How to do stuff Flashcards
How do you center a div
Parent container:
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
child div:
margin: 0 auto;
how do you make an overlay
div --> .overlay { background: linear-gradient(rgb(somegray / 60%), rgb(somegray / 60%)); position: absolute; height: 100% width: 100% top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 1; display: flex;
view swapping?
class hidden: –> display: none
query elems you want to swap with
change class names with .className with hidden to hide and no hidden to not
@media query to change mobile responsiveness
set regular as width 100% outside of media query and min-width some px for media feature and set css rule inside to change to screen response
mostly has to do with column widths
how to remove a parent element when clicking on a child element like a button to delete an entry list
add event listener to button or child element query
make if statement strictly equal to the tagName of the button. and if passes
then query the element selector) in a variable –> will store an element that is closest to that specified selector inner to out
then do that query.remove()
How to make DOM “update” in real time without refreshing
Query the current DOM tree or whatever you are trying to update
do element.methods –> (append , remove , replace…) to current DOM tree with whatever child DOM tree you are trying to insert or change
this all needs to be in the handler function for whatever event listener you have on child div
How to change value of form preset
what do you need to include in form submit event listener
query the input element or form
then do $form.elements. name attribute value .value = to whatever you want to fill
first include preventDefault() so page does not reload
then at the end include $form.reset() to empty out form values whenever leaving the page
how to parse old data from local storage
get data from local storage in variable –> localStorage.getItem( whatever string value )
if that ^^ is not null then we do data === previousdata
what are the steps in XMLhttpsrequest
assign to variable new XMLHttpsREquest()
xhr. open(‘GET’, whatever url)
xhr. responseType = ‘json’
xhr. addEventListener(‘load’ handlerFunction)
xhr. send()
how to contain an image in a div
–square div / circle div
make parent div position relative and have a defined width and height
make child img object-fit: cover/contain and fill up the div by: width: 100% and height: 100%
for circle make parent and child border-radius: 50%
config react projects?
npm init -y –> make package.json
npm install react react-dom –> dependencies
npm install –save-dev webpack webpack-cli babel-loader @babel/core @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx –> devDependencies
on package json script do watch: “webpack –watch –stats=minimal –mode=development –devtool=source-map”
what is the process for auth
take the username and password from req body and filter through argon2.hash( ) then query to data base the hashpassword
for authentication get a select sql queeyr then compare the body password to the sql query withh argon2 verify
for authorization and getting tokens get token from req.headers[‘x-acesss-token’] and do const payload verify with token and put it in req.user for the authorization middlewear
how to run data base
make a data base : createdb –> name of data base
npm run db:import –> include script in package.json
pgweb –db=database name –> to run pgweb