Hoorcollege 3 Flashcards
true or false: the low internal validity of RCTs means that cost - effectiveness as measured in/alongside RCTs often does not refelct cost - effectiveness in actual clinical practice
Health gains (QALY) in cost - utility analysis
duration of life x quality of life
health related quality of life
physical, mental, social
HRQoL instruments
disease specific
domain specific
population specific
Generic instruments
measure impact of illness/treatment in terms applicable to every human being
disease specific instruments
measure effect of a particular disease for HRQoL
domain specific instruments
measures specific effects of illness/treatmens for one domain of health
population - specific instruments
focus on well - defined group of individuals (bv. children/elderly)
methods to obtain Q (= quality of life)
- Direct Visual analogue scale (VAS) standard gamble (SG) Time trade - off (TTO) - Indirect multi - attribute instruments (EQ - 5D, HUI, SF - 36)
Visual analogue scale
scale from 0 to 10/0 to 100, on which individuals mark how they rate their health status or the health status they are going to value/have to value for the exercise.
advantage: simple
not based on choice decision
not a proper scale , respo9ndents spread their answers evenly along the scale
duration of the health condition is not taken into account
Standard gamble
respondent makes a trade - off choice
Time trade - off (TTO)
how much time someone is willing to give up in perfect health so that the other health state is equally valuable
Multi - attributes instruments
HUI, SF - 36, EQ - 5D, questionnaires that respondents fill in concerning their own health states or concerning health states that are described then.