Homeopathy Acutes- Midterm Flashcards
What rubric might you use for “Exanthema”?
Hearing- loss, after exanthema
Rectum- diarrhea- eruptions
Fever- continued fever, eruptive
Fever- eruptive feavers- measles/ scarlatina
Ailanthus- Key notes
Re: Exanthema Mind-delirium- recognizes no one Nose- coryza, during scarlatina Face- expression anxious Tongue- brown Chill- as if water dashed over him Fever- eruptive fever- scarlatina
Re: Exanthema
Mind- escapes, attempts to, during fever
Mind- unconsciousness in scarlatina
Nose- sooty nostrils
Face- discoloration- ashy/grayish; black lips
Fever- continued fever- eruptive cold, viscous perspiration
Mouth- discoloration- tongue- black, sooty
Fever- eruptive fever, measles
Fever- typhus fever- petechial
Re: Exanthema
Head- inflammation of the brain, cerebrospinal
Nose- discharge, membranous
Face- cracks/ulcers/eruptions AT CORNER OF THE MOUTH
Mouth- discoloration, brown tongue
Fever- continued fever; scarlatina, septic fever, zygomatic fever
Eyebright Re: exanthema Catarrhal affections; catarrhal HA Acrid lacrimation profuse bland coryza Chill- chilliness with pain Chill not ameliorated in a warm room Fever descending Fever- measles Fever- paroxysm fever, short attacks
Abusive, Insulting, complaining of disease. delirium from jealousy, jealousy before menses
***Tongue catching on teeth
Re: Exanthema Mind; complaining of disease Mind- delirium- changing subjects rapidly Mind- lamenting about his sickness Chill-ascending, LEFT SIDED, beginning at calves Chill-shaking, desires to be held down Fever- heat, beginning in get Fever- irritative
Re: Otitis Ear: sensitive to open air discharges bloody eruptions on lobes, pimples noises in ear on waking noises in ear- cracking, as if a drum had burst during sleep ear pain- swallowing AGG **ulceration of lobes in earring holes
Nitric Acid
Cancer miasm
Hatred of those who wronged him, difficult to change mind
sense of duty, fear of cholera.
Re: Exanthema
Mind- anxiety of health/ hypochondria (4)
Delirium- escapes bed, jumps suddenly from bed
Chill- morning/evening- in bed AGG
Chill- urination- before/during AGG
Fever- night- dry burning heat
Fever- eruptive- scarlatina
Fever- succession of stages- chill accompanied by heat
Fever- traumatic
Re: Otitis Ear- discharge after measles eruptions behind ears in blotches cracking noises in ear Chewing AGG **Riding in car/carraige AMEL tumor- steatoma in lobes hearing impaired, accompanied by purulent discharge from ears
Re: exanthema Sitting stil AGG; Motion AMEL Chill: cold on R, Heat on L Chill on one side, or in one part Coldness in Blood vessels, dashed with cold water Chill followed by heat
Squilla/ Squilla
Cough Remedy lacrimation during cough Re: exanthema Chill-motion AGG Chill- stooping from rising AGG Chill- uncovering/ undressing Chill- walking AGG *Fever- coughing increases the heat* Fever- external heat (3) Fever- succession of stages- chill, internal heat Fever- aversion to uncovering
Re: exanthema
Chill- anterior part of body- turning in bed, starting with face
Chilliness during urination
Chilliness descending AGG
Chill- violent chill, with delirium
Fever- burning heat, with furious delirium
Fever, continued fever, cerebral
Fever- intense heat, convulsion, delirium
ddx: belladonna
Chill and fever ASC heat comes on after sleep fear of fever while chilly- frightened easily during fever *numbness of feet during fever Picking at bedclothes during fever Salivation during fever (Merc) Fever during dentition , SEPTIC FEVER NO HEAT DURING FEVER FEVER FROM WORMS HEAT AGGR
Re: Otitis Ear-eruptions, meatus boils Ear- itching, external ear Buzzing in ears, then the other Roaring in ears, lying AGG Hearing- acute deafness precedes ***Hearing- impaired- the human voice
Terebinthinae oleum
(Terpentine- strong affinity for the Kidneys!)
Mind- unconsciousness in scarlatina
Mouth- reddened papillae of tongue
*Kidney- acute inflammation, with bloody, smoky urine
*Chill, after exposure to tropical countries
Fever- eruptive- scarlatina
Fever- remittent- typhoid fever, prone to become
Fever- tropical
Easily startled, nervous sensitivity
*Mind- unconsciousness when eruptions are slow to appear Hearing- acute- voices and talking chill- air, from slightest draft *chill- touching anything cold chill- stormy weather AGG *Chill- holding cold things in hand Fever- continued fever, stupid form Fever- irregular scarlet fever
Tormenting others with his complaints (ddx Lachesis)
Affinity: brain, nerves, occiput, root of nose, blood
writing ago, cramping during writing, Wine AGG, cervical back pain
What rubrics might you use for “Otitis Media”?
Ear-inflammation- media Ear-inflammation-media-acute Ear-inflammation-media- chronic Ear-inflammation- media-vaccination, after (thuja/ sil) Hearing
REDNESS Re: Otitis Media: Ear-discoloration, redness Ear-heat, yet cold to touch Ear pain with sore throat Ear pain, swallowing AGG Ear pain, behind ears, extending to eyes *HEAT, SWELLING, BURNING/STINGING PAIN that is WORSE HEAT, COLD AMEL