HPM 70.6 Chapters 16-20 Flashcards
- In misdemeanor apprehensions, roadblocks __ be avoided when attempting to apprehend misdemeanants.
Shall (chapter 16-1, 2b)
- In the legality of roadblocks, section 835 (a) PC permits __ force to make an arrest or prevent an escape.
Reasonable (16-2, 5a)
- Personnel ___ demonstrate proficiency in the use of any weapon prior to the issuance or carrying of such weapon. It is the responsibility of every uniformed employee to maintain proficiency in enforcement tactics, officer safety techniques, Physical Methods of Arrests (PMA) techniques, and the proper use of safety equipment.
Shall (17-3, 2)
- Annually, uniformed employees at the rank of ___ and below shall participate in an eight-hour Officer Safety Training (OST) day.
Sergeant (17-3, 2a)
- Areas shall only use the eight-hour OST day curriculum provided by the ___.
Academy, AOST Unit (17-6, 4a3)
- Successful completion of Area OST days shall be documented on the ___.
CHP 199 (17-6, 4a6)
- Each uniformed employee who transfers ___have a current CHP 199 on file.
Shall (17-, 6d)
- Personal weapons ___ only be used when more conventional means of self-defense (control holds, aerosol subject restraint, side handle baton (PR-24), firearms) are not readily available or warranted.
Should (19-1, 1)
- While in the performance of their duties, Officers ___ utilize the appropriate departmentally approved control hold necessary to control a subject involved in a given situation. Per Penal Code Section 835a: “Any peace officer who has reasonable cause to believe that the person being arrested has committed a public offense may use reasonable force to effect the arrest, to prevent escape, or to overcome resistance.” Any deviation from the use of either the twist-lock or bent-wrist control holds shall be justified by the officer.
Shall (20-1, 2)
- The two types of Misdemeanor control holds are ___ and ___.
Twist-lock and Bent-wrist (20-1, 4)
- Any use of control hold which results in an apparent injury, complaint of injury or a subsequent claim of injury shall be documented in a ___. This form shall be completed in addition to any documentation required on an arrest or investigation reports or memorandum of incidents.
Chp 268 (20-9, 7)
- Four examples of when control holds may be utilized are:
-Phyical restraints of volatile person(s)
-Prevent movement
- As prelude to taking a person into physical custody
-When required for the safety of the public, Officer, or subject
(20-1, 3)
- In addition to the eight-hour OST day, uniformed employees at the rank of Sergeant and below shall attend the annual __ Arrest and Control training, as part of the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Perishable Skills Program.
Four Hour (17-3, 2b)
- Captains and/or ___ shall periodically monitor Area OST, Arrest and Control training and CHP 199 certifications to demonstrate their commitment and to assist the factually assessing the quality of Area OST.
Lieutenants (17-5, C2)
- The Division Officer Safety Coordinators (OSC) shall conduct biannual audits of Area OST records and training to ensure ___, ___, and ____.
Proficiency, consistency, adherence to Departmental policy. (17-5, D1)
- Areas shall notify the appropriate Division of their scheduled Area OST days on a ___ basis.
Quarterly (17-6, 4a5)
- Uniformed employees who fail to meet the required level of certification after a maximum ___ refresher training shall be placed on interim reporting pursuant to the procedures contained in HPM 10.10, Performance Appraisal Manual.
30 days (17-9, 6c3)
The ___ printed from the ETRS is a permanent record of training. It shall be used to note each uniformed employee’s actual date of CHP 199 certification. Each annual entry ___ be initialed by the certifying Officer or supervisor.
Chp 270 (Service Record), should (17-9, 6f)
With respect to roadblocks, the safety of ___ and ___ is of prime importance.
Officers, the public (16-1, 1a5)
Roadblocks are used to partially or completely divert or stop traffic upon a highway for the purpose of ___ or ___.
Apprehension of a suspect, disaster relief (16-2, 4)
- In roadblock, an Officer must have ___ to stop a vehicle on the road and detain its occupants.
Reasonable Suspicion (16-2, 5b)
- 3 types of roadblocks are:
- Blocking Two-lane Roadway
- Blocking Multi-lane Roadway
- Blocking a four-Way Intersection
- The __ perimeter is formed around the crime scene, to quickly block escape routes.
Inner (16-5, 9a1)
- The __ perimeter is a larger area designed to completely encompass the inner perimeter; however, it is usually limited for the use in rural areas.
Outer (16-5, 9b1)
- The inner perimeter is the first assignment in a ___ plan.
Roadblock (16-5, 9a2)