how successful was wilson as PM (1964-70) Flashcards
- clear successes in social and foreign policy but this has only been appreciated with hindsight by later generations who acknowledge his civilising effect.
- Voted out by electorate in 1970- judged him a ‘failure’- they were disillusioned with high taxation.
- Mishandling of the economy was his biggest failure.
1. Inherited a poor economic position with an £750million deficit and had bad luck in the sterling crises caused by hostile speculators in the city.
- Economic growth slow to 2%.
- Bank rate raised to 7% and wages frozen in 1966 July Package.
- Devaluation in 1967- cuts to departmental budgets.
- Political failure : Rejection in the bid to enter the EEC by De Gaulle in 1967.
success social
some successes but to the electorate of 1970, this could not compensate for the economics
Success in presiding over legislation that helped to create a more civilised Britain- abolished the death penalty, legalised abortion and homosexuality, ended censorship, reformed divorce law and criminalised racial discrimination.
success political
some successes but to the electorate of 1970, this could not compensate for the economics
- POLITICAL He held the government together and handled the volatile situation in Northern Ireland well.
success foreign policy
some successes but to the electorate of 1970, this could not compensate for the economics
ensured no British soldier ever set foot on Vietnamese soil whilst at the same time, securing American support for the British economy- these successes were not appreciated at the time.