HPM 70.6 Chapters 21-29 Flashcards
- Name the three basic principles for all handcuffing techniques.
(Balance, Control, & Awareness/21-1)
- When two officers are arresting a subject using the felony arrest technique, when should the cover officer point his firearm away from the subject?
(When the contact officer has assumed a position of control/21-21)
- When may flex-cuffs be used in place of handcuffs?
(In multiple arrest and handcuffs are unavailable, when securing multiple arrestees together, when handcuffs are ineffective, when dealing with combative person/pg. 21-61)
- When conducting a search on a subject, every search must be conducted in a __________, ____________, and _____________ manner.
(Thorough, Systematic, & Professional/pg. 22-3)
- When custody of an arrestee is transferred from one officer to another, the officer accepting custody ________ search the arrestee.
Shall/pg. 22-3
- ______________ search shall be used for all arrest situations after the arrestee is handcuffed.
Standing/pg. 22-5
- Which methods of search is designed to search areas immediately available to the arrestee where a weapon may be concealed?
(Preliminary frisk/pg. 22-5)
- Under what circumstances can strip searches and visual body cavity search be conducted?
(A). When necessary to protect the safety of officers, civilians, and other arrestees, as well as safety and related interest of the allied agency prisoner detention and holding facility.
(B). When a search warrant is necessary in order to secure evidence of criminal activity
(pg. 22-20)
- Strip search and visual body cavity search are highly intrusive and ________ be conducted within the limits of legal authority, out of public view, and with regard for human dignity.
Shall/pg. 22-20
- A person arrested and held in custody on a misdemeanor or infraction offense, except those involving weapons, controlled substances, or violence, or a minor detained prior to a detention hearing on the grounds that they are a person described in Section 300, 601 or 602 of the W & I Code, except for those minors alleged to have committed felonies or offenses involving weapons, controlled substances, or violence, ____________ be subjected to a strip search or visual body cavity search prior to placement in the general jail population, unless a peace officer has determined there is reasonable suspicion, based on specific and articulable facts, to believe that person is concealing a weapon or contraband, and a strip search will result in the discovery of the weapon or contraband. (PC Section 4030 [e].) ()
SHALL NOT/pg. 22-21
- A strip search or visual body cavity search, or both, _____________ be conducted without the prior written authorization of the on-duty supervisor. The authorization _________ include the specific and articulable facts and circumstances upon which the reasonable suspicion determination was made by the supervisor. ()
- A person conducting or otherwise present or within sight of the inmate during a strip search or visual or physical cavity search shall be of the _______________ as the person being searched, except for physicians or licensed medical personnel.
(Same sex/pg. 22-21)
- What CHP form shall be completed prior to any strip search and/or visual body cavity search.
(CHP 202DS/pg. 22-23)
- A strip search or visual body cavity search, or both, shall not be conducted without the prior __________ authorization of the supervising officer on duty (Sergeant/OIC).
(Written/pg. 22-24)
- All prisoners ___________ be seat-belted when transported in departmental vehicles.
(Shall/pg. 24-3)