homestasis Flashcards
types of synapse
chemical: pre and post celft in diretc contact
e;ectrical: most common, there is a celft and a space
voltage gated and ligand gated chanells
volatge: open when MP reaches certain voltage
ligand: when ligand binds to its recpetors
Action potential
clcium ion gated chanells
in axon terminal that allow ca to go into cell to bind to proteins on synpatic vessicles
ligand gated ion challens on post synaptic cleft, lets na flow into cell to induce depolarization
left over NT
memory learning, arousla, muscle contractons,
choline = nutrient from fish, and othef oods
acetyles coA = enzyme
neurons that contain ach are called colonergic . mostly in brain
terminated in synaptic celft by acetylcholinestrase
choline reuptake into pree synpatic cleft to makre for actlye choline
saltatory conduction
- nodes of ranvier are rich in sodum chanells ope when AP travels
the increase in na reguvenates AP
nodes of ranver regiventate the boost
cruicial for enzyme, metabolic and phsycilogical
mechanins of thermoregulation: endotehrms
- warm blooded
- endothermy: internal physiological mechnaims that generate thermal energy to regulate body temp
- ca obtain thermal energy from environemtn but not primary
- mammels, birds,
-behavioural adaptations: seek shade, hiberantion, basking
endothermy metabolism
metabolic rate = amount of chemical fuel burined in a given epriod of time. more heat will produce
cold ext temp = increase metabolic rate
increase heat production. ex: msucle contraction, shiveirng, teethe chattering
nonshivering thermogensis: relies on fat (brown adipose tissue) contains lots of mitochondira with special proteins that allows animals to release energy that is stored as fat, as heat
vasocontrictionvs dialation
mechanisms of thermoregulation: ectothermy
cold blood
ectothermy: behavioru mechaisms using EXTERNALL sources to regulate body temp
all ectotherms generale some thermal energy from int. cant increase heat production to maintan heats
frogs, reptiles, amphibians
behavuouris: sun bathe, burrowing, DO NOT HIBERNATE
Mechanisms of endo and ectotherms
- radiation
- conduction
- convention
hypothermia and hyperthermia
`hypo: very fast heat loss