How did Stalin rise to power + ideological debates Flashcards
What key positions did Stalin hold within the communist part?
1919 - made head of the Orgburo
1922 - assumed position as General Secretary (in charge of party organisation
What did these positions allow Stalin to do?
Appoint lower and middle ranks of the party and gave him significant powers of patronage
What did Stalin initiate in 1924?
Lenin Enrolment - from May 1924 this allowed 128,000 people to join the Communist party
How did Stalin justify Lenin enrolment and why did they support Stalin
He said the party needed new working class members People were interested in getting well-paid party jobs so supported Stalin who could promote them within the party
Why was the NEP criticised?
Ideologically it didn’t conform to communist principles with the emergence of a richer class of peasants and Nepmen prospering under the NEP
Lenin had insisted it was a temporary measure to help recover from civil war
By 1925 it was causing industrial and agricultural concerns with workers’ standards of living declining and peasants hoarding grain rather than selling it
Should it be discarded or used as a precursor to socialism by building economy?
How did the NEP debate form a key part of the leadership struggle?
The left of the party (led by Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev) wanted to end the NEP and focus on rapid industrialisation
The right of the party, led by Bukharin argued that the NEP should continue because it was stabilising the economy and pacifying the peasants
What was Stalin’s view on the NEP?
His view was fluctuating - left leaning up to 1925 then supported its continuation until 1928 and in 1928 Stalin, who had previously supported the NEP abandoned his alliance with Bukharin and came out in favour of replacing the NEP with rapid industrialisation and collectivisation
What was the view of ‘permanent revolution’ and who supported it?
The left of the party
The view that Russian communism could not survive alone as it didn’t have the economic resources and the proletariat was too small and underdeveloped
Spreading the revolution would mean that communist regimes in more developed countries could support Russia in the building of socialism around the world
Maximum support should be given to the Comintern until a socialist society was achieved everywhere
What was the view of ‘socialism in one country’ and who supported it?
The right of the party
The view that a world revolution was unlikely as revolution had already failed in Germany and Hungary
The preservation of the Soviet Union should be the main aim as a workers’ state could be created to rival the capitalist powers
Which side of the debate did Stalin favour and who did this appeal to?
Having previously supported exporting revolution, Stalin put forward the idea of Socialism in one country in 1924 but suggested this could be alongside a workers paradise in the SU - it appealed to Russian patriots , portraying Trotsky’s ideas as out of touch and to many in the party who wanted stability and feared continuous revolutionary turmoil Trotsky was advocating
Why was Stalin seen as the ‘grey blur’?
His leadership ambitions were consistently underestimated by other members of the politburo
How did Stalin defeat the left opposition?
By forming an alliance with Zinoviev and Kamenev in undermining Trotsky (who was the post popular contender in the leadership struggle)
Why did Stalin form an alliance with Bukharin and what did it lead to?
Initially advocating the continuation of the NEP - when he was attacked by Zinoviev, Kamenev and Trotsky, he was supported by other Communist party members and managed to get all three expelled from the party, Trotsky was expelled from the USSR all together in 1929
How did Stalin defeat the right opposition?
When he came out in favour of rapid industrialisation - when Bukharin attempted to defend the NEP in 1929, Stalin moved his supporters to vote against him and Bukharin was them removed from his positions in the Politburo and the Comintern
From 1921 what was the party split over economic policy inseparable from?
Ideological debates about Marxism and Leninism - Lenin had introduced it as temporary as it in contradiction of revolutionary socialism but he saw it as a necessary compromise
What had Lenin’s view on socialism in one country been? and what was the problem with this?
All theories of Marxism-Leninism had assumed it was impossible for revolution to survive in a single country - the capitalist countries would come together and strangle the revolution so it was essential for the Bolshevik revolution to trigger a chain of other revolutions.
Events contradicted this - Revs in Germany and Hungary were crushed and the defeat In the Russo-Polish war in 1920 blocked the revolutionary way to the west - in 1920 USSR was the only communist state in the world
How did Stalin use Lenin’s funeral to his advantage?
He was in charge of arrangements of the funeral so used this to promote the cult of Leninism, making it a state occasion
He insisted Lenin’s body was embalmed and placed on public view - he was making Leninism into a religion with him as its high priest
Trotsky was absent in Sukhum on the black sea recovering from influenza
What was the significance of Trotsky’s absence?
Gave political advantage to Stalin
It was suspected that Stalin manufactured Trotsky’s absence through misleading messages but many also believe he was ill and a long way away
His absence later becomes very significant
What was Trotsky’s mistake during Stalin’s defeat of the left?
Trotsky failed to make a decisive move against Stalin - the 13th party congress in May 1924 was the perfect occasion but he hesitated (he was either nervous or didn’t want to be seen to cause splits in the party or was waiting for a better opportunity) - Trotsky never found a better opportunity to challenge Stalin
What else was significant at the 13th party congress?
It was at a time when Stalin’s control of the bureaucracy was being perceived as a threat by his rivals
K and Z protected Stalin from criticisms arising from Lenin’s testament at the congress
Why did Trotsky begin to lose power?
Having seemed to strong at the time of Lenin’s death, he was not a natural conspirator like Stalin and lacked instinct for bureaucratic infighting or patience to mobilise supporters and win over allies until it was too late - Stalin was focused on building up loyal supporters such as Molotov, Kirov, Voroshilov etc and placing them in key positions
After the 13th party congress why did tensions grow in the triumvirate and what was significant about what Stalin did?
K and Z became frustrated by their failure to control Stalin and Bukharin soon became an ally of Stalin against the others
At a time when the socialism in one country and NEP debates were particularly intense (the party were moving towards Stalin’s aim for stability rather than Rev abroad) and many disagreed with B’s support for the peasants - Stalin invariably placed himself in the ‘Golden Middle’ avoiding extreme positions
By the beginning of 1925 why was the balance within the party swinging further away from Trotsky?
At the Central Committee in January Trotsky was forced out of him post as People’s Commissar of War - Z proposed he should be expelled but Stalin (who wanted to keep his image as a moderate) rejected this Trotsky was isolated but not yet defeated
Without fears of Trotsky how did the Triumvirate become even more fractious?
Kamenev and Zinoviev opposed Stalin in the central committee in 1925 and the battle lines of the power struggle were redrawn at the 14th Party Congress in Dec 1925 as Z and K launched a direct attack on Stalin