Hotspot Set 2 Flashcards



Variable Intrathoracic Obstruction

Variable Extrathoracic obstruction

Fixed obstruction

ASTHMA Fixed Obstruction intra or extra

Extra thoracic lesions variable

Intrathoracic Obstruction, Variable

Explain loop

Identify asthma lumen

Identify asthma lumen

Asthmatic lumen

Asthmatic lumen during an attack
OVerstretch alveoli

Identify type of Volume loop


Identify loop volume

Normal loop

Identify volume loop

Identify loop volume

Neuromuscular disease

Identify loop

All decreased

Identify where the meds work

A- Aspirin
B- Prasugrel, Clopidogrel
C- Ticagrelol
D- GP IIb/IIIa Antagonists

Identify Block

Type of Block → Glossopharyngeal block
A- Palatine tonsil
B- Glossopharyngeal nerve

Identify all parts

Superior Laryngeal Nerve BLock
External Approach
A. Greater Cornu Hyoid
B. Superior Laryngeal Nerve
C. Hyoid Bone
D. ThyroHyoid membrane
E. Thyroid

Identify type of block and all parts

Transtracheal Block
A. Cricothyroid membrane - Midline injection
B. Thyroid gland isthmus
C. Trachea

Identify Posterior medial muscle

B posterior medial