How Plate Tectonics and Climate Shape the Geological Record P1 - Lec12 Flashcards
Where is Hutton’s Unconformity and what is it?
It is a mixture of Silurian sandstones an shale (marine) and the Devonian conglomerate (fluvial)
What is the time period for the Cambrian age?
What is the time period for the Ordovician age?
What is the time period for the Silurian age?
What is the time period for the Devonian age?
What is the time period for the Carboniferous age?
What is the time period for the Permian age?
List the 6 geological time periods in order from oldest to youngest
Cambrian - Ordovician - Silurian - Devonian - Carboniferous - Permian
What was the time period for the death of the Iapetus Ocean?
What continent was Avalonia originally attached to?
What ocean separated Laurentia and Avalonia?
The Iapetus Ocean
What ocean opened as Avalonia drifted towards Laurentia?
The Rheic ocean
In the Early Cambrian (550mya) where were northern and southern Ireland located?
Northern: part of Laurentia
Southern: part of Gondwana
In the early Ordovician (490mya) what happened to the southern parts of Ireland?
They began to rift away from Gondwana as part of the micro-continent called Avalonia
In the middle Ordovician (470mya) what happened to Avalonia and the ocean?
Avalonia drifts northwards and the Rheic ocean opens between Avalonia and Gondwana
In the early Silurian (440mya) what happened to Avalonia and the ocean?
Avalonia accretes (joins) onto the margins of Laurentia (and Baltica) and the Iapetus ocean closes
What occurs in the Devonian (395mya)?
Gondwana begins to drift northwards towards Laurentia as a result of subduction
What occurs in the Carboniferous (350mya)?
Gondwana joins with the mass of Laurussia/Avalonia which leads to the formation of the supercontinent Pangea
What mountain belt was formed as a result of the collision of Avalonia and Laurentia (what orogeny?)? Where did they stretch?
The Caledonian/Acadian mountain chains (the Caledonian-Appalachain Orogen)
Stretches into Scandinavia, Greenland, Scotland, N. America and Europe
When did the the Caledonian/Acadian mountain chain begin to form?
The early Devonian
Ocean’s are not usually just open, what do they usually contain?
Island arcs, micro-continents, seamounts - these can build up to form future mountain belts
When was the collision between North and South Ireland? What did this ccollision cause?
It caused trends in the direction of NE-SW of intermediate accreted terranes (Valleys and Uplands) that can override the plate margins
What evidence is there that the Iapetus Ocean ever existed and the plate tectonic history of Avalonia? (3)
Faunal Provincialism
Sedimentology (Southern Uplands Terrane)
Palaeomagnetism evidence
The orientation of the magnetic field can be retained in rocks at the time they form
It is shown through a plaeolatitude graph by Mac Niocaill (2000) - illustrates the movement of Avalonia through time towards Laurentia (be familiar- slide 20)