Homeostasis Flashcards
Define homeostasis.
Th maintenance of an internal environment within restricted limits in organisms.
Homeostasis is the ability to return to the optimum point and so maintains organisms in a balanced equilibrium.
What does homeostasis ensure?
That the cells of the body are in an environment that meets their requirements and allows them to function normally, despite external changes.
Outline homeostasis and enzymes?
The enzymes that control biochemical reactions within cells are sensitive to changes in pH and temperature. Any change to these factors reduces the rate of reaction of enzymes eg denaturing them.
Maintaining a fairly constant internal environment means that reactions take place at a suitable rate.
Outline homeostasis and water potential.
Changes to water potential of blood and tissue fluids may cause cells to shrink and expand (even to bursting point) due to water entering or leaving by osmosis. Meaning the cell cannot operate normally.
The maintenance of constant blood glucose concentration is essential in ensuring a constant water potential.
The optimum point is monitored by…
A receptor
The receptor detects any deviation from the optimum point (ie a stimulus) and informs the…
The coordinator coordinates information from receptors and sends instructions to an appropriate…?
An effector (muscle or gland) brings about the changes needed to return the system to the optimum point. This return to normality creates a…?
Feedback mechanism.
What is a positive system?
Occurs when a deviation from the optimum causes changes that result in an even greater deviation from the normal.
When does negative feedback not work?
Negative feedback only works within certain limits - if the change is too big then the effectors may not be able to counteract it (eg huge drop in temp from prolonged exposure to cold weather may be too large to counteract).
Why does homeostasis involve multiple negative feedback mechanisms?
Because more than one mechanism gives more control over changes in your internal environment, and gives a quicker response too.
In homeostasis, when does positive feedback occur?
When a homeostatic system breaks down.
Why aren’t positive feedback systems involved in homeostasis?
Because positive systems don’t keep your internal environment stable.
Where are hormones produced?
Produced in glands, which secrete the hormone directly into the blood (endocrine glands).
What type of cells do hormones act upon?
Target cells - these have specific receptors on their cell-surface membranes that are complementary to a specific hormone.
Hormones are very effective in ______ concentrations, but often have _________ and _______________ effects.
Effective in low concentrations
But have widespread and long lasting effects
What is the second messenger model?
A mechanism used by two hormones involved in the regulation of blood glucose concentration (adrenaline and glucagon)
Outline the second messenger model.
- Adrenaline binds to a transmembrane protein receptor within the cell-surface membrane of a liver cell.
- This changes the shape of the protein on the inside of the membrane.
- This change of protein shape leads to the activation of adenyl cyclase (enzyme). Which converts ATP into cAMP.
- The cAMP acts as a second messenger that binds to protein kinase, changing its shape - activating it.
- This active protein kinase catalysed the conversion to glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis) which moves out of the cell by facilitated diffusion and into the blood.
Outline the pancreas.
A large gland situated in the upper abdomen. It produces enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase) for digestion and hormones (insulin and glucagon) for regulating blood glucose concentration.
Outline the ‘islets of langerhans’.
The islets of langerhans are hormone producing cells.
The cells of IoL include:
- alpha cells (larger, produce glucagon).
- beta cells (smaller, produce insulin).
Associated with regulating blood sugar levels in the liver, outline what glycogenesis is.
Glycogenesis is the conversion of glucose to glycogen.
When blood glucose conc is higher than normal, the liver removed glucose from the blood and converts it to glycogen.
Associated with regulating blood sugar levels in the liver, outline what glycogenolysis is.
Glycogenlysis is the breakdown of glycogen to glucose.
When blood glucose conc is lower than normal, the liver can convert stored glycogen back into glucose, which diffuses into the blood to restore the normal blood glucose conc.
Associated with regulating blood sugar in the liver, outline what is gluconeogenesis is.
Gluconeogenesis is the prodicerion of glucose from source either than carbs.
This occurs when it’s supply of glycogen is exhausted, so the liver produces glucose from non-carb sources eg glycerol and amino acids.
Why is homeostatic control of blood glucose so important?
Because if the conc falls too low, cells will be deprived of energy and die - brain cells are especially sensitive (as they can only respire glucose).
Also, the the conc rises too high, it lowers water potential of the blood and creates osmotic problems that can cause dehydration.
What are the 3 sources of blood glucose?
- diet, glucose is absorbed following hydrolysis of other carbs eg starch, maltose
- glycogenolysis in small intestine, hydrolysis of glycogen to glucose
- gluconeogenesis, the production of glucose from sources other this carbs
What are the main hormones involved in maintaining a constant blood glucose concentration?
Insulin, glucagon and adrenaline.
What do B cells in the islet of langerhans detect?
They have receptors to detect the stimulus of a rise in blood glucose conc. And they respond by secreting insulin directly into blood plasma.
Outline how insulin lowers blood glucose conc when it’s too high.
- Insulin binds to glycoproteins.
- This increases the permeability of muscle-cell membranes to glucose, so the cells take up more glucose. This involves increasing the no of channel proteins in the cell membrane.
- Insulin also activates enzymes in liver and muscle cells that convert glucose into glycogen (glycogenesis).
- The cells are able to store glycogen in their cytoplasm, as an energy source.
Outline how glucagon increases blood conc when it’s too low.
- A cells of the islets of langerhans detect a fall in blood glucose conc.
- Glucagon attached to specific protein receptors on the cell-surface membrane of liver cells.
- This activates the enzymes that convert glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis)
- Glucagon also activates enzymes involved in the conversion of amino acids and glycerol into glucose (gluconeogenesis).
Why are hormones slower than responses produced by nerve impulses?
Because hormones travel in the blood.
Why do hormones have longer lasting effects than neurotransmitters?
Because hormones are not broken down as quickly as neurotransmitters.
Define homeostasis.
The maintenance of an internal environment within the restricted limits in organisms.
It is the ability to return to the optimum point (negative feedback) and so maintains organisms in a balanced equilibrium.
Why is homeostasis important?
To maintain the right body core temperature and blood pH. This is because these affect enzyme activity, and enzymes control the rate of metabolic activity.
Why is homeostasis important for pH?
Because if blood pH is too high or low, enzymes become denatured as the hydrogen bonds that hold the, in their 3D shape are broken, so the shape of the active site is changed and no longer works as a catalyst and forms E-S complexes, so metabolic reactions are less efficient.
Why is homeostasis important in maintaining glucose concentration?
- if blood glucose conc is too high, the water potential of blood is reduced to a point where water molecules diffuse out of cells into the blood by osmosis, causing cells to shrivel up and die.
- if blood glucose conc is too low, cells are unable to carry out normal activities as there isn’t enough glucose for respiration to provide energy.
What is negative feedback?
When a deviation from the normal range (stimuli, detected by receptors) are restored to their original level (by effectors).
Why are there multiple feedback mechanisms?
This gives more control over your internal environment. As one negative feedback mechanism means a slower response and less control.
What is a receptor?
This detects any deviation from the optimum point (stimulus) and informs the coordinator.
What is a coordinator?
This coordinates info from receptors and sends instructions to an appropriate effector.
What is an effector?
Eg a muscle, gland. This brings about the changes needed to return the system back to the optimum point.
What is a feedback system?
When a receptor responds to a stimulus created by the change to the system brought about by the effector.
What is a +ve feedback system?
When a deviation from an optimum causes changes that result in an even greater deviation from the normal.
Why isn’t +ve feedback involved in homeostasis?
Because it doesn’t keep your internal environment stable.
When does blood glucose conc rise?
After eating food containing carbs.
When does blood glucose conc fall?
After exercise.
Why does blood glucose conc fall after exercise?
Because more glucose is used in respiration to release energy.
What secretes insulin into the blood?
B cells
What secretes glucagon into the blood?
Alpha cells
What do alpha cells secrete?
What do beta cells secrete?
What does glucagon do?
Raises blood glucose conc when it’s too low.
Outline the action of glucagon.
- Binds to specific receptors on the cell membranes of liver cells.
- It then activates enzymes which hydrolyse glycogen -> glucose (glycogenolysis)
- Also activates enzymes involved in the conversion of glycerol and AA -> glucose (glucogenogenesis)
What does insulin do?
Lowers blood glucose conc when it’s too high.
Outline the action of insulin.
- Binds to receptors on cell membranes of liver and muscle cells.
- This increases the permeability of muscle-cell membranes to glucose, so the cells take up more glucose using channel proteins.
The cells can then store glycogen in their cytoplasm as an energy source. - Also activates enzymes involves in the conversion of glucose -> glycogen (glycogenesis)
How to remember which name for the regulation of blood glucose?
“Genesis” means making.
So glycogenesis = glucose -> glycogen.
So glucogenesis = AA, glycerol -> glucose.
BUT “lysis” means splitting.
So glycogenolysis = breakdown of glycogen -> glucose.
Where is adrenaline secreted from?
The adrenal glands.
When is adrenaline secreted? And therefore why is it secreted?
It’s secreted when there’s a low concentration of glucose in the blood eg after exercising.
It gets the body ready for action by making more glucose available for muscles to respire.
Outline the action of adrenaline.
- Adrenaline attaches to protein receptors in cell surface membranes of target liver cells.
- This activates enzymes that cause glycogenesis (glycogen -> glucose).
Outline how adrenaline and glucagon act via a second messenger.
- Their receptors have a specific tertiary structure. So A and G complementary bind, and activate adenylate cyclase (enzyme).
- Once activated, adenylate cyclase converts ATP -> cAMP (a second messenger (chemical signal)).
- cAMP then activates protein kinase A. This then activates a chain of reactions that hydrolysis glycogen -> glucose (glycogenesis).
Why does your blood glucose concentration fall after exercise?
Because more glucose is used in respiration to release energy.
What is the process of breaking down glycogen into glucose?
What is diabetes?
A disease in which a person is unable to metabolise carbohydrate, especially glucose.
What is diabetes mellitus?
Aka sugar diabetes. Occurs when blood glucose concentration can’t be controlled properly.
Outline type 1 diabetes.
The immune system attacks the B cells in isles of Langerhans so they can’t produce any insulin.
After eating, blood glucose levels rise and stay high (hyperglycaemia). The kidneys can’t reabsorb all this glucose, so some is excreted in urine.
How is type 1 diabetes controlled?
Insulin injections. But if the patient takes too much insulin, they will experience hypOglycaemia (a dangerous drop in blood glucose levels).
Outline type 2 diabetes.
The B cells don’t produce enough insulin, or body cells don’t respond properly, because the insulin receptors in their membranes don’t work properly, so cells don’t take up enough glucose. This means blood glucose concentration is higher than normal.
How is type 2 diabetes treated?
By eating a healthy, balanced diet, losing weight and Regan or exercise.
How can you test for diabetes?
Higher concentrations (than 0.8mM) of glucose in the urine. Tested using colorimetry.
What are the main functions of the kidneys?
To excrete waste producers eg urea. And to regulate the water potential of the blood.
The Bowman’s capsule is in the nephron. Outline it.
BC is the closed end at the start of the nephron.
In the nephron is the proximal convoluted tubule. Outline what this is.
A series of loops surrounded by blood capillaries.
In the nephron is the loop of Helne.
A long loop that extends from the cortex into the medulla of the kidney and back again. Surrounded by blood capillaries.
In the nephron is the distal convoluted tubule. Outline this.
DCT is a series of loops surrounded by blood capillaries.
In the nephron is the collecting duct. Outline this.
A tube into which a number of convoluted tubule from a number of nephrons empty.
In a nephron, what is an afferent arteriole?
A tiny vessel that arises from the renal artery and supplies the nephron with blood.
If enters the renal capsule of the nephron where it forms the glomerulus.
In the nephron is the glomerulus. Outline this.
A knot of capillaries from which fluid is forced out of the blood.
These recombine to form the efferent arteriole.
In the nephron is the efferent arteriole. Outline this.
A tiny vessel that exits the renal capsule.
It carries blood away from the renal capsule and later branches to form the blood capillaries.
What is osmoregulation?
The homeostasic control of water potential of the blood.
Where is the loop of helne found?
In the medulla (inner layer of the kidneys).
The loop of helne is made up of the…
Descending and ascending limb.
Outline how the loop of helne maintains a sodium ion gradient.
- At the top of the ascending limb, Na+ ions are pumped out into the medulla by active transport. Water stays inside the tubule (as its impermeable to water) creating a low water potential in the medulla.
- Bc of the lower water potential in the medulla than descending limb, water moves out of the descending limb into the medulla by osmosis. This makes the filtrate more concentrated. The water in the medulla is reabsorbed into the blood through the capillary network.
- Near the bottom of the ascending limb, Na+ diffuse out into the medulla, further lowering the water potential in the medulla.
- Water moves out of the distal convoluted tubule by osmosis and is reabsorbed into the blood.
What doe osmoreceptors do?
Monitor the water potential of the blood.
Where are osmoreceptors found?
In the hypothalamus.
What happens when the water potential of blood decreases?
- This is detected by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus.
- The posterior pituitary gland is stimulated to release more ADH into blood.
- More ADH means the DCT and collecting duct become more permeable, so more water is reabsorbed into the blood by osmosis.
- A small amount of highly concentrated urine is lost.
What happens to blood ADH when you’re hydrated?
- The high water potential is detected by osmosreceptors in hypothalamus.
- The posterior pituitary gland releases less ADH into blood.
- Less ADH = the DCT and collecting duct become more permeable, so less water is reabsorbed into the blood by osmosis.
- Larger amount of dilute urine is produced.