Homeopathy Acutes- Final Flashcards
Hemorrhage Keynote: strike head against things during cerebral inflammation condylomata of the rectum that bleed blood clots in urine metrorrhagia after abortion, bright red
Yarrow (millefolium)
cough made from sundew plant, tubercular miasm cough starts as soon as head touches pillow cough is suffocative, with gasping have to hold their chest with cough nosebleeds/epistaxis with whooping cough
Drosera rotundifolia
allergic rhinitis with acrid nasal discharge
clear coryza, dc worse in evening , worse in warm rooms
runny nose from smelling roses/ peaches
hayfever in august
phantom limb pains
Allium sepa (red onion)
Eruptions on dorsum on nose
red blotches on palms of hands
patients want to separate themselves from loved ones and family members
aversion to wife, indifferent to loved ones, animated with strangers, delusion they must dissolve their marriage,
HA along cranial sutures
Flouric acid
Herpes zoster opthalmicus (3), herpes zoster
herpetic eruptions of cornea, chest, back
strongly indicated in post-herpetic neuralgia
Renunculus probolsa (sp?) water lilly
Sensation of cold cloth around the brain child is born with closed fontanelles cold wind aggravates HAs perspiration of occiput while sleeping odor of fish brine in the mouth just before an asthmatic attack
sinicula aqua
accesses and ulcers that BURN
burning carbuncles (3)
accesses purple, with stabbing/stinging pains
tarantula cubensis
note: with burning think also cantharis, anthracus and apis
hemorrhagic, nausea and cough hemorrhage with nausea hanging-down sensation in stomach stomach disordered after vexation nausea with cough, perspiration, nausea during delivery child puts fingers in mouth
child bore finger in ear
child bores finger in nose
asdf (?)
GI and skin pathology
pain in rectum with pressing of umbilicus (3)
Herpes zoster opthalmicus
confluent vesicles (vesicles touch)
drawing of nipple as by a string during nursing
crotum tiglium
Affinity for nerves with vertigo symptoms
vertigo during pregnancy, loss of vision during pregnancy, nosebleeds during pregnancy
during pregnancy, poses urine during cough
seasickness, car sickness,
really sensitive to loss of sleep (convulsions from loss of sleep), may night-watch
cocculus indicus
conditions of female genital that arise during pregnancy and delivery
delusion that they’re pregnant
chloasma during pregnancy
spasmodic contractions of os
Keynote: small joints of fingers inflamed
caulophyllum (blue cohosh)
urethritis and cystitis, agglutination of meatus of urethra
crawling/itching of fossa navicularis
cutting/biting pains in fossa naviculars after urination
skin eruptions, eczema and itching of scalp, eczema behind ears
eczema on chest or legs
only remedy with rectal fissures that burn
perspiration of sternum in the morning
cancer of old scars on breast
made from main active compounds in the loganacea family
remedy for convulsions when breathing stops (arrested respiration)
convulsions interrupted by painful shocks
convulsions on closing the door
crawling sensation of extremities after convulsion
Indicated with warts, highly sensitive warts
emotional sensitivity
warts of iris, gums, tongue
scars that are sensitive, post-surgical/ incision pain
Seizures, convulsions
fingers cramp during delivery (thing diosc too)
bellowing/barking before convulsions (3)
laughing/vomiting/weeping during convulsions
face cyanotic during convulsions
cuprum metallicum (copper)
Ulcer, accesses with lots of burning boils of septum, nose boils of the legs in small crops boils are blue in color recurrent boils in patients with T2DM
lots of itching in nose, main hayfever remedy
Keynote: child bores finger in ear (3), constantly
salivation with runny nose (coryza)
Discharge from ear, causes vesiculation of skin on lobe and underneath ear, side of neck(3)
circular eruptions where rings are interlocked/intersected
eruptions are circular (4)