Horopaki - Kai Tahi Flashcards
Kei hea ngā tāora ?
Where are the tea towels ?
Ipu para
Rubbish bin
Towel/ tea towel
Whakawatea te tēpu
Clear the table
Whiua ngā toenga kai ki te ipu para
Put your scraps in the rubbish
Ringahia ngā taputapu paru ki te wai
Rinse the dirty dishes with water
Mā wai e horoi ngā rīhi ?
Who will wash the dishes ?
Māku e horoi ngā rīhi
I will wash the dishes
Mā Tahu e horoi ngā rīhi
Tahu will was the dishes
Mā wai e whakamaroke ngā rīhi?
Who will dry the dishes?
Kei roto i te hautō
Kei roto i tērā
In the drawer
In there
Kei hea te kainga mō tēnei ?
Where does this go?
Kei hea te wāho mō tēnei ?
Where does this go?
Kei hea te kāinga mō tēnei?
Where does this go/live ?
Whakahokia ngā taputapu ki te kāpata
Return the things to the cupboard
Muku a te tēpu
Wipe the table
He pai rawa atu
Tino pai rawa atu
It is absolutely great
Tino reka tēnei kai
This food is delicious
He kaha ia ki te mahi
She works hard
Te ataahua hoki
That’s beautiful
Ka mau te wehi
That’s awesome/ awesome
He reka ra ngā kai o te mara
Food from the ground is tasty
He pai rawa atu
It is absolutely great
Tau kē !
Koia kei a koe
You’re awesome/ fantastic
Koia kei a korua
You two are awesome
Koia kei a koutou
You’re all awesome
Kua mutu te kai ?
Are you finished eating?
He kai anō māu ?
Do you want more kai ?
Tino reka tēnā ki ahau
That’s a favourite of mine
Mōrurururu ana ahau !
My stomach is full !
He kai tāwara
Pleasant to taste
He pai te kai nei ?
This food is good
He haupā namunamuā
Flavoursome food
Tena koutou ngā ringa wera
Thank you the workers
Tena koutou mo tō mahi manaaki i ahau
Thanking everyone for their help
Dishwashing brush
Kopa kirihou
Plastic bags
Hei te tau titoki
See you whenever (very flash)