How Plate Tectonics and Climate Shape the Geological Record P2 - Lec 13 Flashcards
How many years ago was Ireland at the equator and went from deserts to coal swamps?
What occurred following the closing of the Rheic Ocean as Gondwana moved northwards?
The supercontinent of Pangea formed (Devonian period)
What occurred in what time periods to lead to the formation of Pangea?
Cambrian and Ordovician: Laurentia and Gondwana/Avalonia split by Iapetus Ocean
Silurian: Avalonia drifts and collides with Laurentia, opening the Rheic ocean and leaving Gondwana alone
Devonian: Laurussia (Laurentia, Avalonia and Baltica) collides with Gondwana to form Pangea
What was the 3 names for the amalgamation of Laurentia, Avalonia and Baltica?
Euramerica, Laurussia and Old Red Sandstone Continent
Where was the transition from marine sediment to terrestrial sediment?
Low palaeolatitudes south of the equator
What was the result of this amalgamation? (7)
Red beds, desert environment, alluvial fans (scree slopes and debris flows), unconfined sheet folds over floodplains, aeolian (wind-blown) deposits, lacustrine deposits
What occurred in the Early Devonian? (400mya)
Localised lacustrine systems in NE Scotland
Marine influence restricted to southern Britain
Prominent topography: extensive alluvial fan sedimentation and major river systems flowing length of topographic lows
Eg. Cushendun, Co. Antrim and Sandeel Bay (old red sandstone), Co. Wexford
What occurred in the Middle Devonian? (380mya)
Decrease in alluvial fan sedimentation (reduced topography/mountains)
Development of major lacustrine systems in NE Scotland (eg. Orcadian Bay)
Marine influence has migrated further North
What occurred in the Late Devonian? (370mya)
Alluvial plains and aeolian facies important (ie. further north and more arid)
Rivers: some meandering not braided (reduced topography)
Locally lacustrine deposits and evaporites
Major coastal plain has developed in the south
What occurred in the Lower Carboniferous? (350-325mya)
Ireland was on the equator and covered by a tropical ocean. It was located to the north of ‘Variscan Mountains’
What occurred in the Early Carboniferous? (355mya)
Marine influence further north than before
Carbonate platforms - limestone deposition in southern Britain and Ireland
Deeper water facies to south
Major transgression (migration of seaway) underway
Sea level from south floods northwards
What occurred in the Middle Carboniferous? (328mya)
Coal swamps and deltas becoming established in NE Britain with some marine influence during short scale transgressions
Significant marine limestone deposition across much of southern and central Ireland and Britain
Localised deeper basins eg Dublin Basin
What occurred in the Late Carboniferous? (313mya)
Extensive terrestrial (emergent) surfaces in northern part of Britain and Ireland Coal swamps - burial of carbon
What is the summary of the Devonian period?
Terrestrial Old Red Sandstone continent
What is the summary of the Early-Mid Carboniferous?
Extensive limestone platforms
Flooding onto land surfaces
Rise in sea level
What is the summary of the Mid-Late Carboniferous?
Major phase of deltas and coal swamps
Global sea level fall as ice sheets build up
Describe the Orcadian Basin from the Middle Devonian.
Cyclical patterns of sedimentation as lake levels rise and fall
Astronomical forcing of sediment patterns (axis tilt, orbital eccentricity, eccentricity rotation)
Lake geometry reflects local physiography and tectonics (illustrates nature of sequence for only 70m out of 750m thickness)
One deep lake phase resulted in laminated sediments from Shetlands Islands to Scottish mainlands
What was the low lake stands?
When the lake level is low and the system is dry
Describe the low lake stands
Playa type environments: evaporites (eg. salt) Deposition of fluvial sediments Stromatolites Dessication-cracked horizons (Orkney period)
What are high lake stands?
When the lake level is high and the system is wet
Describe the high lake stands
Deep permanent lake
Fish faunas preserved under oxygen-free locations (at lake bottom)
Finely laminated quiet-water sediments (at lake bottom)
No infauna can survive anoxic conditions of lake bottom
One deep lake phase resulted in laminated sediments from Shetland Islands to Scottish mainland
Possible intensification of monsoonal system
Describe and give examples of Carboniferous Limestone
Fossiliferous carbonate muds
Examples are crinoids (stem with tentacles that falls and runs or polo mints), corals, brachiopods (shells) and foraminifera
What led to the formation of the Lead and Zinc deposits?
Approx. 345mya - Ireland stretched N-S to form wide rift
Stretching formed fault-controlled basins
Led to formation of Irish Zn-Pb Orefield
Describe the Irish Zn-Pb Orefield
All deposits contained within limestone-dominated successions
Faults provided pathways for upward flow of mineral rich fluids from deep within crust
Ireland - one of largest producers Zn in world