Examen hoofdstuk 9-16 meerkeuze Flashcards
The number of users logged in is in a variable called USERS. How would you test to see if 5 users are logged in?
test $USERS = 5 test $USERS –a 5 test $USERS,5 test –f USERS=5 test $USERS –eq 5
test $USERS –eq 5
Given the following script: while [ ! –f /tmp/foo ]; do echo –n “.” process_data > /tmp/foo done Which of the following are true? (choose two)
The screen will fill with dots. /tmp/foo will be removed if it exists process_data will never be run If a file called /tmp/foo exists, process_data won’t be run process_data will be called at most once
If a file called /tmp/foo exists, process_data won’t be run
process_data will be called at most once
A conditional that lets you make multiple comparisons with a pattern is called:
fanout if branch case test
What is the meaning of $(( $i + 1)) ?
If i is 0, the loop will stop This will return the value of the first argument to the script 1 will be added to the i variable This runs the command stored in variable i This will return the value of the next argument to the script
1 will be added to the i variable
How would you write a test that says “if /tmp/foo is a directory or USERS is greater than 5”?
test –d /tmp/foo | $USERS > 5 test /tmp/foo –d –o $USERS -gt 5 test /tmp/foo || $USERS > 5 test –d /tmp/foo –o $USERS –gt 5 test –f /tmp/foo –o $USERS –ge 5
test –d /tmp/foo –o $USERS –gt 5
A division of a hard drive may be referred to as a _______ .
(choose two)
partition label slice block
Which of the following are valid partitioning types?
(choose two)
The fdisk command is a tool used for working with the MBR partitioned disks.
True or False?
True False
Which of the following is the valid device file name for the first IDE hard drive on the system?
/dev/sda /dev/hd1 /dev/hda /dev/ide
Which of the following are valid video cable connector types?
(choose two)
A command that will continuously update statistics about running processes:
top tail bottom head
The following are valid Linux option styles:
(choose three)
Traditional Unix with a single dash (-) BSD Unix without a dash DOS slash (/) GNU long options with two dashes (–)
Traditional Unix with a single dash (-)
BSD Unix without a dash
GNU long options with two dashes (–)
Which file contains the information passed to the kernel at boot time?
/proc/kargs /proc/kernel /proc/kopts /proc/cmdline
To make changes permanent for kernel parameter files found under /proc/sys, the following file can have entries added to it:
/etc/sysctl.conf /etc/procctl.conf /etc/procsys.conf /etc/sysinfo.conf
To get a list of all packages installed on a system using RPM Package Management you can execute:
rpm -qa rpm -ql rpm -qf rpm -qi
rpm -qa
Which of the following would be considered a host?
The computer’s hard drive A network cable A CDROM A printer attached to the network via an IP address
A printer attached to the network via an IP address
What option to the netstat command has information shown as numbers rather than names?
-t -n –name -r
Which of the following commands will allow you to log into the machine server1 with the account name nick?
ssh nick@server1 ssh nick->server1 ssh nick-server1 ssh nick&server1
ssh nick@server1
The RSA key fingerprint allows the dig command to connect to remote systems.
True or False?
True False
Which files contain user account information?
(choose two)
/etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/passwd
Sudo privileges can be used to specify which user can use the sudo command to execute commands as other users.
True or False?
True False
In distributions that do not allow the root user to login directly or via the su command, the installation process automatically configures one user account to be able to use the sudo command to execute commands as if they were executed by the root user.
True or False?
True False
Which of the following commands will display how long the system has been running since the last boot?
(choose two)
who w id uptime
The /etc/shadow file contains plain-text passwords.
True or False?
True False
Which command can be used to view the /etc/passwd file entries?
getent uptime getpasswd uppasswd
Which command can be used to determine a user’s most recent log in?
login last history shell
Which of the following files contains encrypted user password information?
/etc/usr /etc/shadow /etc/passwd /etc/group
Which of the following files contains user IDs?
/etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/shadow /etc/usr
Which of the following files does the groupadd command use to determine the new GID when a GID isn’t specified?
/etc/shadow /etc/usr /etc/passwd /etc/group
Which of the following commands, run as root, will prevent the user bob from logging in?
usermod -L bob usermod -D bob usermod -d bob usermod -l bob
usermod -L bob
The chmod command can be used on a file by:
The file owner and root The file owner A user that belongs to the files current group Only root
The file owner and root
Which option for the chown command can be used to change the owner of a directory and all the files and directories below it?
- f - R - a - r
The chown command will only accept one file at a time as an argument.
True or False?
True False
The “execute” permission is never set on files by default.
True or False?
True False
The user owner of a file will always have the same or higher permissions as “other”.
True or False?
True False
A source and a hard link must be part of the same filesystem.
True or False?
True False
Deleting a source file will break an associated symbolic link.
True or False?
True False
A source file and a symbolic link must be part of the same file system.
True or False?
True False
Which of the following commands would create a hard link, link to file?
ln link file ln -s link file ln file link ln -s file link
ln file link
Which of the following commands would create a symbolic link, link to file?
ln link file ln -s file link ln file link ln -s link file
ln -s file link