Horney Flashcards
“Neurotics are not content to merely make a few alterations; nothing short of complete perfection is acceptable. They try to achieve perfection by erecting a complex set of “shoulds” and “should nots.””
what is this?
Tyranny of the Should
“Men who subdue and rule women and women who degrade or envy men do so because of the neurotic competitiveness that is rampant in many societies.” what is this?
Feminine Psychology
This strategy is an expression of needs for privacy, independence, and self-sufficiency.
Moving Away (Detachment)
6.Recognition and unassailability
7.Personal Admiration
8.Personal Achievement
AGAINST PEOPLE: ( Aggressive Personality, protection against hostility of others )
Neurotics may submit themselves either to people or to institutions such as an organization or a religion.
Submissiveness/ Being Submissive
Repressed hostility then leads to profound feelings of insecurity and a vague sense of apprehension
Basic Anxiety
which might be expressed as belittling, disparaging, doubting, discrediting, and ridiculing oneself.
Self Contempt
1.Affection and Approval
2.Powerful Partner
3.Narrow Limits to Life
TOWARD PEOPLE: (Compliant Personality, feeling of helplessness )
when aggressive people take for granted that everyone is hostile. These people move against others by appearing tough or ruthless.
Moving Against (Aggressive)
is a defense against the real or imagined hostility of others and takes the form of a tendency to dominate others.
Power/ Attaining Power
Overeating, abusing alcohol and other drugs, working too hard, driving recklessly, and suicide are common expressions of _________
Self Destructive Actions
is an attempt to solve conflicts by painting a godlike picture of oneself.
Idealized Self Image
a child develops this when parents do not satisfy the child’s needs for safety and satisfaction.
Basic Hostility
refers to a neurotic need to protect oneself against feelings of helplessness.
Moving Toward (compliant)
9.Self-sufficiency and independence
10.Perfection and prestige
AWAY FROM PEOPLE: ( Detached Personality, feelings of isolation )
Also referred to as “ morbid dependency “
Moving Toward
refers to the drive to mold the whole personality into the idealized self.
Need for Perfection
when people’s main intention is to inflict harm or suffering on themselves.
Self Torment
a protection against humiliation and is expressed as a tendency to humiliate others
a feeling of being isolated and helpless in a world conceived as potentially hostile.
Basic Anxiety
Neurotics frequently protect themselves against basic anxiety either by developing an independence from others or by becoming emotionally detached from them.
refers to the compulsive drive toward superiority.
Need for Ambition
Believing that something is wrong with the outside world, they proclaim that they are special and therefore entitled to be treated in accordance with their idealized view of themselves.
Neurotic Claims
This stems from self-hatred and is designed to actualize an inflated self-image. Neurotics are frequently shackled by taboos against enjoyment.
Self Frustration
This may take a variety of forms—from obviously grandiose expressions, such as taking responsibility for natural disasters, to scrupulously questioning the virtue of their own motivations.
Merciless Self Accusation
is an interrelated yet equally irrational and powerful tendency to despise one’s real self.
Self Hatred
acts as a buffer against destitution and poverty and manifests itself as a tendency to deprive others.
the most destructive element of all. “its chief aim is to put others to shame or defeat them through one’s very success; or to attain the power to inflict suffering on”
Drive Toward a Vindictive Triumph
a strategy that does not always lead to authentic love. (try to purchase love with self-effacing compliance, material goods, or sexual favors.)
Affection/Securing Affection
a false pride based not on a realistic view of the true self but on a spurious image of the idealized self.
Neurotic Pride