How can the brain go wrong? Flashcards
What is the central nervous system divided into?
Brain (encephalopathy)
Spine (myelopathy)
What is the peripheral nervous system divided into?
-Roots (radiculopathy)
-Plexus (plexopathy)
-Nerves (neuropathy)
-Neuromuscular junction
-Muscle (mypoathy)
What is involved in neurological localisation?
-Where is the lesion?One location, multi-focal or diffuse?
-Central vs peripheral?
-more precise location
-Based on examination and findings
Outline the acronym VITAMIN C DEF (the ‘surgical sieve’)
What could be the cause of sudden disease processes?
What could be the cause of subacute disease processes?
What could be the cause of chronic (progressive) disease processes?
What could be the cause of chronic (fluctuating) disease processes?
What are paroxysmal disease processes?
What would investigations include?
-Imaging (CT/MRI)
-CSF examination
Case study:21yo woman
* Doing military fitness on Hampstead Heath
* Sudden onset of tingling and pain down left side of body
* Very emotional
* Examination: reduced sensation, left extensor plantar
What is the origin/cause?
Dx: Vascular
Right thalamic infarct caused by vertebral artery dissection
“Stroke” = sudden onset of neurological signs with no cause other than vascular
Case study: 55 year old man, living in
* Subacute onset altered behaviour and poor memory
* Grandiose
* Elated
* Amnestic
* No problem with retrograde
* Working memory normal
* Unable to learn new information
What is the origin/diagnosis?
Dx: VDRL positive in
serum and CSF
Tertiary syphilis
Treated with IV penicillin
Some improvement but left with severe memory deficit
Origin: infectious
Case study: 63 year old man
* Few weeks of headache, confusion, fever
* 2 days facial droop, double vision
What is the cause/origin?
Dx: Basal meningitis
Infective: bacterial (including TB) fungus
Opening pressure 35
Protein 2.4g
Glucose 1.5 (5.2)
WCC 150 (lymphocytes)
Origin: infectious, often subacute onset, fever, systemic symptoms
Case study:
Fall from own height onto
concrete Feb 13
* Loss of consciousness 5 minutes, ?PTA
* Traumatic SAH, small frontal contusion
* Managed conservatively
* Problems Apr 17
* Headaches
* Possible seizures
* Cognitive and behavioural symptoms
* Vestibular symptoms
* Anxiety
What is the cause/origin?
* Conscious level at presentation
* Duration of post- traumatic amnesia
* Mechanisms of injury * Bleeding
* Contusion
* Diffuse axonal injury
* Functional and psychological symptoms
Origin: Trauma
Case study:
23 year old woman
* Aug 16: Numbness and pain R arm * Nov 16: Double vision 2/52
* Feb 17
* Spreading numbness L arm
* Blurred vision L eye, colours less
* Feeling extremely anxious
What is her diagnosi/cause of disease?
Dx: Multiple Sclerosis
- Immune-mediated disorder causing inflammation in the CNS
- “Dissemination in time and space”
- New disease modifying therapies
Origin: autoimmune
Case study:
25 year old woman
* Acute onset of behavioural disturbance and hallucinations
* Then became less responsive with unusual movements
What is her diagnosi/cause of disease?
NMDA receptor encephalitis
Treated with steroids and plasma exchange
Ovarian teratoma (Oophorectomy)
Origin/Cause: Autoimmune
What are examples of autoimmune diseases?
R-Systemic autoimmune diseases
SLE (“lupus”)
Sjogren’s syndrome
-Parainfectious processes e.g. ADEM
Autoimmune diseases of the nervous system
Antibody mediated * NMDAR encephalitis
VGKC encephalitis
Neuromyelitis optica
-Complex immune- mediated
-Multiple sclerosis
-Primary angiitis of the CNS
-Paraneoplastic processes -extracellular antigens e.g. NMDA -onconeural antigens e.g. anti-Hu
Case study:
55 yo man under medical team
* Alcoholic liver disease * Hypertension
* Diabetes
* Developed odd movements
* Confused
* Fluctuating attention * “Delirium”
Bloods: liver enzymes normal but albumin low
* Ammonia 80
What is the cause/origin?
Dx: Metabolic disturbance
Common: metabolic disturbance
in systemic disease, e.g. sepsis,
electrolyte disturbance, liver and kidney failure
Inherited metabolic diseases Congenital
e.g. Wilson’s and Mitochondrial disease
Origin/Cause: metabolic
Case study:
60 yo man with schizophrenia, on risperidone
* Tremor of right hand
* Slowing, shuffling gait
* Rigidity and bradykinesia R>L
* Akinetic rigid syndrome = basal ganglia
* Parkinson’s disease versus extra-pyramidal side effects
* Dopamine transporter SPECT
What is the cause/origin?
Dx: Iatrogenic disease
Common, drugs can cause almost any neuropsychiatric symptom:
Psychotic symptoms
Case study:
70 yo woman with severe coeliac disease
2 weeks of subtle cognitive symptoms, e.g. struggling with crossword, mis-spelling words
skin rash, clouding of vision
What is origin/cause of disease?
Dx: T cell lymphoma
Skin and brain biopsies
Origin/cause: neoplasm
Cancer and the nervous system: what are primary tumours of the nervous system?
-Spread of cancer to the nervous system: solid metastases and malignant meningitis
-Paraneoplastic processes -extracellular antigens e.g. NMDA -onconeural antigens e.g. anti-Hu
Case study:
24 year old woman
* Attacks since childhood
* Unresponsive
* Chewing and fiddling movements
* Sometimes collapses with jerking and incontinence
* Epilepsy: complex partial seizures with secondary generalisation
* No response to medication
What is the origin/cause?
Dx: Focal onset epilepsy
Developmental anomalies * Acquired brain lesions
What are congenital disorders in neurology?
Congenital disorders in neurology
* Neurodevelopmental disorders * Genetic disorders
* Monogenic / Mendelian * Autosomal recessive
* Autosomal dominant
* X-linked
e.g. Wilson’s disease e.g. Huntington’s disease e.g. Fragile X
Metabolic Degenerative
* Complex genetic disorders
Case study:
50 year old man, wife concerned about altered behaviour
* More obsessional, “rigid” * Irritable
* Inappropriate remarks
* Sweet tooth
* Grasp reflex but no other signs
What is the origin/cause?
Dx: Atrophy with frontal
predominance on MRI
Genetic testing for C9ORF72 positive
Origin/cause: degenerative
What are neurodegenerative diseases?
Neurodegenerative diseases
Progressive degeneration and death of nerve cells
* Clinical syndromes
* Dementia
* Alzheimer’s
* Dementia with Lewy Bodies * Fronto-temporal dementia
* Neuropathology * Tau
* Amyloid beta
* Alpha synuclein * TDP43
* etc
* Parkinsonian disorders * Parkinson’s disease
* Huntington’s disease
* Motor neurone disease
Case study:
33 year old woman
* Involuntary fidgety movements over last few months
* Also some weight loss, anxiety, palpitations, feeling hot and itchy
* Mild chorea, pulse 110, goitre
What is the origin/cause?
Dx: endocrine disorders
Uncommon but important
Systemic features often provide a clue
Usually easily diagnosed with blood tests
Corticosteroid treatment can cause almost any neurosychiatric symptom
Case study:
21 year old woman
* 7 months ago
* Episodic dizziness, flashing lights,
* 5 months ago
* Gradually worsening pain and fatigue
* Unsteadiness, involuntary jerks, muscle spasms, slowness of thinking
* Worse with exertion
* Housebound, not in touch with any
* 1 month increasing weakness
* Confined to bed
* Eventually unable to feed herself, needing help with toileting
What is the cause/origin?
Dx: Functional neurological symptoms
Real, not imagined or feigned
Not caused by neurological damage but by altered processing in complex brain networks
Can be diagnosed using specific features on examination
What is diagnosis based on?
History (NB time course, systemic symptoms)
Examination (localising the lesion)
Investigations (including blood tests, imaging, neurophysiology…)