Homicide And Serious Crime Victims Flashcards
OC body responsibilities
Certificate - Pol265 (life extinct)
Sudden death - procedures completed
In-situ - photographs/video recordings
Guard - secure body/samples/exhibits
Observations - of the body recorded
Details - of all medical staff attending
Da bros - cultural considerations Maintain - security of body/samples Moved - body moved/disturbed? ID- arrange formal ID Transport - arrange to mortuary
Mortem - attend PM
Evidence - preserved from body
Record - what actions taken Arrange - FPs/palmprints Photographer - direct if necessary Exhibits - record/label/secure Debrief - attend, record findings
Briefing experts and interested parties key areas of consideration include:
- Photographs/video recordings taken at scene
- Actions of first responders
- ID of body, medical history, drugs at scene etc…
- Environmental factors at the scene
What factors should be considered in the appreciation of the removal of the body from the scene?
1) Notification/response from the coroner
2) Views of pathologist/Crown about attending the scene
3) Consult other experts
4) Requirements of other exams before removal
5) Best method/route for removal
6) Supervision of removal
7) Chain of custody of body from the scene to the mortuary
8) Safe custody of exhibits
9) Family/cultural considerations
10) SOPs for protective clothing disposal
Samples at the scene - what evidence may be lost or contaminated by moving the body?
1) Larvae and insects
2) Potential FP evidence from the skin on the body
3) DNA swabs
4) Firearms residue samples
5) Loose hairs, fibres, glass, paint or other fragments
Recording details and removing the body from the scene
1) Record body position by sketch plan and direct the Police photographer to take photos
2) In consultation with the CSC and/or OC scene. Consider making/recording the position of the body
Position of all limbs Appearance of the body Wounds and clothing Direction of any trails of blood Lividity Extent of rigor mortis present
4) Health risks
5) Cover hands, feet, head with bags
6) Ensure clothing is not contaminated by foreign objects
7) Wrap the body in plastic sheet and place in body bag
8) Carefully search underneath where body lay
9) Retain all sheets, bags used to move the body as exhibits
10) Obtain approval from the OC investigation to remove the body from the scene
11) Arrange contracted undertaker to remove the body to the mortuary
What should an appreciation prior to PM consider?
1) ID of body
2) Authority of Coroner to conduct PM
3) Consult with the pathologist
4) Safe custody of exhibits
5) ID who should attend PM
6) Appropriate resources
7) Family cultural considerations
8) Any likely requirement for a second PM
What is the primary role of OC body during a PM?
To observe, document and deal with exhibits associated with the body in a structured methodical manner.
What is the purpose of a PM?
The primary purpose of a PM exam is to establish the cause of death.
The pathologists findings may provide other information such as:
1) Mode and time of death
2) How injuries/events contributed to death
3) Nature and size of the weapons used
4) Determining stature and height of the suspect
5) Negating possible defences
6) Identify victim if ID not established
Police who should attend the PM:
1) OC Investigation
2) OC Body
3) Fingerprint officer
4) Police photographer
5) A member especially designated as exhibits officer for PM
Other experts - who may OC Investigation consult with regarding the conduct of a PM?
1) Biologist
2) Medical illustrator
3) Toxicologist
4) Ballistics expert
5) Anthropologist
What equipment should an OC Body take to a PM?
1) MEK
2) Toxicology kit
3) Body label
4) Notebook/pens solely for use during PM
5) Scene exhibit schedule
6) Copy of completed Pol47
7) Deceased person certificate
8) Deceased person ID
9) Protective clothing
10) Photographs from the scene
11) Range of exhibit numbers from OC exhibits
12) Firearms residue kit
Duties on arrival at the mortuary:
Body - remains in same state - PM Arrange - formal ID of the body Retain - key used to secure - PM Ensure - body not washed Label - body, secure in mortuary fridge
What are other methods of body ID?
1) DNA
2) Fingerprints
3) Dental records
4) Scars, birthmarks, tattoos
When skeletal remains are found. A pathologist, with assistance from a forensic anthropologist can usually provide information such as:
- Whether the remains are actually bones
- Whether the bones are human
- The age, gender, height and race of the person
When briefing the pathologist? What information and material must they be provided with?
1) Copy of POL47
2) MEK
3) Toxicology kit
4) Medical records of the deceased, where available
5) Scene photographs/recordings
Stripping the body
Police photographer - before/after clothes Remove - body from fridge Avoid - cutting clothing Cause - minimal disturbance Trace evidence - consider (wounds) Inventory - clothing/possessions Cross contamination - exhibits separate Exhibit - body bags/sheets/wrappings Strip body - pathologist present Label - each item Individual items - sealed in bags Maintain - security/continuity until PM