m
that employers
require for the
Job Specifications
the process of
bundling tasks
or clusters of
tasks into a
collective called
a job
Job Design
bundling tasks
or clusters of
tasks for a
team of
workers as
opposed to
Team Design
overlaps with
team design
but also
attends to
assigning tasks
to equipment
and people in
the system
System Design
What are the uses of job analysis?
- Job Evaluation
-By Maintaining fair pay - Human Resource requirements and specifications
- Human Resource requirements
- Job Specifications - Job, team, and system design and redesign
- Job design
- Team Design
- System Design
What are the sources of job analysis data for a job analyst?
- The job holder’s immediate supervisor
- A high level executive or manager
- The job holder
- A technical expert
What are the sources of job analysis data for an organizational training specialist
- Clients or customers
- Other organizational units
- Written documents
- Previous job analyses
a process that helps organizations forecast
future human resource requirements and determine
how existing human resource capacity can be used
to meet those requirements.
Human Resource Planning
What is the objective of Human Resource Planning (HRP)
- The objective is then to develop strategies for
meeting future human resource needs. - involves identifying critical
a process in which organizations identify, develop,
and implement specific plans for their employees.
Strategic Human Resource Planning (SHRP)
What are the steps in HRP?
- Determining organizational objectives
- Assessing present human resource capacity
- Demand & supply forecast of HR
- Identifying manpower gaps
- Formulation of HR action plans
- Training and Development
- Evaluation & monitoring of Manpower planning
What are the competencies/skills of HR professionals
- Human Resource Expertise
- Relationship Management
- Consultation
- Leadership and Navigation
- Global and cultural effectiveness
- Ethical Practice
- Critical Evaluation
- Business Acumen