Horney: Psychoanalytic Social Theory Flashcards
Horney criticized Freudian theory on a least three accounts:
- is rigidity toward new ideas
- its skewed view of feminine psychology
- its overemphasized on biology and the pleasure principle
Horney insisted that modern culture is too competitive and that competition leads to hostility and feelings of isolation.
the impact of culture
stems largely from childhood traumas, most of which are traced to a lack of genuine love.
Neurotic conflict
Unfortunately, parents often neglect, dominate, reject, or overindulge their children, conditions that lad to child’s feeling of __ __ toward parents
basic hostility
If children repress basic hostility, they will develop feelings of insecurity ad a pervasive sense of apprehension
Basic anxiety
People can protect themselves from basic anxiety by:
- affection
- submissiveness
- power or prestige
- withdrawal
Horney identified 10 ___ ____ that marks neurotic people in their attempt to reduce basic anxiety.
neurotic needs
Later, Horney grouped these 10 neurotic needs into three basic neurotic trends:
moving toward people, moving against people and moving away from people
Each of these trends can apply to both normal and neurotic individuals in their attempt to solve ___
basic conflict
Feeling alienated from self, they create an _________ or an extravagantly positive picture of themselves
idealized self- image
a comprehensive drive toward actualizing the ideal self
neurotic search for glory
a belief that they are entitled to special privileges
neurotic claims
a false pride based not on reality but on distorted and idealized view of self.
neurotic pride
Neurotic individual dislike themselves because reality always falls short of their idealized view of self.
Self- hatred
T/F. Because Horney wrote mainly about neurotic personalities, her theory is not relevant to healthy personality development.
T/F. Horney said that people with a strong need for affection have overvalued love.
T/F. Modern society, Horney said, is based on competition among people.
T/F. Horney believed that neurotic people enjoy their misery and suffering.
T/F. Neither the compliant person nor the aggressive person need other people.