hough embryo 1 Flashcards
trigeminal nerve
1st arch
muscles of mastication- BONUS- what are they
1st arch
temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid
mylohyoid m.
1st arch
anterior belly of digastric m.
1st arch
cartilage of maxillary process
1st arch
cartilage of mandibular process
1st arch
anterior ligament of malleus
1st arch
spenomandibular L.
1st arch
maxillary artery
1st arch
anterior 2/3 of tongue
1st arch
facial nerve
2nd arch
muscles of facial expression
2nd arch
bonus: what are the muscles of facial expression - hint 8
posterior bellly of digastric
orbicularis oculi
reichert cartilage
2nd arch
stapedial artery
2nd arch
hyoid artery
2nd arch
posterior 1/3 of tongue
2nd arch
glossopharyngeal N
3rd arch
stylopharyngeus m
3rd arch
greater horn b
3rd arch
lower part of hyoid b
3rd arch
cartilage of greater horn and lower part of body
3rd arch
common carotid a
3rd arch
proximal part of internal carotid a
3rd arch
superior laryngeal branch
4th arch
cricothyroid m
4th arch
levator veli palatini
4th arch
constrictors of pharynx
4th arch
laryngeal cartilage
4th arch
right subclavian a
4th arch
aorta a.
4th arch
vagus n
4th arch
recurrent/ inferior laryngeal branch
6th arch
intrinsic m. of larynx
6th arch
external auditory meatus
1st pharyngeal cleft
temporary cervical sinus
2-4 pharyngeal cleft
a pharyngeal (brachial cyst) is because the _____ fails to obliterate completely
2nd phayngeal cleft
medial swelling/ copula
2,3, anterior 4 arch
2 lateral swellings and 1 medial swelling
1st arch
median swelling/ epiglottis
posterior 4 arch
tympanic cavity (middle ear)
1st pharyngeal pouch
auditory tube (eustachian tube)
1st pharyngeal pouch
epithelial libing of palatine tonsils and tonsillar fossa
2nd pharyngeal pouch
inferior parathyroids
dorsal win 3rd pharyngeal pouch
thymus gland
ventral wing 3rd pharyngeal pouch
superior parathyroids
dorsal wings 4th pharyneal pouch
ultimobrachial body- parafollicular [c] cells of thyroid gland
ventral wing 4th pharyngeal pouch
the cells themselves come from NCC
pt has insufficient migration of NCC into the 1st arch
treacher collins
pt presents with an overbite, retrusive chin & jaw, external ear abnormalities , maar hypoplasia
treacher collins
pt 1st arch structures are altered
pierre robins sequence
pt presents with hypoplasia of mandible, the tongue is drawn down, micrognathia, glossoptosis
pierre robins
micrognathia- low jaw undersized
glossoptosis- tongue too far back
pt has underdeveloped thymus, hypoparathyroidism, and congential heart defects
digeorge syndrome
migration errors of 3rd and 4th pouches- tissues end up in abnormal places
ectopic/ abberant parathyroid/thymic tissues
ectopic parathyroid
may end up in neck/chest- can cause persistent hypothyroidism if not removed
ectopic thymus
no symptoms- but can lead to mass in neck that compress trachea and esophagus
incomplete fusion of lateral lingual sweeling resulting in bifid tongue
excessively large tongue caused by general hypertrophy
frenulum is short and extends to tip of tongue
thyroid gland
does not come from pharyngeal pouches
failure of thyroid primordium to migrate completely - accessory tissue is found along thryglossal duct
ectopic thyroid
thyroid gland has developed but fails to develop
sublingual thyroid gland
pt has a cyst in the tongue or anterior neck due to persistent duct
thryoglossal duct cyst
how to tell difference between thryoglossal duct cyst and ectopic thyroid
thyroglossal- has movement during swallowing and is in a midline position
absence of thyroid
unilateral absence of thyroid; affects left lobe
pt has decrease in thyroid hormones, increase TSH levels, CNS development and lung development are affected
congential hypothyroidism