Homeostatic Mechanisms: Thermoregulation Flashcards
What does skin temperature rise and fall with?
The environmental temperature.
Note: rectal thermometers are more accurate and read typically .6C warmer (1.0F) warmer than oral
Core temperatures vary with? What effect does the variable have on the temperature (i.e. raises it or lowers it?)
Time of day - lowest between 3am and 6am; highest between 3pm and 6pm
Stage of menstrual cycle - increasing 1C during the post-ovulatory phase (progesterone)
Level of activity - increasing with exercise and emotional states
Age - higher temp in active children and lower in aged adults.
Maintenance of a stable body temperature involves ______ feedback control with a ______ gain
Negative. Very high gain (~25-30).
Ex. The core body temperature of humans changes 1C for every 25-30C change in environmental temperature.
A body immersed in water exchanges most heat by?
Which heat removal mechanism (i.e. radiation, conduction, convection, evaporation) dissipates the most heat?
Evaporation by sweating normally dissipates nearly all of the heat produced during exercise.
Most body heat is generated how and where?
By cellular metabolism in the deep organs (liver, brain, heart, active skeletal muscle)
The rate of heat loss is determined largely by?
(1.) How rapidly heat is carried from the core to the skin and (2.) Transferred from the skin to the surroundings. (mostly by convection through the blood.
What is passive or unregulated heat transfer?
In the steady state, the rate of heat production by the body core must be matched by the flow of heat from the core to the skin, and from skin to environment.
*Note various homeostatic controls. Systems not directly involved in temperature regulation can also affect heat flow.
The skin is a highly effective controlled heat radiator system, how does it work?
Low env. temps: arterioles and arteriovenous anastomosis (connected artery and vein) that supply blood to the venous plexus of the skin are CONSTRICTED.
Higher env. temps: vasodilation subserves heat conductance through skin.
Controlled by sympathetic nervous system.
Transfers heat as EM waves for objects not in contact, rte proportional to temp difference
60% of body heat lost indoors/at rest
Transfer of heat between objects in direct contact. Ex. lying on hot sand causes body to gain heat).
Usually minimal in a person wearing clothes/shoes.
Loss or gain of heat by the movement of air/water over body. Because heat rises, air carries away heat from body. Most heat lost by convection when body is submerged in water.
Large amounts of heat lost this way because a lot of heat (energy) is required to transform water (sweat) from liquid to gas
Air circulation = more effective
High humidity = less effective
What happens when the body acclimates to hot weather?
Takes about 1-6 weeks. Sweat glands change, allow a change from 1L/hr in sweat to up to 2-3L/hr loss in sweat.
Aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex also leads to a decrease in loss of NaCl in sweat (conserves body salt).
How are sweat glands innnervated?
By an acetylcholine-secreting sympathetic nerve