Homophones 1 Flashcards
Ad Add
Ad: advertisement
Add: put together
Heir Err
Heir: inheritor; successor
Err: be mistaken or incorrect; do wrong
Assent Ascent
Assent: approval; agreement
Ascent: climb; upward slope or path; rise through the air
Arc Ark
Arc: curve
Ark: ship; boat
Ate Eight
Ate: past tense of eat
Eight: the number 8
Great Grate
Great: considerable; large; very good
Grate: shred; make unpleasant sound; irritate
Bawl Ball
Bawl: cry; weep; shout
Ball: spherical object
Band Banned
Band: ring or loop put around something; group
Banned: prohibit; forbid; exclude
Bass Base
Bass: deep-toned
Base: foundation; bottom; headquarters
Basis Bases
Basis: premise
Bases: plural of base and basis
Beet Beat
Beet: dark red root eaten as a vegetable
Beat: hit; defeat; rhythm
Billed Build
Billed: having a beak or bill; charged
Build: construct; frame; structure
Blue Blew
Blue: the color; sad
Blew: to blow
Bored Board
Bored: tired due to lack of interest
Board: plank; beam; committee; council; meals; get on
Break Brake
Break: shatter; fracture; stop; violate; a gap
Brake: device for stopping
Been Bin
Been: past participle of be (exist; occur)
Bin: container
To Too Two
To: motion in the direction of
Too: excessive; also
Two: the number
Aloud Allowed
Aloud: out loud; audible; clearly
Allowed: permit; set aside for a purpose
Belle Bell
Belle: beauty
Bell: the object
Berry Bury
Berry: the fruit
Bury: hide; cover
Boy Buoy
Boy: male child
Buoy: anchored float marker; keep afloat: cheer up
Adz Adds
Adz: the tool similar to an axe
Adds: attaches; puts together
Awl All
Awl: tool for piercing holes
All: used to refer to the whole ; completely
Alter Altar
Alter: change
Altar: table in the church
Aunt Ant
Aunt: the family member
Ant: the insect
Assistants Assistance
Assistants: second in command; someone who helps
Assistance: help; aid
Aural Oral
Aural: relating to the ear or hearing
Oral: spoken; verbal; relating to the mouth
Offal Awful
Offal: internal organs of an animal used as food
Awful: terrible
Bale Bail
Bale: bundle; bunch; package (of straw or hay)
Bail: payment for the release of the accused
Barred Bard
Barred: closed or secured
Bard: poet
Bare Bear
Bare: empty; uncovered; devoid of; plain
Bear: carry the weight of; endure; give birth to; the animal
Be Bee
Be: exist; take place; occupy
Bee: the insect; meeting for communal work or amusement
Baring Bearing
Baring: uncovering
Bearing: posture, demeanor, relevance, connection, endurance, part of a machine, direction, orientation, carry like a burden
Bow Beau
Bow: a knot with two loops; object for shooting arrows
Beau: boyfriend; sweetheart
Bier Beer
Bier: movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed
Beer: alcoholic drink
Birth Berth
Birth: event of being born
Berth: a ship’s allotted place at a wharf or dock; a fixed bed or bunk on a ship or train, gap
Bettor Better
Bettor: a person who bets
Better: superior; more
I’ll Aisle
I’ll: I will
Aisle: passageway
Bait Bate
Bait: lure; enticement; annoy; taunt
Bate: angry mood; (of a hawk) beat the wings in an attempt to escape from the perch; to lessen
Aye Eye
Aye: meaning yes; an affirmative answer
Eye: the organs through which we see; center; hole