How successful was Hitler in consolidating his dictatorship? Flashcards
When did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?
January 1933
Who was responsible for making Hitler Chancellor?
Von Papen and Hindenburg.
What factors helped the Nazi Party gain increased support by 1932?
- Hitler’s popularity - Nazi reorganization and targeted propaganda.
- Weaknesses of Weimar - The Great Depression/Wall Street Crash.
How did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany in January 1933?
Hitler and Von Papen formed a coalition ~ Hitler needed to check things with Von Papen ~ wanted to rule by himself ~ needed a majority ~ needed a general election.
What does having a majority mean for Hitler?
Hitler could rule by himself (having more votes).
What does Gleichschaltung mean?
When a regime successfully establishes a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of society (having control over everyone and everything).
What had Hitler and the Nazi Party achieved between 1933 and 1934?
Increase in support.
How far had Hitler’s dictatorship been consolidated by August 1934. How secure was he and why?
Very secure…
- He had removed opposition from other parties (Reichstag Fire ~ Communists removed).
- Removed Trade Unions.
- Night of Long Knives ~ removed 90 members of the SA - leadership of the SA = biggest threat to Hitler. ~ SA = less powerful ~ wins support from the Army.
How successful was Hitler in consolidating his position between Jan 1933-August 1934?
Removing opposition - Reichstag Fire February 27th 1933 = remove the Communists, killed 90 members of SA during Night of Long Knives on June 30th 1934 ~ Hitler = less opposition and threats by August 1934.
However, Hitler still needed to keep promises like solving the Great Depression and abolishing the Treaty of Versailles.
What does Dualism mean?
A system of government in which two forces coexist.
What does Totalitarian regime mean?
A system of government in which all power is centralised and does not allow any rival authorities.
When did Germany become a one-party state and what did this mean?
July 1933 - Nazi Party claimed sole political authority.
When did Hindenburg die?
2 August 1934
What is the exact relationship between the Nazi Party and German State referred to as?
When was the Reichstag Fire?
27th February 1933
What happened during the Reichstag Fire of February 27th 1933?
Reichstag building = set on fire ~ young Dutch communist, Marinus van der Lubbe = arrested.
How did the Nazis use the Reichstag Fire of February 27th 1933 to their advantage?
- Exploited by the Nazis ~ threat posed by communists ~ arrest of hundreds of anti-Nazis before elections took place.
- Communists couldn’t campaign in elections.
H = Hindenburg…
After the Reichstag Fire of February 27th 1933, What else still needed to be achieved?
Hindenburg still holds presidential power ~ ability to sack Hitler.
When did Hindenburg issue Decree of the Reich President for the protection of the nation and state?
28th Feb 1933
What happened due to Hindenburg issuing Decree of the Reich President for protection of the nation and the state on February 28th 1933?
Suspended ‘democracy’ ~ allows secret police (Gestapo) to hold people indefinitely.
How did the Nazis use Hindenburg’s issue Decree of the Reich President for protection of the nation and the state of February 28th 1933 to their advantage?
Issued due to Reichstag fire ~ Hitler argued it = communist plot but others believed the communist acted alone.
After Hindenburg’s issue Decree of the Reich President for protection of the nation and the state of February 28th 1933, What else still needed to be achieved?
Repairing the damage from the fire.
When were elections held?
5th March 1933
How did the Nazis use the elections of March 5th 1933 to their advantage?
- Used media extensively to encourage voters to support him.
- SA = highly visible to intimidate voters.
- Highest ever turnout ~ Nazis = 44% of the vote.
- Widespread arrests of Communists and members of SPD in the run up to the election.
March = Majority…
After the elections of March 5th 1933, What else still needed to be achieved?
Doesn’t have enough votes/majority.
When was the Enabling Act passed?
24th March 1933
What did the Enabling Act of March 24th 1933 do?
- Dismisses the reichstag ~ transfers all power to his party.
- The vote required ¾ of Reichstag deputies to pass it for it to become law ~ achieved - 444 in favour, 94 against ~ Hitler = head of legal dictatorship.
- Hitler’s government had the power to pass laws for the next 4 years without consulting the Reichstag.
After the Enabling Act of March 24th 1933, what still needed to be achieved?
- Gain the support of the people.
- Removed all political opposition but can still be sacked by Hindenburg.
- Needs to secure his place.
When was the boycott of Jewish shops and businesses?
April 1st 1933
What happened during the boycott of Jewish shops and businesses on April 1st 1933?
Was it successful?
- SA stood in front of Jewish department stores, retail establishments, and the offices of professionals (doctors, lawyers etc).
- Star of David painted in yellow and black across thousands of doors and windows, also with slogans.
- Signs saying “Don’t buy from Jews!”, “The Jews Are Our Misfortune!” and “Go to Palestine!”
- Rare acts of violence against individual Jews and Jewish property occurred.
________________________________________________________________________ - Ignored by many individual Germans.
After the boycott of Jewish shops and businesses on April 1st 1933, what still needed to be achieved?
Started to spread anti-Jewish messages but many ignored so Hitler would want to gain their support.
When was the Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service’ passed?
April 7th 1933
What happened when the Law for the Restoration of Civil Service’ was passed on April 7th 1933?
- All those of ‘non Aryan descent’ = fired.
- Hitler agreed to Hindenburg’s terms.
What 3 classes of civil servants were excluded from the Law for the Restoration of Civil Service’ on April 7th 1933?
- WW1 veterans who served at the front.
- Those who had been in the civil service continuously since 1st Aug 1914.
- Those who lost a father or son in combat in the great war.
After the Law for the Restoration of Civil Service’ was passed on April 7th 1933, what still needed to be achieved?
Started to spread anti-Jewish messages but many ignored so Hitler would want to gain their support.
May = Day…
What was the 1st May?
‘Day of National Labour’ = nationwide holiday.
When were Trade Union offices occupied by the SA?
May 2nd 1933
What happened when Trade Union offices were occupied by the SA on the 2nd of May 1933?
German Labour Front (DAF) = announced as new nationwide labour organisations to replace the unions.
When did Hitler outlaw the formation of any new political parties in Germany?
July 14th 1933
What did Hitler outlawing the formation of any new political parties in Germany on July 14th 1933 do?
- Communists and the SPD = already banned and other parties had dissolved themselves ~ Germany = one party state.
- First concentration camp in Germany = Dachau (founded March 1933) ~ 5,000 persons.
When was the Concordat agreement between the state and Vatican (Pope)?
July 20th 1933
What did the Concordat agreement between the state and Vatican on July 20th 1933 do?
Papen and Pope Pius XII signed an agreement ~ constraints on political activity of the church, whilst guaranteeing Church’s independence under the Nazi’s regime.
After the Concordat agreement between the state and Vatican on July 20th 1933, what still needed to be achieved?
- Needed a majority.
- Hindenburg still had control.
- Church = still independent under the Nazi regime.
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
June 30th 1934
What happened during the Night of the Long Knives on June 30th 1934?
What did this do?
- Killings of 90 members of SA (50 = significant leaders) by the SS, including Rohm (leader), Strasser (Nazi rival) and Schleicher.
- Rohm had control over 3 million people ~ big threat.
Shocked Germans and could’ve made the Nazis lose popularity.
What happened on 2nd August 1934?
Hindenburg died & the Fuhrer Oath.
What did the Fuhrer Oath and Hindenburg’s death on August 2nd 1934 do?
- Hindenburg died ~ Hitler = President ~ two roles of Chancellor and President = merged ~ ‘Fuhrer’.
- Army took personal oath of loyalty to Hitler ~ promising unconditional obedience.
What was the Hitler myth?
Historic attachments to heroic leadership combined with a mastery of propaganda techniques to mesmerise Germany into acceptance of the charismatic authority offered by the Führer.
How was Nazi Germany governed?