Hormones Learning Objectives (L19) Flashcards
Learning Objectives - Identify hormones involved in anabolic and catabolic processes, and describe the functions they mediate - Describe the response (and adaptive response) profile for each hormone during exercise and discuss their actions on energy provision and tissue function
What is the exercise-mediated adaptive (acute) response of adrenaline (i.e.: what does it do to the body/systems)? At what intensity is it released?
Acute stress response (SNS activation):
- Increase CO
- Increase HR (slightly)
- Alter blood flow: Decrease TPR to skeletal muscle
- Energy provision via glycogenolysis & lipolysis
- Mental alertness and focus
Released @ 75% of VO2max (VIGOROUS EXERCISE)
What is the exercise-mediated adaptive (acute) response of NA (i.e.: what does it do to the body/systems)? At what intensity is it released?
Acute stress response (SNS activation):
- Increase CO
- Increase HR (slightly)
- Alter blood flow: Decrease TPR to skeletal muscle
- Energy provision via glycogenolysis & lipolysis
- Mental alertness and focus
Released @ 50% of VO2max (MODERATE EXERCISE)
NA and Adr. are closely linked with intensity and metabolic pathways. What is the goal of energy provision for adrenaline during exercise?
Adrenaline is released @ 75% of VO2max (VIGOROUS EXERCISE), levels also rise more sharply with high intensity exercise:
- Rapid mobilization of glycogen stores to support anaerobic activity.
- Inhibits insulin release. Adrenaline prevents insulin from performing glycogenesis.
NA and Adr. are closely linked with intensity and metabolic pathways. What is the goal of energy provision for NA during exercise?
- NA is released @ 50% of VO2max (MODERATE EXERCISE):
- Helps mobilise energy stores (lipids and glycogen) and redistributes blood flow to active muscles.
Cortisol increase with _____ intensity exercise and _____ duration exercise.
higher, longer
What are the system wide effects of elevated cortisol?
Anti-inflammatory, immune suppression
Why might stressed people who often overtrain be predisposed to illness
Higher cortisol levels supress the immune system
Describe the feedback loop for cortisol and how it is regulated
ACTH (from ant. pit.) stimulates release of cortisol (from adrenal cortex). Cortisol can then inhibit the secretion of ACTH
What is the exercise-mediated adaptive (acute) response of cortisol (i.e.: what does it do to the body/systems)?
- Metabolism regulation and energy provision (mobilising glucose via gluconeogenesis)
- **Suppresses immune system (reduces resources and prevents excessive inflammation)
- **Increase BP via the synergistic effect on adrenaline
Why is cortisol helpful during prolonged exercise where glycogen stores might become depleted?
Gluconeogenesis: Cortisol helps mobilise glucose by promoting gluconeogenesis in the liver. This ensures a steady supply of glucose for energy during exercise, especially during prolonged or intense activity when glycogen stores become depleted.
How long does it take for cortisol to spike during periods of a) psychological stress and b) exercise?
a) 10min, b) 20min (sustained release, levels stay reasonably high)
Glucagon is secreted from which cells?
alpha cells of the pancreas
Insulin is secreted from which cells?
beta cells of the pancreas
What stimulates glucagon secretion?
Low blood glucose levels
What stimulates insulin secretion?
High blood glucose levels