Hormone Effects Flashcards
GH target tissues/effects
Liver- ^ glucose synthesis/blood glucose, ^synthesis of IGF(insulin like growth factors) ^Blood IGF(hormone), ^synthesis of IGF binding protien Adipose tissue- ^ lipid breakdown, ^ free fatty acids and glycerol. Prevents glucose uptake due to insulin which ^ blood glucose (IGF)Skeletal muscle- ^AA uptake ^protein synthesis. v protein breakdown and v glucose uptake into cell (^blood glucose) (IGF)LONG TERM- stimulate linear bone growth, DNA syntehsis, AA uptake, protein synthesis, Collagen, cell size, # of chondrocytes.
Prolactin effects
main function in breast development and milk production, NOT milk ejection inhibits ovulation in lactating female suppressing GnRH sythesis and release
ADH Target Tissue
principle cell in your collecting ducts-V2 vascular smoot receptor-V1
TH effects
–every cell to function properly, –acts synergistically w/GH and Somatomedin. –increases basic metabolic rate, all cellular activities(mitochondria formation, respiratory enzymes, NA/K ATPase) and alters respiratory and CVS O2 consumption. –promotes bone growth(teeth nail) and brain development increases GI motility, glucose absorption, use of glucose, fats, proteins. -decreases body weigth
TH on adipose
increased lipolysis, increased fatty acids, glycerol in blood
TH on muscle
increased protein breakdown and AA in blood
TH on liver
increases release of glucose into the cell.
Action of T3
protein synthesis. don’t pick catabolic, slightly anabolic
T4 is broken down
in liver and kidneys and rT3 in other places.
ACTH effects
^conversion of Cholesterol into pregnenolone, ^ transcription of synthesis enzymes, ^ number of LDL receptors.
Aldosterone effects.
increased sodium uptake and Potassium secertion. increased reabsorption of Na, maintains blood volume, regulates K+ homeostasis and retains Na levels in body.
Cortisol effects
-responds to stress and fasting by mobilizing all the fuel resources
cortisol actions on the liver
increases glucose production, increased glycogen breakdown
cortisol action on the adipose
increased lipolysis, increased fatty acids and glycerol in the blood
cortisol action on muscle
increased protein breakdowns, in creased AA in blood.
cortisol action on general cell
increased uptake of fatty acids and glycerol and increased release of AA in the blood.
cortisol on CNS
crosses BB and acts on limbic structures, impacts mood, cushing’s disease may have sudden emotional outbursts, both addison’s and cushcings are assocaited with depression and sleep disturbances.
cortison on inflammation and immunosuppresion
inhibits PG synthesis by supressing COX 2, exerts an anti inflammotry response via lipocortin 1 which inhibits neutrophils, eosinophils and monocyte migration, suppresses T and B lymphocytes and iL2. poor wound healing, inhibits chondroblasts ans osteoblasts. prevents GI and renal Ca absorption.
cortisol has permissive actions on
E, GH, and glucagon. upregulates alpha 1 receptors in arteriorles to remain responseiv. is required for fetal growth and maturation.
Epinephrine effects on metabolism
Beta2 break glycogen into glucose in the liver, break glycogen to lactate in the muscle, break down lipids in adipose tissue to fatty acids and glycerol. increase levels of glucagon and increase levels of glucose. Vasodilation Relax bronchial smooth muscle Alpha 2-It suppresses the release of insulin in the pancreas and Beta 1- ^contractility ^heart rate Alpha 1 vasocnstriction in slpanchnic/kidney
Effects of insulin on metabolism.
stores nutrients for use later on. on liver GLUT 2 will cause glucose to be converted to glycogen, or pyruvate and (endogenous) TAGS(VLDL), Also promotes synthesis of AA to proteins. On muscle- causes GLUT 4 to be a membrane transporter, uses GLUT 4 transporters to take in glucose and make glycogen, also helps AA become prtoins. On adipose tissue, uses Glut 4 to have glucose turned into alpha glycerol phosphate or pyruvate and then to TAGS. also causes a increases in lipoprotein lipase to break down VLDL
Glucagon effects on metabolism
in liver promotes glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis and oxidation of fats to energy and ketone bodies. in adipose tissue. can activate hormone sensitive adipose tissue lipase and deliver FFA to the liver.
affects of calcitriol
causes increased absorption of Calcium and phosphate.
estradiol effects
causes protein synthesis in Leydig cells