How was Germany governed before the Nazis? Flashcards
What and when was the Munich putsch?
1923, Hitler and the Nazis first attempt to take power in Germany by capturing the government with their SA troops in Munich. Beaten by the police and the army following which Hitler was sent to prison.
By 1912, what did the Kaiser realise was one way to unite his country and stop the complaints of the SDP?
Get Germany into a war (WW1).
Who were the Friekorps?
Groups of ex-soldiers who continued serving despite not being paid in attempt to help Germany through its troubled times.
What was Article 48?
Said that in an emergency the President could make laws without the Reichstag.
Who was Stressemann, when was he around?
Chancellor of Germany in 1923.
How was the Weimar constitution organised?
President – Chancellor – Reichstag (German parliament) – people.
What was the year and details of the Kaiser’s second Naval law?
- Doubled the number of battleships to be built each year (to 38).
What is the positive way some people remember Stresemann?
That he solved Germany’s economic problems, improved international relations and brought stability.
What did Stressemann do to solve the crisis?
Convinced striking workers in the Ruhr to return to their jobs, new currency, the Locarno pact for improved international relations and got Germany financial aid from America.
What was the year and details of the Kaiser’s first Naval law?
1898 - added an additional 7 battleships to the total built each year (to a total of 19).
What is the negative way some people remember Stresemann?
That he didn’t properly fix any of Germany’s problems. He just used loans from America to make people think they were fixed.
True or false, the period in Germany after Stressemann became Chancellor is referred to as ‘The Golden Twenties’?
Who convinced striking workers in the Ruhr to return to their jobs, new currency, the Locarno pact for improved international relations and got Germany financial aid from America?
Why was Democracy a problem for the Kaiser in the early 1900s?
The Kaiser’s right wing friends were declining in influence. Left wing parties (concerned with workers rights) were growing.
How did the Kaiser solve the problem of industrialisation?
He gained the support of rich businessmen to improve Germany’s industrial strength. The growth in population (40 million in 1871 to 68 million in 1914) also helped.
What were the three main problems facing the Kaiser in the early 1900s?
Industrialisation, socialism, democracy.
What and when was the Kapp putsch?
1920, Friekorps leader Wolfgang Kapp unsuccessfully tried to seize control from the Weimar government in Berlin. Workers in Berlin refused to accept this and went on strike, causing Kapp to flee.
Who set up the SDP (Social Democratic Party)?
German workers who were still unhappy with inequality in the Kaiser’s Germany.
What and when was the ‘Red Rising’ in the Ruhr?
1920: A group of workers, led by Communists who were angry about pay and working conditions. They occupied the Ruhr region of Germany and took over its raw materials but were beaten by the German army and Friekorps/.
What was proportional representation?
Political parties were allocated seats in line with the number of votes received.
What was the military impact of the Kaiser’s naval laws?
Encouraged war.
Give details of the three problems that affected Germany in 1923.
The French occupation of the Ruhr, hyperinflation and the Munich Putsch.
Why was industrialisation a problem for the Kaiser in the early 1900s?
Germany’s Navy and steel production was half that of Britain’s. Wilhelm wanted Germany to be just as great as Britain.
What was the political impact of the Kaiser’s naval laws?
They won him lots of support as played upon people’s sense of patriotism.
Who were the Spartacists and what did they try to achieve?
A group of Communists led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht who attempted to turn a worker’s protest in January 1919 into a revolution. They captured the government controlled newspaper and telegraph HQs but were eventually beaten and killed by the amry and Friekorp units.
What was the ‘stab in the back’ myth?
A belief held by many Germans that at the end of WW1 they had not really lost but had been betrayed by their own leaders, namely the Weimar republic.
Why was Socialism a problem for the Kaiser in the early 1900s?
The gap between the rich and poor had widened due to industrialisation. Poorly paid workers had joined trade unions to try to force the Kaiser to improve their conditions.
What was the Dawes plan?
The Dawes plan was proposed by American banker Charles Dawed in 1924. It gave economic relief to Germany by giving them a huge loan from America.
What was a consequence of the Kaiser’s work to industrialise Germany?
Increased the gap between rich and poor and made the workers unhappy about their poor wages.
How did the Kasier try to solve the problem of socialism?
Social reforms were introduced eg 1889 old age pensions plus sickness and accident insurance schemes.
What was the financial impact of the Kaiser’s naval laws?
They were very expensive and by 1914 Germany was 5 billion marks in debt.
How did the Kasier try to solve the problem of Democracy?
The Kaiser used nationalism to get the support of the upper and middle classes.
Who were George Grosz, Otto Dix and Fritz Lang?
Artists and film directors whose work typified the divided nature of Weimar society in the late 1920s: half decadent and indulgent, half poor and resentful.
What year was the Treaty of Versailles and what were its key points?
- Germany had to accept full blame for WW1, could not re-arm and had to accept war reparations equivalent to £6,600 million.