How CGSC can Help you get Through School Flashcards
What are two things you can do in-class to help you concentrate?
If classmates’ laptop screens are distracting, sit up front. Doodling can also help keep your brain more engaged, so you do not space out and can understand the lecture while occupying half your brain with something else.
How should you take notes?
Taking notes by hand is more beneficial as it is less distracting (can’t open other tabs) and you’re forced to process what is being said (as you summarize and write points down rather than everything word-for-word).
Why do online flashcards help you study?
Physical flashcards are repetitive and they might help you practice what you know more than what you don’t (they are also veryyy time consuming to make). More importantly, when you get a question wrong/right doesn’t matter as you are still learning.
What are Forgetting Curves?
Forgetting curves are models to represent when you are likely to forget something you’ve learned. The graph becomes less steep (less likely to forgot) every time you re-learn something.
How Much Should I Study?
Less than 20 hours per week for all classes combined is bad. Don’t set your peers as an example for yourself, and study in groups to teach yourself (Mentor Learning).
Do Learning Styles exist?
Nope. Learning is actually meaning based as we can’t learning everything in one way (visual, auditoria, and kinesthetic). For example, you can’t learn to ride a bike by listening to someone pedal. You have to get on one yourself. Therefore, don’t use learning styles as an excuse to get a bad mark.
Can people multitask?
Nope. This is actually called task-switching. When you’re doing multiple things at once, your performance level drops significantly as you aren’t focused entirely. People love doing this because of the dopamine released from task-switching.
What are project lists?
Lists of tasks that you can’t finish in 20 mins.
How should one manage their time?
Fill up a list with tasks, fill your calendar with dates and breaks, and then mark off every 30 mins with stuff to do.
Why should I schedule my time?
It makes things less stressful as you know exactly what to do.
What are the benefits of working in 30 min blocks?
1) It’s easier for the brain to remember and pick up from where you left off previously (this allows for incubation because the brain is still thinking about problems when you switch tasks). 2) If you give yourself too much time, it may be inefficient and you’ll stumble. 3) You don’t need to stress about deadlines if you pick at something constantly. 4) If you need help then you can get it!
What can you do before studying?
1) Studies show that taking walks is helpful and a breather. Sleeping well is also very important as this is where short term memory becomes long term memory.
What is the importance of writing?
1) Lots of jobs require to write to some extent. 2) It’s key to thinking clearly. 3) Try to take courses that involve writing.
What does having a learning disability entail?
It’s above or average intelligence for some aspects. You have to be relatively smart, dumbness isn’t considered a disability. There may be some discrepancies between the Overall Cognitive Ability and Academic Achievement and Specific Cognitive Weakness (usually consistent bw Academic Achievement and Specific Cognitive Weakness - triangle).
What are learning strategies?
Note taking, test taking, time management, and reading.