HOW TO ANSWER Flashcards
QUESTION 1 (4 marks)
2x points source A
2x points source B
Source A/B tells us that… this demonstrates/from this we learn…
QUESTION 2 (6 marks)
1x point on what the source says
1x this is accurate/not accurate to… i know this because…
2x more points of own knowledge to support/argue the source
1x why does this person have this view? ATTRIBITION
QUESTION 3 (12 marks)
8x clear and EXPLAINED points on the presented topic
QUESTION 4 (12 marks)
“first option” -> explain it -> this links to “second option” -> explain the link -> this links to “third option” -> explain the link -> this links back to “first option” -> explain the link -> all of these link to… because…
QUESTION 5 (16 marks)
1x evaluate the source MAKE A JUDGEMENT
4x points to agree (with own knowledge)
4x points to disagree (with own knowledge)
Interpretations of this differ because…
1x conclude MAKE A JUDGEMENT