HPS111-Topic 2-Motivation & Emotion-2016 Flashcards
What is 2x2 achievement goal theory?
A model of motivation in which each person can be described in terms of an achievement motivation profile involving four types of goals: mastery approach, ego approach, mastery-avoidance, and ego-avoidance goals.
Achievement goal theory is
A theory of achievement motivation that stresses the goals (ego versus mastery) and motivational climates that influence achievement strivings.
Anorexia Nervosa is
An eating disorder involving severe and sometimes fatal restriction of food intake.
Approach-approach conflict is
a conflict in which an individual is simultaneously attracted to two incompatable positive goals.
Approach-avoidance conflict is
A conflict in which an individual is simultaneously attracted and repelled by the same goal.
Avoidance-avoidance conflict is
A conflict in which an individual must choose between two undesirable alternatives.
Behavioural Activation System (BIS) is
A neural system that is activated by cues indicating potential reward and positive need gratification. Activity in this neural system causes the person to begin to increase movement toward positive goals in anticipation of pleasure.
Behavioural inihibition system (BIS) is
A neural system that is activated by cues indicating potential pain, non-reinforcement and punishment. Activity in this neural system produces fear, inhibition of behaviour as well as escape and avoidance behaviours.
Bulimia nervosa is
An eating disorder that involves a repeated cycle of binge eating followed by purging of the food.
Cannon-Bard theory is
A theory of emotion that proposed that the thalamus sends simultaneous messages to the cortex (producing the experience of emotion) and to the viscera and skeletal muscles, producing actions and physiological responses.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is
A peptide (hormone) that helps produce satiety and cessation of eating.
Cognitive appraisal is
The process of making judgements about situations, personal capabilities, likely consequences and personal meaning of consequences.
Cultural display rules are
Cultural norms that regulate when and how emotions are expressed.
Drive is
A state of internal tension that motivates an organism to behave in ways that reduce this tension.
Ego-approach goals are
an achievement orientation that focuses on being judged successful as a result of outperforming others.
Ego-avoidance goals are
An achievement orientation that focuses on avoiding negative judgements by self or others due to failing to outperform others.
Ego-orientation is
an achievement goal orientation in which success is defined in terms of how well one compares with others and ‘wins out’.
Eliciting stimuli are
internal or external cues that evoke an emotional response.
Emotions are a
pattern of cognitive, physiological and behavioural responses to situations and events that have relevance to important goals or motives.