Basic principles of CBT Flashcards
What is CBT?
talking therapy that has its origins in Behavioural Therapy
What is the central notion of CBT?
Behaviour and emotional responses are strongly
influenced by our cognitions.
Cognitions determine how we perceive things:
We are anxious or angry, or sad if we think that we have reason to be anxious, angry or sad.
What are the five P’s of CBT formulation (Dudley & Kuyken, 2006)?
Presenting issues
Predisposing factors
Precipitating factors
Perpetuating factors
Protective factors
What are presenting issues?
Summary of the client’s presenting concerns in terms of emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Problem list.
What are predisposing factors?
Distal internal and external factors that led the person to become vulnerable to developing their current problems.
What are precipitating factors?
Proximal external and internal factors that triggered the current problems.
What are perpetuating factors?
Internal and external factors that maintain the current problems.
What are protective factors?
The client’s resilience, strengths and resources that help maintain well-being.
What are maintaining factors?
Maintaining factors are rarely things that a person consciously chooses to maintain the situation. They can be a by-product of the situation and develop over time.
How do formulations help to decide on the direction of therapy?
The treatment plan falls out of the formulation.
Creates the targets for treatment:
Break the vicious circles that are maintaining the problems
Change interpretations of symptoms
Reduce avoidance
Drop safety behaviours
Build resilience, adaptive coping
What is assessment in CBT?
an active process of generating and testing hypotheses
What are the 4 systems in a problem list?
Mood states
Body states
How does developing a problem list help?
Helps break down & simplify complex problems
Hints about possible maintaining processes (eg vicious circles)
Begin to generate hypotheses (what might account for this pattern of problems?) & possible Tx plans
What is a trigger?
in what situations do the problems occur?
What are modifiers?
what factors affect the problem’s severity?
What factors are important for tiggers/modifiers?
External / physical Interpersonal