Homophones Flashcards
What is the difference between “be” and “bee”
“Be” is the verb être
“Bee” is une abeille
What is the difference between “break” and “brake”
“Break” means briser
“Brake” means freiner
What is the difference between “here” and “hear”
“Here” means ici
“Hear” means entendre
What is the difference between “I” and “eye”
“I” means je
“eye” means yeux
What is the difference between “main”, “mane” and “Maine”
“main” means principal
“mane” means crinière
“Maine” is a state in America
What is the difference between “night” and “knight”
“Night” means nuit
“Knight” means chevalier
What is the difference between “ate” and “eight”
“Ate” means manger au passé
“Eight” means 8
What is the difference between “bear” and “bare”
“Bear” means ours
“Bare” means cru - rien
What is the difference between “bury” and “berry”
“Bury” means enterré
“Berry” means baie
What is the difference between “dear” and “deer”
“Dear” means cher / chère
“Deer” means chevreuil
What is the difference between “flew”, “flue” and “flu”
“Flew” means s’envoler au passé
“Flue” means gaz - smoke
“Flu” means grippe
What is the difference between “four” and “for”
“Four” means 4
“For” means pour
What is the difference between “guessed” and “guest”
“Guessed” means deviner au pluriel
“Guest” means invité / visiteur
What is the difference between “heal” and “heel”
“Heal” means guérir
“Heel” means talon
What is the difference between “know” and “no”
“Know” means savoir
“No” means non
What is the difference between “made” and “maid”
“Made” means faire
“Maid” means femme de ménage
What is the difference between “meet” and “meat”
“Meet” means rencontrer
“Meat” means viande
What is the difference between “nose” and “knows”
“Nose” means nez
“Knows” means savoir
What is the difference between “blew” and “blue”
“Blew” means exploser
“Blue” means bleu
What is the difference between “by” and “buy”
“By” means à
“Buy” means acheter
What is the difference between “cereal” and “serial”
“Cereal” means céréale
“Serial” means série
What is the difference between “flower” and “flour”
“Flower” means fleur
“Flour” means farine