Horn Flashcards
The National Flood Insurance Plan (NFIP) was instituted by
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968.
NFIP was created to serve what 2 interrelated purposes
- Provide access to primary flood insurance
- Reduce the nationwide comprehensive flood risk (financial risk and risk of human life) via development & implementation of floodplain management standards.
2 actions that NFIP requires of communities
- collaborate with FEMA to develop & adopt “Flood Insurance Rate Maps”
- establish minimum floodplain standards based on these flood maps
What will happen if NFIP is not reauthorized or amended by Congress by 7/31/18
- The plan will not be able to issue new contracts
- Contracts already inforce will continue until the end of their one year policy term
- The authority for NFIP to borrow funds will be reduced from
$30.425B to $1B
3 purposes of Flood Insurance Studies (FISs)
- Identify areas that have special flood, mudslide, and flood-related erosion hazards
- Assess the flood risk
- Designate insurance zones
Which zones in the FIRM are considered to be SFHA.
A, AE, AH, AO, V, VE, VO and VI-30
When does the “Coordinated Needs Management Strategy” recommend that flood maps be updated
- Significant new building developments in/near the flood zone
- Changes to the flood protection systems (e.g. levees & sand dunes)
- Environmental changes in the community
List 2 circumstances that may require changes to the FIRM
- The natural elevation of the property was incorrect in the FIRM, and where it should not be considered to be part of the SFHA based on the correct elevation. (LOMA)
- The community believes that a physical development has reduced the flood risk for areas that were previously mapped in the floodplain. (LOMR)
Purposes of minimum floodplain management standards
- Restrict development of land that is exposed to flood damage, where appropriate
- Guide development of proposed construction away from locations that are threatened by flood hazards
- Assist in reducing damage caused by floods
- Improve the long-range land management and use of flood-prone areas
List examples of the requirements of the minimum standards for communities
- Require permits for development in the SFHA
- Require elevation of the lowest floor of all new residential buildings in the SFHA to be above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE)
- Restrict development in the regulatory floodway
- Require the use of certain construction materials & methods
Purpose of the “community assistance visits” (CAVs)
Ensure that the community is adequately enforcing the rules.
List some uses of grants from the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program
- State & local mitigation planning
- Elevation, relocation, demolition, or flood proofing of structures
- Acquisition of properties
List the 3 types of Standard Flood Insurance Policies (SFIPs)
- Dwelling
- General Property
- Residential Condominium
List examples of lenders that require the flood insurance include
- Federal agency lenders (e.g. Department of Veterans Affairs)
- Government sponsored enterprises (GSEs), Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
- Federally regulated lenders (e.g. banks covered by the FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Why does FEMA encourage the purchase of PRPs?
This will:
* Reduce the financial impact of floods for a broader group of property owners
* Expand the policy base of the NFIP, which should improve its fiscal soundness