Eating Out, Ordering Food Flashcards
(os-te-ree-ah) Moderately priced restaurant with short menu of simple foods
(tra-tor-ree-ya) step up from Osteria, typically family run specializing in rustic home-cooked foods
(ris-tor-ran-te) a higher end full service dining
(bar) shop selling coffee, beer, wine and liquor, and occasionally grab and go food
(pas-tich-er-ree-ya) bakery
(pan-en-o-te-ka) sandwich shop
(en-o-te-ka) wine bar sometimes also with small plates
Where is a good restaurant?
Dove si mangia bene (Dov-ay see man-ja be-ne)
What shall we make for you? (waiter aks table)
Che facciamo (ke fach-ya-mo)
How many are you? (waiter asks when you arrive)
Quanti siete (kwan-tee see-yeh-teh)
Antipasto (an-tee-pass-toh)
First Course (pasta or rice)
Primo (pree-mo)
Second Course (chicken, meat, fish)
Secondo (se-kon-do)
Side Dish (vegetables or salad)
Contorno (kon-tor-no)
Insalata (en-sa-la-tah)
il dolce (eel dol-cheh)
Da bere (da beh-reh)
Another one, please
Un altro, per favore (oon al-tro, payr fa-vo-ray)
I like my steak… rare/medium/well-done
Preferisco la bistecca… al sangue / cotta al punto giusto / ben cotta (pre-fer-ess-ko la bis-tekk-ka / al san-gwe / kot-ta al poon-toh jew-sta / ben kot-ta)
I would like (used when ordering food)
Prendo (pren-do)
The menu, please
Il menu, per favore (eel men-oo)
Two beers, please
Due birre, per favore (doo-ay beer-re)
A bottle of house wine, please
Una bottiglia di vino della casa, per favore (oo-na bot-teel-ya dee vee–no del-ia ka-za)
Red wine
vino rosso
White wine
Vino bianco
A bottle of still water
Una bottiglia di acqua naturale (oo-na bot-teel-ya dee ak-wa na-too-ra-lay)
A bottle of sparkling water
Una bottiglia di acqua gassata (oo-na bot-teel-ya dee ak-wa gas-za-ta)
What do you recommend? (formal)
Che cosa ci consiglia (kay ko-za chee kon-seel-ya)
Is this sauce spicy?
E la salsa piccante (e la sal-sa pik-kan-te)
I’m allergic to… (male)
sono allergico a… (so-no al-ler-kee-ko a)
The bill, please
Il conto, per favore (eel kon-to)
Enjoy your food!
Buon appetito (bwon a-pe-tee-to
It was delicious!
Era buonissimo (e-ra bwon-iss-ee-mo)
Does this have mayonnaise?
Questo ha la maionese?