house and family nouns Flashcards
a cadeira
the cupboard
o armario
the bookcase
a estante
the lamp
a lampada
the coffee table
a mesa do centro
the rocking chair
a cadiera de balanço
the chest of drawers
a comoda
the television
a televisâo
the bed
a cama
the towels
as toalhas
the mirrors
os espalhos
the frame
o quadro
the wall
a parede
the carpet
o tapete
the clock
o relógio
the plates
os pratos
the bowl
a tigela
the pan
a panela
the fork
o garfo
the knife
a faca
the spoon
a colhere
the cutlery
as talheres
the oven
o forno
the fridge
a geladeira
the coffee machine
a maquina de café
a food mixer
a batedeira
the washbasin
a pia
the washing machine
a maquina de lavar
the window
a janela
the blind
a persiana
a baking tray
a assadeira
a packet
o pacote
the sachet
o sachê
the can
a lata
the glass
o vidro