Honey Bee Reproduction Flashcards
Sex ratio of queens to drones
1-5 thous drons per <5 queens
Why would you replace queen?
- sudden loss
- swarming
- supersedure events
- not laying enough eggs- replace w daughter
How would you replace queen?
- enlarge hexagonal cell
- feed larvae royal jelly
- perceived within a couple hours that they don’t have a queen
Drones diploid or haploid? Develop from unfertilized or fertilized eggs? what is this process called? What is their function?
Inseminate virgin queens
How does the queen get rid of rival queen?
Perforates and stings, fights til death
Mating between queens and drones occur in __________. Drone and virgin queens find ______ sites without being guided.
Congregation areas
same sites (never changes)
Drones may fly ____ to reach congregation area, queens fly ____ from their nests. Distances flown to mate along with the fact that queens are _______ indicate that ____-breeding is the rule in populations. this ensures _______ variability.
polyandrous (mate w many drones)
How many drones does a queen mate with in the course of 1-10 mating flights? when do these mating flights take place?
first 2 weeks of emergence
What happens to the queen after mating? what happens to the drone?
queen brings back “mating signal”; drones reproductive organs inside her
she develops her ovaries and begins to lay eggs
drone dies bc he lost his reproductive organs
Where does queen store her semen containing sperm cells? How long is it viable for?
thoroughly mixed semen, excess discarded
several years
Mated queens lay how many types of eggs? what are they
how do queens differentiate from workers
drones dont have stinger
drones produced through parthenogenesis
cast out of colony for mating flights w queens then dies
can be produced by workers if queenless long enough for workers to dev ovaries
queen cells vs hexagonal cells
fed royal jelly vs nectar/pollen
if diploid drone born, killed by undertakers?
Reproduction at colony level
- swarming; natural division of one colony into 2 or more; natural means of reproduction and dispersal of honey bee colonies
swarming takes place when
resources are abundant in the field, favours reproduction
Swarming precursors
Honey bee population builds up in spring, congests brood nest, reduced queen substance distribution, heat inside hive
Signs of swarming
- workers reduce foraging
- bees accumulate at hive entrance (beard)
- presence of queen cells in brood nest
in prep for swarming (may-june), the queen _____ egg laying rate and consumes _______ food to _____ weight.
Primary swarm –> virgin queen
first swarm
contains 1/2 population of colonys workers and the old queen
bees leaving hive settle on nearby tree
leave temporary location to final destination
virgin queen performs mating flights and becomes mother of the parental colony
Nest selection:
scout bees look for cavities in hollow trees, rocks, walls, attract nestmates to entrance, nest building behind, foraging is resumed to gatehr & store resources.
Swarming is _______for modern beekeeping because colonies that swarm_____ population and produce ______ honey
Management practices to control swarming
- colony inspetions to destroy queen cells
- provision of space
- removal of entrance reducers to facilitate ventilation
- requeening