Hot Topics Flashcards
Is it ever acceptable for doctors to go on strike?
What is a contemporary medical issue you’ve recently read about in the news?
Where do you get your medical news from?
How can you determine if a medical news source is reliable?
What has been the most noteworthy medical news story of the last 10 years apart from covid-19?
What do you know about the Charlie Gard case?
How can we address issues of inequality and discrimination in the healthcare system?
How can we balance patient privacy with the need for medical professionals to collaborate?
What role do medical professionals play in addressing the ongoing opioid crisis?
Should medical professionals be allowed to prescribe medical marijuana to patients?
How can we address harassment and discrimination faced by medical professionals in the workplace?
What happened in the Hadiza Bawa Garba case?
What do you know about Alfie Evans?
What role do medical professionals play in addressing antibiotic resistance?
Should medical professionals be allowed to refuse treatment based on sexual orientation or gender identity?
What can medical professionals do to address medical costs and affordability for patients?
How can medical professionals balance patient autonomy with the need for intervention in addiction cases?
What do you know about the Archie Battersbee case?
Should medical professionals be held accountable for medical errors?
What can medical professionals do to address medical waste and environmental sustainability?
What did we learn from the Harold Shipman case?
What do you know about the MMR scandal and its implications today?
How can medical professionals balance confidentiality with public health reporting?
How should we deal with anti-vaxxers?
Can you give reasons why euthanasia shouldn’t be on the NHS?
Why do you think people want euthanasia?
Do you know about the proposal for a 7-day NHS?
How should we combat antibiotic resistance?
Why do you think breaches in medical confidentiality happen?
Should doctors be able to conscientiously object to performing abortions?
Can you name two qualities a doctor should have?
Can you name two qualities a scientist should have?
What do you understand about Gillick’s Competence and Fraser Guidelines?
Do you think the qualities needed for a scientist are also needed for a doctor?
Can you give reasons for euthanasia being on the NHS?
What can you tell me about strep A/streptococcus A/scarlet fever?
What did we learn from the Shropshire Maternity Scandal?
What solutions would you propose to address the Junior Doctor Contract Issues in the UK?
How can the NHS adapt to the increasing demands caused by GP Shortages?
Describe the potential impact of BAME representation in the NHS on healthcare quality.
How might the NHS Medical Apprenticeship Programme reshape the future of medical training?
What could be the downside of Whistleblowing in the NHS?
What are the key challenges presented by the NHS Postcode Lottery?
Explain the role of QALYs in healthcare resource allocation.
How can the NHS better manage its resources during winter pressures?
What strategies should be employed to combat Bed Shortages in the NHS?
What are the challenges and benefits of NHS privatisation?
What are the implications of a predominantly ageing population for the NHS?
Why are NHS Core Values important for healthcare delivery?
What are the consequences for patient care in the context of the NHS Postcode Lottery?
Discuss challenges faced by BAME Staff in the NHS.
How might the NHS Longterm Plan alter the trajectory of healthcare in the UK?
What changes should be made to the current NHS Medical Apprenticeship Programme?
How do you see the role of technology in alleviating NHS Winter Pressures?
What are the potential pros and cons of a 7 Day NHS?
How does the relationship between NHS Core Values and patient satisfaction manifest?
How can the NHS better support whistleblowers while ensuring quality patient care?
How should the NHS adapt to the increasing use of AI and machine learning in healthcare?
Discuss the challenges and opportunities of integrating mental health services in the NHS.
What is your perspective on the NHS’s approach to handling emerging infectious diseases?
How would you deal with the obesity crisis in the UK?