Homeostasis Flashcards
State that the nervous system consists of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nerves, and is composed of cells called neurons that can carry rapid electrical impulses
The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), and contains cells called neurons that carry rapid electrical impulses.
Draw and label a diagram of the structure of a motor neuron
- dendrites
- cell body with nucleus
- axon
- myelin sheath
- nodes of Ranvier
- motor end plates
State that nerve impulses are conducted from receptors to the CNS by sensory neurons, within the CNS by relay neurons, and from the CNS to effectors by motor neurons
Sensory neurons - receptors to CNS
Relay neurons - within CNS
Motor neurons - CNS to effectors
Define the resting potential and action potential (depolarization and repolarization)
Resting potential
- electrical potential across plasma membrane of cell (eg. neuron) that is not conducting a pulse
- maintained by active transport and negative ions
- electrical potential of -70mV
• Na-K pumps use ATP to pump out 3Na+ for every 2K+ in
• establish electrochemical gradient (+ve outside, -ve inside)
• [-] organic molecules (eg. proteins, aa, phosphates) and Cl- are in cytoplasm
Action potential
- momentary reversals (depolarization) and restoration (repolarization) of electrical potential across plasma membrane
Explain how a nerve impulse passes along a non-myelinated neuron (axon)
A. Resting Potential - neuron’s initial state (-70mV)
B. Threshold Level - sufficient level of electrical stimulation causes depolarization of entire axon
- Na+ enter cell body by stimulation of dendrites
- frequent signals from another cell
- local currents in axon
C. Depolarization - cytoplasm net +ve while outside net -ve
- voltage-gated ion Na+ channels open
• Na+ diffuse into neuron down concentration gradient
• reversal of charges
- local currents occur when Na+ diffuses to next segment of axon
• Na+ gates along axon open as currents move
- +30mV electrical potential
D. Repolarization - restoration of net -ve inside and net +ve outside
- begins once inside is net +ve
- Na+ gates close so K+ gates open
• K+ diffuses out of neuron down concentration gradient
E. Refractory period/Undershoot - time required (1-2ms) before neuron can send another impulse
- resting potential restored by Na-K pumps
- inside cytoplasm is too negative until electrochemical gradient re-established
Explain the principles of synaptic transmission
- junctions between 2 neurons is a synapse
- plasma membranes separated by fluid-filled synaptic cleft
- neurotransmitters are chemicals that pass messages from pre- to post-synaptic neuron
- Nerve impulse reaches end of pre-synaptic neuron
- Depolarization of membrane opens Ca+ gates
- Vesicles of neurotransmitters fuse with membrane, releasing into synaptic cleft by exocytosis
- Neurotransmitter diffuses across cleft, binding to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
- Receptors (transmitter-gated ion channels) open; [+] ions diffuse into neuron, depolarizing membrane
- Depolarization passes down neuron as action potential
- Neurotransmitter in cleft broken down to prevent continuous transmission (ie. acetylcholine broken down by cholinesterase); Ca+ pumped out of pre-synaptic neuron
State that the endocrine system consists of glands that release hormones that are transported in the blood
The endocrine systems contains glands that release hormones (transported in blood)
State that homeostasis involves maintaining the internal environment at a constant level or between limits, including blood pH, carbon dioxide concentration, blood glucose concentration, body temperature and water balance
Homeostasis involves maintaining the internal environment at a constant level or between limits
- blood pH (7.35)
- CO2 concentration
- blood glucose concentration (0.1%)
- body temperature (37 degrees C)
- water balance
Explain that homeostasis involves monitoring levels of variables and correcting changes in levels by negative feedback mechanisms
- constant monitoring and feedback maintains a dynamic equilibrium (remain stable within fluctuating limits)
- negative feedback monitors levels of variables and activates mechanism to restore internal conditions to original state
• prevents large changes - changes always causes opposite effect
- Monitor (sensor/receptor)
- in organs
- receive signals
- send messages to integrator
eg. increased CO2 detected by chemoreceptors in brain stem - Coordinating Centre (integrator)
- receives informationfrom receptor and relays to regulator
eg. brain sends message to respiratory muscles - Regulator (effector)
- restores normal balance
eg. diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract more often to reduce CO2 levels
Explain the control of body temperature, including the transfer of heat in blood, and the roles of the hypothalamus, sweat glands, skin arterioles and shivering
- thermoregulation is maintenance of body temperature within a range
- hypothalamus monitors blood temperature and compares it to a set point (37 degrees C)
- if higher/lower, sends signal to body parts making them respond (return temperature to normal)
- responses affect rate of heat production, transfer, and loss
- Response to chilling
- skin arterioles narrow to bring less blood to skin
- shunt vessel opens so less blood flows through capillaries
- temperature of skin drops so less heat is lost
- rapid contraction of skeletal muscles to generate heat (shivering)
- sweat glands do not secrete, skin is dry - Response to overheating
- skin arterioles widen so more blood flows through
- shunt vessel close so heat move from core to skin through capillaries
- temperature of skin rises so more heat is lost
- skeletal muscles are relaxed so no heat generated
- sweat glands secrete large amounts so skin is damp; water evaporates for cooling effect
Explain the control of blood glucose concentration, including the roles of glucagon, insulin and alpha and beta cells in the pancreatic islets
- increase/decrease in blood glucose results in decrease/increase in levels (ie. change causes opposite)
- pancreas monitors level and uses hormones to ensure concentration stays in normal limits
- Role of glucagon
- hormone produced by alpha islets in pancreas
- cause liver/muscle cells to metabolize glycogen into glucose
- release glucose into blood
- increase of blood glucose in response to low levels (eg. during heavy exercise) - Role of insulin
- hormone produced by beta islets in pancreas
- cause liver/muscle cells to absorb glucose from blood
- stores glucose as glycogen in cytoplasm
- decrease of blood glucose in response to high levels (eg. after eating)
- stimulates other cells to use glucose instead of fat for cellular respiration
Distinguish between type I and type II diabetes
- diabetes mellitus is when control of blood does not work and concentration rises/falls beyond normal limits
Type I
- onset during childhood
- beta cells produce insufficient insulin
- injections control glucose levels
- diet cannot control condition
Type II
- onset after childhood
- target cells insensitive to insulin
- injections unnecessary
- low carbohydrate diets control condition
State that hormones are chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands into the blood and transported by the blood to specific target cells
Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands into blood and transported to specific target cells
State that hormones can be steroids, proteins and tyrosine derivatives, with one example of each
Steroids - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone
Proteins - PSH, LH, insulin
Tyrosine derivatives - thyroxin, epinephrine
Distinguish between the mode of action of steroid hormones and protein hormones
- amphipathic, enter target cells through plasma membrane
- bind to receptors in cytoplasm to form hormone-receptor complex
• move to nucleus and attaches to DNA
• regulate gene transcription
- water insoluble, cannot enter target cells
- bind to receptor in plasma membrane
• release of secondary messenger inside cell
• activation/inhibition of enzymes
Outline the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland
- hypothalamus links nervous and endocrine systems
- controls hormone secretion by pituitary gland
• hormones from pituitary gland control hormone secretion by other endocrine glands (eg. brain > FSH > estrogen)
Anterior Pituitary
- receives hormones (releasing factors) from hypothalamus via blood portal system
• capillaries join into portal veins which empty into lobe
• neurosecretory cells secrete releasing factors from nerve endings into capillaries
• causes cells of anterior lobe to secrete hormones into capillaries (eg. GnRH stimulates FSH/LH)
Posterior Pituitary
- hosts nerve endings of some neurosecretory cells
• synthesizes hormones, transporting down axons to store in nerve endings
• after stimulation, releases hormones into capillaries where distributed throughout body (eg. ADH, oxytocin)
Explain the control of ADH (vasopressin) secretion by negative feedback
- ADH regulates osmotic pressure of fluids by causing kidneys to increase/decrease water intake
- neurosecretory cells in hypothalamus synthesize ADH and transport down axons to store in nerve endings (posterior)
- osmoreceptors in hypothalamus monitor concentration of blood plasma (detect changes in osmotic pressure)
High [ADH] - kidneys reabsorb more water, urine volume decreases
- concentrated blood plasma (decreased water intake), high pressure causes osmoreceptors to shrink, sending impulses to neurosecretory cells
• stimulate release of ADH from nerve endings to blood
- ADH causes collecting duct to be more permeable to water, increasing reabsorption and lowering pressure (decreasing solute concentration)
Low [ADH] - kidneys reabsorb less water, urine volume increases
- if osmoreceptors detect low concentration of blood plasma (increased water intake), neuroseretory cells do not release ADH
• ADH can be inhibited by caffeine and alcohol
- ADH blood level drops, collecting duct becomes less permeable, less water is reabsorbed
Define excretion
Excretion - removal from the body of waste products of metabolic processes
Draw and label a diagram of the kidney
- cortex
- medulla
- pelvis
- ureter
- renal vein
- renal artery
Annotate a diagram of a glomerulus and associated nephron to show the functions of each part
- basement membrane
- podocytes (have finger-shaped projections which wrap around capilaries and provide support)
- fenestrated wall of capillary (full of pores)
- blood plasma
- erythrocyte (RBC)
- nucleus of capillary wall cell
Afferent Arteriole - (from renal artery) brings blood to nephron to be filtered, wide diameter increases pressure for ultrafiltration
Efferent Arteriole - (from glomerulus) removes blood from nephron, narrow diameter keeps pressure high
Glomerulus - knot-like capillary bed for ultrafiltration
Bowman’s Capsule - collects filtrate
Proximal Convoluted Tubule - specialized cells for selective reabsorption of solutes + H2O
Loop of Henle - establishes salt gradient in medulla, can pump out Na+ to cause reabsorption
• permeable descending, impermeable ascending
Distal Convoluted Tubule - reabsorption/secretion of ions for “finetuning”
Collecting Duct - permeability determined by ADH levels which regulate blood water content, site of osmoregulation
Explain the process of ultrafiltration, including blood pressure, fenestrated blood capillaries and basement membrane
- high pressure filtration
- occurs when blood from afferent arteriole enters glomerulus (capillaries are fenestrated)
- results in fluid moving from blood into Bowman’s capsule due to high pressure
• moves dissolved solutes from high to low pressure (glomerulus to nephron)
• fluids contain H2O, urea, minerals, glucose, aa, H+ - occurs at basement membrane, on outside of capillary walls
• only small molecules/ions pass through
• keeps plasma proteins, erythrocytes, platelets in blood (leaves via efferent arteriole)
Define osmoregulation
Osmoregulation - control of the water balance of the blood, tissue or cytoplasm of a living organism
Explain the reabsorption of glucose, water and salt in the proximal convoluted tubule, including the roles of microvilli, osmosis and active transport
- transfers water + solutes of filtrate inside nephron into proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) and back into bloodstream via capillaries
- maximized by microvilli on cells of PCT (project into lumen to increase SA)
- selective - occurs using active + passive transport proteins
• many mitochondria to produce ATP - reclaims all glucose + aa, 80% of minerals
• makes solute concentration of PCT higher than filtrate in nephron lumen - water moves passively via osmosis from filtrate to capillaries
• about 80% water in filtrate reabsorbed, 20% passes to loop of Henle
Explain the roles of the loop of Henle, medulla, collecting duct and ADH (vasopressin) in maintaining the water balance of the blood
a) Loop of Henle
- main role of creating area of high solute concentration in cells/tissue fluid of medulla
- descending is permeable to water not Na+
- ascending is permeable to Na+ not water
• sodium ions pumped from filtrate into medulla by active transport, creating hypertonic concentration gradient
- some water can move out of hypotonic descending by osmosis
• only dilutes fluid slightly as more Na+ pumped out than water
- leaves medulla hypertonic (filtrate leaves loop of Henle more dilute than arrived)
b) Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
- allows ion exchange between filtrate and blood to adjust blood levels
• selective reabsorption
• secretion into nephron
c) Collecting Duct
- runs through medulla to renal pelvis (then through ureters to bladder)
- walls permeable to water
• as filtrate passes through, high solute concentration causes water to be reabsorbed by osmosis
- ADH controls osmoregulation, alters permeability
• if water content low, collecting duct produces membrane channels (aquaporins)
• more water reabsorbed, smaller volume of concentrated urine
• decreased in absence of ADH (aquaporins broken down, little water reabsorbed, larger volume of dilute urine)
- negative feedback to keep blood content in limits
Explain the differences in the concentration of proteins, glucose and urea between blood plasma, glomerular filtrate and urine
Blood plasma - 90mg/100ml
Glomerular filtrate - 90mg
Urine - 0mg
• renal artery carries blood into glomerulus
• glucose is filtered into Bowman’s capsule
• reabsorbed through PCT, none in urine
Blood plasma - 30mg
Filtrate - 30
Urine - 2000
• nitrogenous waste product from metabolism of proteins
• carried in plasma, ultrafiltration moves it into filtrate
• removal of water from filtrate when passing through nephron results in increased concentration of urea when urine is formed
Plasma - 740
Filtrate - 0
Urine - 0
• carried into kidney by renal artery, too large to be filtered by glomerulus
• stay in capillaries and leave via renal vein
• no transfer of proteins, filtrate and urine do not contain
Explain the presence of glucose in the urine of untreated diabetic patients
- initial blood plasma glucose concentration much higher than normal (ineffective removal by insulin)
- pumps in PCT cannot reabsorb all glucose after ultrafiltration
- some glucose remains in filtrate, and so in urine