HR: Changes In Working Practice Flashcards
Flexible working
An employee has an agreed number of working hours- made up of core hours that must be worked and the rest of the contracted hours can be worked on a flexible basis
Multi skilling
This involves businesses training their workforce to be able to work effectively across a wide range of tasks
Advantages of multi skilling
•this offers a greater degree of flexibility
•better motivated staff
•change will be far easier to implement
Job sharing
The splitting of an existing job to enable two people to share it
Benefits of job sharing
•able to retain employees who otherwise may leave if unable to go part time- an experienced, valued member of staff
•meets employee request, keeps them happy and motivated- performance may suffer if they had to stay full time
•somebody in place for at least part of the time if that staff member is on leave or ill
•business may gain from ideas of two people
Disadvantages of job sharing
•administration costs for training another employee
•communication between both may breakdown on occasions- possible inefficiency
•business will have to communication same info to two people
•one person may not be available to attend important meetings
•will the person chosen for the job share be acceptable to the business owners and will they even agree?
Part-time employment
During busy periods, part-time employees are employed to meet the needs of the employer; at quieter times the core full-time staff are sufficient- has cost saving implications
A good PC and broadband connection can mean that many tasks can be fulfilled by working from home
Benefits to employee of home-working
•greater flexibility in combining work with domestic responsibilities (childcare)- work life balance improved
•stress of traveling is reduced
•cost savings on travelling, work clothes, food
Drawbacks to employee on home working
•may miss out on social interaction with colleagues- isolation
•more difficult to impress management if ambitious
•may miss out on experience of learning from others
Benefits to employer on home working
•costs reduced as less equipment and space is needed
•absenteeism as a result of bad weather is eliminated
•lateness is no longer an issue
•staff may be more motivated if benefits of home working suit their lifestyle
Drawbacks for employers on home working
•may be more difficult to monitor and control staff
•communication problems may occur especially if staff are working online
•cross fertilisation of ideas nay be reduced if staff don’t communication with each other frequently
Zero-hours contracts
This type of contract means that an employee has to be available for work but is not guaranteed any work
Benefits of zero hours contract
•provides employers with total flexibility
Drawbacks on zero hours contracts
•if demand for labour falls, employees may find themselves sent home
•employees on these contracts have virtually no income security at all