How to Ask Questions Flashcards
How much is it
Quanto costa?
Can I pay with card?
Posso pagare con carta
Where are?
Dove sono?
Dove? (dov-ay)
Come (Ko-me)
Chi (kee)
How much
Quanto (kwan-to)
Perche (per-ke)
Quando (qwan-do)
Che (cosa) (ko-za)
Quale (kwal-e)
How much does this cost?
Quanto costa questo (kwan-to kos-tah kwe-sto)
How much does that cost?
Quanto costa quello (kwan-to kos-tah kewl-lo)
Can I have?
Posso avere (pos-so av-air-re)
I would like
Vorrei (vor-ray-ee)
I would like the bill
Vorrei il conto
I would like a gelato
Vorrei un gelato
I would like an espresso
Vorrei un cafe
I would like four tickets
Vorrei quatro biglietti
Where is
Dov’e (dov-e)
Where is the toilet
Dov’e il bagno
Where is the Colosseum
Dov’e il colosseo
Where is the train station
Dov’e la stazione (la stats-yo-nay)
Where is the pharmacy
Dov’e la farmacia (la far-ma-chee-ya)
Where is the hospital
Dov’e l’ospedale (los-pe-da-lay)
Where is the entrance
Dov’e entrata / ingresso (en-tra-ta / en-gres-so)
Where is the exit
Dov’e uscita (oo-she-ta)
I need a taxi
Mi serve un taxi (me ser-ve oon tak-zee)
Please stop here
Fermi qui, per favore (fer-mee kwee)