How to become a people magnet - 1 Flashcards
many successful techniques of dealing with and influencing people stem from this understanding
stem = se derivan
do you want to know the most important and ultimately the most interesting subject
ultimately = finalmente
a word that will make you a very sought after conversational partner
sought = buscado
Smile at the baker, the butcher, in the subway
baker, the butcher = panadero, el cocinero
There are also some “don’ts” that can hinder making a good impression
hinder = impedir
making a good impression, like being overanxious
overanxious = demasiado ansioso
you make friends easily by talking about the city’s seemingly most important subject
seemingly = aparentemente
how many people are so self-absorbed they don’t even greet people
self-absorbed = ensimismado
Remember our hunger for acknowledgment?
hunger = hambre
Praise people and watch them grow
praise = alabar
when do our marriages and jobs go sour?
sour = agrio
Because you’ll be of a rare breed
breed = raza
what the other person has to say instead of bragging with you knowledge
bragging = fanfarronear
Lean towards the speaker
lean towards = inclinarse hacia
This will show the speaker that you are listening and will flatter him/her
flatter = adular
If you are rehearsing what you are going to say next
rehearsing = ensayando
A great way to convince people is quoting someone
quoting = citando
Don’t brag about how generous you are
brag = presumir
you will get much further with this tactic than with just bluntly telling a person that they are wrong
bluntly = bruscamente
Know your strengths, know your weaknesses, embrace vulnerability and take responsability for your mistakes
embrace = aceptar
Hint: like everything else it gets better with practice
hint = sugerencia
Do you want their business? Their goodwill? If you want any of this, keep the conversation focused on them
goodwill = buena voluntad
my boss let me drive his car when I had to run an errand
errand = mandado
One day, driving around and not paying attention I hit the curbstone with the right front tire.
curbstone = bordillo
Don’t damage your trustworthiness and relationship by gossiping.
trustworthiness = confiabilidad
That’s why you have people whose life is in disarray telling you how you should live your life
disarray = desorden
Have you ever been around bitter people who can’t let go of the past?
bitter = amargo
People who are still holding a grudge because someone did something to them a long time ago
grudge = rencor
Forgive even if it was the other party who wronged you
wronged you = te hizo daño
from today onwards do yourself a huge favor and forgive everybody
onwards = adelante
Never make promises you can’t keep and over-deliver on everything you do
over-deliver = entregar excusas
A nice byproduct of this strategy is that you will also experience a lot less stress and be more relaxed
byproduct = subproducto
Don’t undermine your reputation and your self-worth.
undermine = socavar
We live in a society that longs for appreciation, recognition and feeling important
longs = anhela
It sets us apart and makes us unique among all others
It sets us apart = nos distingue
Many time because we are so busy rehearsing what to say next that we the forget the name the person we just met told us
rehearsing = ensayando
we are craving for appreciation
craving = ansia
Remember how it brightens up your moment
brightens up = ilumina
Don’t spare with praise and acknowledgment as it does miracles
Don’t spare = no escatimes
Bear in mind that “what goes around comes around”
bear = tener
Remind your employees of their outstanding work in the past
outstanding = excepcional
They concluded that the mere belief of the teacher in the potential of the students brought that potencial to life
mere = mera
a person who is successful but remains humble or an arrogant braggart?
braggart = fanfarón
they acknokledge their flaws and admit mistakes and limitations
flaws = defectos
Apologizing to others, we have wronged
wronged = agraviado
Being willing to remain anonymous in helping others
willing = dispuesto
Treating all people with respect regardless of their social status
regardless = independientemente
Enjoying the lowly status of being an outsider and a nobody
outsider = forastero
In Germany not being puntual is seen as highly unprofessional and might ruin your chances in any endeavor
endeavor = empresa, esfuerzo
Or you had a cast, and suddenly everyone seemed to have a cast?
cast = yeso
Imagine focusing on the strengths of your spouse instead of nagging?
nagging = regañar, molestarse
What are their most significant personal and professional accomplishments?
accomplishments = logros
What makes them unique and compelling?
compelling = convincente
not to get rid of them and that’s what harsh criticism will do
harsh = áspero
They criticize in public and praise in private - if they praise at all, and that ruins their relationships
at all = en absoluto
then drop your critique point and if you a very swift guy or gal close with another praise
swift = rápido, veloz
gal = chica
Always criticize the behavior and never ever the person
never ever = nunca jamás
Demanding should only be a measure of last resort
resort = recurso, recurrir
and a nice tone of voice felt a lot better afterwards
afterwards = después
Give them space to blow some steam off it they need to
blow some steam off = desahogarse