How To Play Flashcards
What is the name given to the game’s main story-teller and referee?
Dungeon Master
How many sides do each of the six dice have?
4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20
How do you generate a percentile roll?
Roll the 10 sided die twice, once for the tens and again for the units. 00 means 100.
What does 3d8+5 mean?
Roll the 8 sided dice three times, add the results together and then add 5.
What is the basic pattern of play?
- The DM describes the environment.
- The players describe what they want to do.
- The DM narrates the results of the adventurers’ actions.
What are the six player characteristics?
- Strength
- Dexterity
- Constitution
- Intelligence
- Wisdom
- Charisma
If you have to halve a number and it is odd, do you round up or down?
Round down
What ability modifiers result from each possible ability score?
1 : -5 2-3 : -4 4-5 : -3 6-7 : -2 8-9 : -1 10-11: 0 12-13: +1 14-15: +2 16-17: +3 18-19: +4 20-21: +5 etc
When the outcome of an action is uncertain, which dice determines the success or failure?
What are the three main kinds of d20 rolls?
- Ability Checks
- Attack Rolls
- Saving Throws
How do you determine whether an action is successful or not?
- Roll a d20
- Add any bonuses or penalties
- Compare the total to a target number.
- If the total equals or exceeds it, the action is successful.
What is the target number for an ability check or saving throw called?
The Difficulty Class
What is the target number for an attack roll called?
The Armour Class
What happens on a d20 roll when a player has an advantage/disadvantage?
The player rolls the d20 twice and takes the higher number for an advantage and the lower number for a disadvantage.