Exhibit Management Flashcards
What is the purpose of the OC Exhibits
- establishing and maintaining exhibit management system
- maintaining physical security and continuity of all exhibits
- provision of an accurately recorded exhibit system
- availability of exhibits to establish evidential value, investigative opportunities, further enquiries needed.
OC Exhibits should only accept an exhibit if:
- exhibit labelled with unique number and operation name
- scene schedule contains the exhibit with description, finders name, time, date, and location of finding
- property is correctly packaged and sealed, exhibit label is visible and secured to the outside of the package
- any prompt action action required to preserve the exhibit has been taken
What should not be done with exhibits?
No exhibits should be taken into the investigation HQ, whether sealed or not
Why develop a forensic strategy?
Developing a strategy for examination of exhibits allows the OC Exhibits to prioritise tasks in line with the direction of the investigation
Why are forensic strategy meetings held?
To determine which exhibit or forensic examinations are required and the priority of those examinations
What topics are covered during a forensic strategy meeting?
- what examinations ESR and others could conduct
- priority each examination should receive
- whether any further work is needed to assist a reconstruction
- a plan for any work to be completed that is required to assist the reconstruction
- an agreed reconstruction of the events relevant to the crime under investigation
The OC Exhibits must, where appropriate, update the OC Investigation and 2IC with relevant information relating to:
- what exhibits have been found and their movements
- the results of any exhibit examinations
- whether any further enquiries are required
Following the forensic strategy meeting, where should decisions be recorded about exhibits to be examined and what should be recorded?
Record in exhibit register, all decisions taken about the type of examination to be undertaken and their priority.
In smaller operations the OC Exhibits may conduct an appreciation to examine exhibits to establish:
- evidential value
- investigative opportunities
- further enquiries needed
What is the process for submission of exhibits for examination?
1) Ensure exhibit exam discussions are confirmed through FSM
2) Record in the exhibit register all decisions taken about the types of exam to be conducted and the priority allocated to each exhibit
3) Ensure OC Investigation had authorised the proposed exam
4) Prepare POL143 forms
5) Prepare exhibits before being delivered
- all items are separately wrapped
- all parcels are sealed
- all items or their packages are labelled and numbered
- a list of all items is attached to the POL143
- the POL143 is consistent with the labels on the items
- items are in an appropriate condition
- brief circumstances of the case
- purposes of the examination
- location of where each item originates (scene/witness/suspect)
- whether any exhibits are damp and require special attention
- authorisation from the appropriate supervisor
6) Deliver exhibits promptly to avoid deterioration and loss of evidence
7) Inform the expert undertaking the examination if it is no longer required
Producing exhibits in court must be conducted in a manner which:
- clearly demonstrates the evidential value of the exhibits
- avoids any risk of physical injury, disease, contamination or damage
What is the chain of custody?
Includes every individual who has had custody of an exhibit, from the time it was first discovered until the time it is produced in court.
It is used to demonstrate the integrity and therefore admissibility of exhibits
Each person with custody of an exhibit must be able to demonstrate:
- when they received custody of the exhibit and from whom
- where and how the exhibit was securely stored
- when, why and how the exhibit was moved from one place to another
- how the exhibit has been treated, safeguarded and preserved
- when and why they transferred custody of an exhibit to another person, and to whom
What is the purpose of the exhibit numbering system?
- be consistent
- allow delegation of exhibit numbers to staff who utilise them
- cope with multiple scenes
- be compatible with technology
- encompass all exhibits
What is the rationale for applying sequential page numbers to disclosed material?
- it provides effective auditing of disclosed material
- provides reference for material that does not fall within the document numbering system
- any illegitimate claims made by defence counsel that particular material was not disclosed, can be promptly resolved by providing an exact copy of the numbered page that was disclosed and a reference number
- it enables accurate records to be maintained
OC Exhibits responsibilities
Receiving exhibits
Ensure exhibit is labelled correctly
Deliver exhibit for analysis/examination
Consult 2IC re: relevance/further enquiries Record exhibit in exhibits register Ensure exhibit is uniquely numbered Ensure security/continuity maintained Prepare exhibit for court Securing exhibits
Before receiving an exhibit:
Correctly preserve the exhibit
Assign number from allocated range
Label exhibit with exhibit number and the op name
Labelled, separately packed, sealed
Correctly record in exhibits schedule
Ensure any prompt action taken to prevent deterioration
Actions on finding an exhibit:
Photograph in-situ Ensure no touching Reconstruction significance Fingerprints required OC advised to view it Rule/measure where located Mark position where located Sketch position found