Hoofdstuk 7 meerkeuze Flashcards
Compression on a file works by:
Removing redundant information Eliminating gaps within the file Storing most of the data on removable media and just leaving a pointer Consolidating multiple files into one Removing the high order bit from each byte
Removing redundant information
In general, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compression?
A log file A movie A JPEG image An mp3 audio file An encrypted email
A log file
Lossy compression:
(choose three)
Decompresses to an identical version as the original Is often used with documents Is often used with images Usually results better compression than lossless Sacrifices some quality
Is often used with images
Usually results better compression than lossless
Sacrifices some quality
You type gzip myfile.tar. What happens?
(choose two)
myfile.tar is removed myfile.tar.gz holds a compressed version of myfile.tar An error; you forgot to specify the file with –f myfile.tar is unarchived into the current directory An error; you forgot to pass the name of the output file
myfile. tar is removed
myfile. tar.gz holds a compressed version of myfile.tar
How would you obtain output similar to the following?
compressed uncompressed ratio uncompressed_name
278168 1016950 72.6% tags
gunzip –t tags file tags gzip –l tags
gzip –l tags
Which command would you use to archive the Documents directory and compress it with bzip2 compression?
tar –czf documents.tbz Documents tar –cjf Documents tar –fzc Documents documents.tbz tar –cjf documents.tbz Documents tar –cf Documents documents.tbz
tar –cjf documents.tbz Documents
Which flag would you pass to tar in order to have it make a new archive?
–t -c –j -x –n
Which command will show what is inside the compressed tarball with a name of foo.tar.gz?
tar –tjf foo.tar.gz tar –tzf foo.tar.gz tar –lf foo.tar.gz tar –xf foo.tar.gz tar –tf foo.tar.gz
tar –tzf foo.tar.gz
In the command tar –cvjf foo.tbz a b c, what are a, b, and c?
File names to be added to the archive Matching operators; anything starting with a, b, or c will be added a is the directory that will be prepended to files; b and c are files inside it Extra flags passed to tar Nothing; -cvjf only expects one parameter
File names to be added to the archive
Given the command tar –cvjf homedirs.tbz /home, which of the following are true?
(choose two)
The /home directory will be restored with the contents of homedirs.tbz Only files starting with /home will be extracted from the archive The command will print out each filename as it is processed Files that are present in the archive might overwrite files in /home The output file will be compressed
The command will print out each filename as it is processed
The output file will be compressed
You archived your users’ directories into a file called backup.tar.gz. You then view the archive and see the filenames follow this convention:
How will you extract just the files for the user called fred? tar –tzf /home/fred < backup.tar.gz tar –tjf backup.tar.gz /home/fred tar –xjf backup.tar.gz home/fred/ tar –xzf backup.tar.gz home/fred/ tar –xzf backup.tar.gz fred
tar –xzf backup.tar.gz home/fred/
Which of the following commands will create a zipfile with the contents of your Documents directory?
zip –cf mydocs.zip Documents zip –c mydocs.zip Documents zip -r mydocs.zip Documents zip mydocs.zip Documents zip –f mydocs.zip Documents
zip -r mydocs.zip Documents
Given a file called documents.zip, how can you see what’s in it without extracting the files?
showzip documents.zip zip –lf documents.zip zip –l documents.zip unzip –list documents.zip unzip –l documents.zip
unzip –l documents.zip
Given a file called documents.zip, how can you extract just the files under ProjectX?
zip –x documents.zip ProjectX unzip documents.zip | grep ProjectX unzip –t documents.zip ProjectX unzip documents.zip ProjectX unzip documents.zip ProjectX/*
unzip documents.zip ProjectX/*
You try to compress a file that is already compressed. Which of the following statements is true?
The file will not be compressed any further than it already was The compression algorithm needs to be set to the “currently compressed” mode for it to be compressed further The file will actually be uncompressed The file will be deleted The file changed while you were compressing it
The file will not be compressed any further than it already was
Which of the following commands can be used to compress a file?
(choose three)
bunzip2 bzip2 gzip cat zip
The three main modes of tar are:
(choose three)
Copy List Compress Create Extract
In the command tar –czf foo.tar.gz bar, what is the purpose of the f flag?
Tells tar to read from the file that follows the flag Tells tar to print the name of each file as it is processed Tells tar to copy only files, and not directories Specifies extra compression is to be used Tells tar to write to the file that follows the flag
Tells tar to write to the file that follows the flag
Which two commands do the same thing?
(choose two)
tar –czf foo.tar.gz foo tar –c foo | gzip > foo.tar.gz tar –xzf foo.tar.gz tar –x foo | gzip tar –tzf foo.tar.gz
tar –czf foo.tar.gz foo
tar –c foo | gzip > foo.tar.gz
The _____ command is normally executed daily to update the database of all files that are on the system.
updatedb search locate find